
segunda-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2019

What is Isness Integration?

What is Isness Integration?

I will start by stating what it is not:

👉It is not Coaching per se
👉It is not Psychotherapy
👉It is not Hypnosis
👉It is not Regression

Now I will explain what it is:

It is a very loving process of reunion of our Personality Aspects back into our Essence, dissolving beliefs, habits, compulsions and addictions, emotions, behaviour and thought patterns - all of which are in themselves Aspects created to deal with life.

It is noteworthy that as Human Beings, we create Aspects to interact with the world around us all the time. It is a fluid, natural and seamless process. 

This flow becomes distorted whenever we encounter a perceived challenge to our “survival”, anything that causes us to feel endangered in some way, challenging our own capacity to cope with what life is bringing forth at any given moment.

We have it ingrained in our Survival System, to create a memory of anything that is somehow “stressful” so that whenever something similar happens again, we can automatically use the same response without having to understand it or define a conscious reaction.

This leads us to live in a constant loop of past conditioning, never fully surrendering to the new now and always striving to be in Control.

Our most efficient trauma alarm is the Fear of Lack, which can start off as a perceived loneliness when an adult does not attend to our cries and needs as a baby or child, leading us to feel distressed and endangered. This, in turn, will entice us to create ways to grasp attention, in other words recognition, in order to fulfil that perceived lack. 

Thus we grow with a fear of not having enough, a constant feeling of dissatisfaction and a consequent restlessness to pursue more outside in order to achieve that which is lacking inside. This feeling of emptiness, as if something were always missing, leads to a constant illusion of separation, of feeling lonely and fearing being alone or even denying being with others for fear of being hurt or fooled, but feeling empty nonetheless. Coupled with this is the fear of not being acknowledged, appreciated, recognised, accepted, feeling undeserving, not worthy - a victim.

The victim, however, is also the abuser and will show up as the saviour as well. This triangle is the landscape of illusion, the reason for all of Human predicaments and the key to liberation from separation. This “game” between victim/abuser/saviour, all in one and showing up intermittently as each one, holds in itself the addiction to drama, effort, suffering, struggle, fight… to justify existence, generating constant stress and therefore adrenaline. 

These and many more “defense mechanisms” play out in our lives in numerous creative ways, some more evident, some more subtle and they mostly live in our Subconscious and Unconscious Mind which is not necessarily located in our head, as we tend to believe. The brain, in our head, is an instrument for Personality Aspects, it is not the Aspects themselves.

Personality Aspects are locked in Time & Space everywhere in our physical body and can be accessed consciously in order to be acknowledged, accepted and dissolved through Isness Integration.

It is important to be aware that what is happening in our lives now is the result not only of what we are producing now but of what we thought, said and did in the past, not only in this lifetime but in our whole existence. This is generally called Karma - the Law of Cause and Effect. We usually access the whole bundle in stuck Aspects from this lifetime alone, but sometimes certain patterns are so crystallised and ingrained that we have to go back further to the root cause of what is occurring or has occurred in this lifetime. Some patterns go far far back into the multiverse of our existence, occasionally even beyond life on Earth. One way or another, when a memory is finally unlocked and allowed to come forth, all of the associated memories/aspects, including the emotions and habits associated to it are unleashed and very often legions of Aspects come back all at once. It is such a deep and graceful process that the Mind can definitely not grasp how it works, and it doesn’t need to. It is not its purpose. It can, however, be invited to cooperate instead of sabotage. 

The process works in 5 simple steps:

  1. 💚Awareness
  1. 💗Acceptance
  1. 💜Embracing 
  1. 💙Letting go
  1. 💖Freedom 

In order to effectively do this, first and foremost is allowing ourselves to land and Stay Home, in our own Safe Space in our Centre, where our Essence breathes its Compassion constantly, lest we be able to allow it. 

This is done through the practice of Conscious Breath, gradually letting go of the Mind’s chatter and falling deep down into our Essence’s embrace, into our feeling senses. 

Even when we think we don’t know something about ourselves, we can sense it and through our inner vision, our Essence’s wise eye, we can see/feel what was hidden. 

The Mind will initially fight against this process, for it is the theatre where all of the Aspects’ games gain life. By becoming aware of these games, we have the power to choose what to do with them and once we decide not to partake in a certain game we perceive, the Aspect that is playing it will have to “die”, in other words, come back Home and dissolve into no-thingness - the great pool of Isness in our Centre. It will do so voluntarily, once we no longer require it to serve us, which means no longer going after its gimmicks and being firm with our new choice. 

At the end of the day, coming back Home is all the Aspects really long for, just like our whole Human Self, which means that so long as we no longer need to pretend we are lacking something, it is a given that disintegrated Aspects will eventually return, dissolve, integrate and disappear. All energy ultimately seeks resolution. 

Once an Aspect is integrated in this way, all of the emotions associated to it also dissolve and there is a true sense of inner freedom. Aspects always leave us the gift of their experience as they dissolve, so the Wisdom remains with us always, it is just the trauma that disappears. 

