
domingo, 22 de dezembro de 2019

About Allowing the Merlin within to manifest without

Allowing the Merlin within to manifest without is so much fun😁
Here in Portugal there has been a mighty storm these last few days, called Elsa, like the princess in the Frozen movie ❄️ Many floods, broken trees,people being moved out of their houses and so on, which I don't really know of but through a word here and there...
On the very strongest days of this whirlwind of elements, my partner, my son and I were at one of the most iconic hotels in Portugal, dating back to 1926, called Hotel Curia Palace Golf and Spa, enjoying a very peaceful time in our Queen Superior Room and relaxing Spa where there happened to be no one else... As we were looking out of one of the room windows, marvelling at the power of the wind, a tree broke right across the street from where I had my car parked. It was actually in front of a big tree also, which was thrashing and swaying violently with the strong wind. I was being told 'maybe you should move your car to the front of the hotel where there are no trees'. Seemed so foreign to me, this idea that I should be cautious. I smiled, fully sure there was no need to move. My car remained intact.
We were to have dinner with some friends, a lovely family with three radiant children who do not go to school... They were coming to meet us in order to go somewhere for dinner, but because the weather was so stormy outside we really didn't feel like going anywhere so we decided to surprise them by offering them dinner at the Hotel's excellent restaurant. Funnily enough, they sent us a message an hour before the settled time saying they would prefer to stay for dinner in the Hotel and it was on them😂🤣😅so we were all in the mood for gifting each other dinner which in the end we insisted on it being our treat, since we were at 'our' home😁
The day before we had chosen to visit a Majestic forest called Bussaco which was nearby. We went in the morning. It was supposed to have been raining heavily already but it did not rain. In fact, when we got back to the hotel we still went for a walk around the gardens to see the birds and deers. It started raining exactly when we were opening the Hotel's front door👌
Before arriving at Bussaco forest, we stopped at Luso, a small town most renowned for its therapeutic spring waters. Apart from the Thermal Spa where people come from everywhere for all sorts of treatments, there is a permanent spring in the patio outside, where 6 fountains incessantly share cristalline water, the same water that is sold all over the country and one of the best spring waters available. People can come and fill their bottles for free any time to take home and enjoy. As we marvelled at this abundance, filling our own bottles also, savouring the delicious sweetness and appreciating the pure transparence of these waters, I felt this flow from within: my own wellspring of Isness flowing joyfully for the pure bliss of existence itself. It was such a powerful feeling that my heart seemed to be beating from a stereo surround system that made everything so much more pristine. A true High Definition experience 😉 Gratitude. Deep Gratitude <3
The day after the big storm, we went to buy two motorbike helmets at a renowned Portuguese helmet producer and got a 25% discount on the already reduced price. On the way we saw many floods but none that affected our chosen path.
Later on, Pedro, my partner, who hardly ever buys any clothes, decided he definitely needed some new fancy jumpers, shoes and jeans and went into the most expensive shop in the mall we were going to the movies to. He wanted to buy things made in Portugal, once again, to support local commerce and production. The shop, however, was called Mike Davis, which he thought to be an American or English brand. Nevertheless he decided to try some things on. Turns out it is a Portuguese brand and almost everything in the shop was up for a 50% discount. Well, when he was about to pay, having chosen to take all the jumpers he had tried on instead of just one, the lady saw on his ID that it had been his birthday 3 days before and gave him an extra 15% discount👌😂
One of the most amazing things for me in the past year has been being able to go to super crowded places and not feel exhausted or in any way affected by the crowd. It is literally an interdimensional experience, I am there, fully Present, but at the same time I am in my own Peaceful reality, in my own deep Silence.
Now forward.
The day we arrived home, my son wanted to give me a new mouse for my new Mac, so we went to the local store. The one I liked the most, because it was Mac compatible, bluetooth, light and ergonomic, was also out of my son's available € so Pedro said he would offer the rest. When we got to the cashier, the price showing up on the machine was actually 10€ cheaper than was written on the rack so the shop, in fact, offered me a gift also 🥰
After that, we decided to have chips for lunch. We have been playing with reducing plastic waste and it has been so much fun to find new ways of shopping. Anyways, I'll share more about that another time. Instead of buying chips at the Supermarket, we had figured we could get them at a local restaurant that does really tasty homemade ones, taking our own box and cloth bag. The owner, in his usual joyful mood, ended up offering them as a Christmas gift😁
Then today we went down to the land at the end our property to plant some oak seeds and ended up coming back with a basket full of Pecan nuts from the magnificent tree that I most love on this land.
Why am I sharing all of this?
Just to share that abundance is very simply an overflow from within. Once we tap into it, it never ceases manifesting in all possible ways. It's not a question of deservability or even capability. It is just allowing ourselves to receive all that we Are💖... And it is an effortless and graceful flow. It is our Nature🌻
Wishing all the most awesome manifestations of the Abundance you/we truly are. A very blessed Christmas season to All and may we be able to celebrate many Merlin moments together🥂💓

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