Habits, compulsions and so on, sometimes persist beyond the Integration of the Aspect that created it, especially when it is a very strong Aspect - meaning it has been serving us a lot and for very long. This leaves some residual energy and the only thing to do is be aware of our behaviour and thoughts and not go along with the past patterns. Observe, acknowledge and move on in a new way.

Aspects are to our Human Self as the Human Self is to our Essence. It is always the Human Self that is required to use Free Will, be it to integrate Aspects, therefore relieving them of the protective duties they were created for, be it to merge with the Divine and surrender willingly to our Essence’s guidance.

The Human Self has to want to Stay Home for the Aspects to recognise there is a Home to return to, to know there is, finally, someone in charge, taking care of things. But it is not enough for the Human to be in charge. The Divine connection is essential to freedom from illusion, for only the eyes of the Soul can see through it and navigate without a map, fully in the Now, no concept of control needed.

Illusion cannot be controlled or resolved. It is what it is and then again it is what it is perceived to be. Only by moving beyond it can we see through it. Human perception is confined to illusion and therefore limited. Human and Divine combined go beyond illusion and are therefore unlimited. 

This is where this process differs from Psychotherapy: it not only introduces but also depends on the Divine Element, the surrender to feeling, to intuition, to Isness in order to discern and evolve. 

The Human is the Divine’s vessel to experience physical reality, but it is not limited or confined to it. In other words, God doesn’t come to you from somewhere out there. You surrender to God right here, within you, moment to moment. 

During the Integration process, we - your Essence and mine - create and nurture a Safe, Silent Space of Compassion where all is well. The Human simply allows.

This is why I began by saying my work is not Regression. On one hand, all Aspects derive from the past, even distorted future Aspects because they were created as a result of some kind of past experience so we keep on going back to realise what pattern is locked in Time & Space. On the other hand, we don’t really go back at all! We Stay fully Present, in our Safe Now Moment, right Here, breathing Compassionately. There is no level of judgement occurring and though the person doing the Integration process can feel how he/she felt at that painful time where the Aspect became disintegrated, this feeling is not analytic and there is no attempt to justify or condemn and no need to get caught up in the emotions that come forth. All of this is felt, observed and acknowledged from a fully conscious viewpoint and therefore not under a hypnotic state. 

Because the whole process is done through feeling, there is no analysis of what happened, why and so on, just a realisation of the whole issue through our deepest Wisdom. Once realised, the Aspect can then be invited back Home, in full acceptance and recognition of its purpose so far. No fighting, no arguing and no argumentation either. Aspects will try and get us caught up in argumentation, trying to get us to convince them that they are no longer necessary and explaining why. This is a sure way of staying tangled in the same patterns endlessly, as is getting angry at oneself, rejecting and denying oneself and of course fighting against oneself. This keeps the victim/abuser/saviour triangle in place.

If there is a need to fight, there is a need to defend and a need to save.

Through the Integration process we go beyond that, overriding the Mind’s need to understand and allowing our Wisdom to show us our deepest Truth moment to moment. 

This being said, an Aspect only dissolves completely when we walk our talk. This means that it is not enough to feel the Aspect dissolving into our Essence during the Integration, to make a new choice and realise which way we are going from then on. We really have to be coherent with this and pay attention not to fall back into the same habits all over again. 

Please bear with me for a second. Your whole reality, which has been created by you throughout your whole life, is full of automatic responses, of habits you have put into place to serve you. Now you have integrated an Aspect that you have realised no longer serves you, this doesn’t mean that your whole outside reality is instantly changed. It changes as you gradually live in a new way regarding that pattern the Aspect was keeping in place. You implement your newfound wisdom shining from within in real life. That’s how it works :)

So what we do in the Isness Integration is literally invite the Shadow to step out from its hiding place. We embrace it and take full responsibility for creating it. We use our creative ability to create a new way, a new perspective, a new reality, listening to our Essence’s wise guidance.

This is why it is essential to first be able to stay Home, in our Safe Space within, to feel our Essence, to be the observer, to allow and to trust the process.

At the end of the day it is not you doing the Integration, it is your Essence. You are just allowing yourself to become aware and using your Free Will to consciously choose with your Essence, to accept the invitation to listen to your deepest Wisdom and follow it. 

What effect does this process have?

It has profoundly healing and transformational effects, though I do not call it a therapy and I do not call myself a therapist. And why? Well, simply because our Essence is uncorrupted, whole and pristine and that is who we truly are. My Presence is profoundly healing, but so is yours. 

What we are doing is falling back into who we truly Are, breath by breath. This will of course heal the Human’s wounds, simply because it merges with the Divine, releasing more and more of the Illusions of form.

Who is this process for?

For those who are ready to Trust their intuition fully, to surrender to the reunion of Human & Divine, to accept their grandest nature, beyond illusion, to embrace Love.

One has to be determined, consistent, honest, transparent and allow. Compassion will lead the way.

This is not an appropriate process for people on any kind of psychotropic medication, including anti-depressants and sleeping pills. People embarking on such a journey will have been free from any mind-altering drugs for at least 3 months.

The person entering this journey Back Home, needs to be aware that it is their full responsibility to commit to the process of Integration, which happens 24/7. Our sessions are milestones on the way, where more awareness is brought up, where compassion is nurtured and the Safe Space is reminded, where Essence is felt and listened to very clearly, where the Mind cannot interfere but is invited to cooperate, in its own time and at its own pace, until one day it becomes an instrument of the Essence and not the commander of your life. It becomes thereafter very clear that life does not happen to you - it happens for you.

Living on this path of Integration is:

1 🙏Choosing to Cooperate With (Stay), rather than Fight Against (Go Out/Fear)
2 🙏Acceptance - taking full responsibility
3 🙏Allowing - using Conscious Choice to serve you
4 🙏Receptivity - openness to receive is coupled with allowing vulnerability. Armours cannot be kept in place for they not only stop what is outside but also what is inside from flowing.
5 🙏Trust and Surrender
6 🙏Letting go - releasing the need to Control
7 🙏Compassion - releasing the need to judge

The results are very profound, visible and in many instances bring about a complete change in all areas of one’s life for they are not separate but one whole unit, so when one part changes, all parts change.

You will definitely see things you don’t like about yourself and that are hard for the Ego to swallow. You will be challenged to the very core to be coherent and transparent. You will feel naked and vulnerable. You will perceive losses, only to come to realise they were burdens.

You will find you don’t know who you are, as you gradually let go of Personality Aspects, only to find out it doesn’t really matter because who you truly are will be felt, sensed, discovered as you integrate. You will feel very differently about many things you believed to be true and you will definitely become a different person altogether.

On the other hand, you will feel happier than ever before, you will no longer feel alone or endangered, you will discover a permanent “Comfort Zone” in the warm loving embrace of your Essence, you will find Peace you never knew was possible and discover abundance in the most magical ways. 

You will fall into the Love that you are and never feel you lack anything or anyone again. You will know the purpose of Life, of your Life and you will create what you truly want, which might be quite different from what you thought you wanted before. 

You will discover a new ease and grace and living will become the most sensual experience, as you unlock yourself. 

You will feel a pure, innocent bubbling Joy from within that will make you want to celebrate each moment. 

You will find Passion in life itself and you will overflow in Gratitude as the Magic takes over. Your life will become a constant discovery of beauty, synchronicity and balance as the Harmony between Human & Divine grows and all falls into One. You will know all is well in all of creation as you discover you are God also and nothing is permanent here on Earth, though you are eternal. 

You will smile for no reason and you will shine your Wisdom just by being Present. You will live in the Now, for there will be no other moment to live in and past and future will no longer be of any substance to you. 

Your health, your body awareness and perception will improve drastically and you will feel a strength, motivation, aliveness and youth you never felt before. 

You will become patient and calm. You will enjoy stillness and appreciate movement in a whole new way. You will finally be gentle and respectful to yourself and of course to others as a direct reflexion of this and you will no longer need to check your thoughts to dispel negative ones in favour of positive ones because what comes from your Essence is even beyond Positive or Negative. You will experience yourself beyond duality and find the Freedom you knew all along existed, somewhere… You will allow energy to serve you, instead of rushing after it. 

You will be thankful for all that you have gone through, releasing shame and guilt for good. You will realise that if it weren’t for such a degree of painful separation you would never have longed to reunite with so much determination, you would never really question yourself if there isn’t another way, you would never realise that the only one missing was You all along!

And so much more could be added…

What is unique about this process is the gentleness, the sweetness, the loving care and compassion constantly pouring from within to lighten the burdens that show up, to ease the way, to soothe the pain that is acknowledged and gradually it becomes easier and easier to simply Be until this newfound Love becomes your reality 100% of the time… or pretty much so. 

Please be aware that I am not making vain promises here. I am sharing what I live as a result of this process and what has happened with the people who have embarked on this journey. Each one is responsible for creating the conditions and allowing for all of this to truly happen. After all, you are the Master of your life and it is your choices that will determine which way you go and what then results from your thoughts, words and deeds. 

So if you’d like to start Isness Integration now that you know what it’s about, just reach out to me and we can begin creating your Safe Space together for the reunion of Human & Divine.

Other than individual Isness Integration Sessions, I hold Compassionate Breath Meditation Sessions, a Clarity Circle called Be Beyond Illusion every other month and 3 types of Retreats: The Pure Silence of Isness (4 to 6 days); Being Silence Retreat (4 to 6 days) and InPassion Breath Weekend (4 to 6 days). All are highly personalised experiences and involve awareness beyond illusion. 

All of my contacts and programmes are available at 

With Love 💞
T. C. Aeelah

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