
segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2020

The Crimson Throne

 The Crimson Throne👑

Last Friday I went shopping… something very rare, as I would much rather bask in my vegetable garden 🍆🥦🥒🌶🥕 and commune amongst the verdant garden and trees 🌳 which grace my view each day.
But this time I had a good reason to go out into the world and get myself what was required to make my new iMac feel really honoured 🙃 and serve me as it is meant to.
My go-to place is usually IKEA for home stuff, like the desk and office chair I imagined I required. So I set off on my shopping adventure.
Along the way, I started being invited from within to keep my eyes wide open because there might just be what I was looking for, long before arriving at IKEA.
Sure enough, a short while after this invitation, I looked to my right and saw a huge Shoe Store and what seemed like a home decoration shop right beside it.
Cool! Since I also needed a new pair of trainers this was just perfect. So perfect that the house decoration place was called Viva! Which translated from the Portuguese language means “Live” or “Hurray” 🎉
In I went and wow! There were armchairs in all sizes, shapes and colours, beautiful, elegant and absolutely heavenly comfortable. Hum. Yes, I could get one of these instead of a boring office chair. I smiled. Walked around the whole store. Sat on this one and that one and finally I came back to a crimson one - the only one in the shop, the one that was ideal for my new work throne 😁😍
Even the price was a numerology riddle: 90,99€ 😉
With my armchair neatly tucked into my car, as the girl who helped me bring it out fondly said goodbye to the very last of its kind, which she herself had wanted so badly for her own home, I went into the shoe store and got myself a pair of pink!! Yeah pink trainers and all of a sudden I also gave myself those summer flip flops I had been requiring for 2 or 3 months but hadn’t run into yet cause meanwhile my son had given me his, which are however a tad bit larger than they should be for my substantially smaller feet - smaller than his 👣🐾🤔
Happy with my first shopping success I set off desk hunting and eventually got to IKEA. But no. I wasn’t going to get one. It just didn’t feel necessary or the right place to get it now, if ever. So I just grabbed myself a tasty meal and an adjustable curtain rod and went on my way for the last leg of my journey, which had had the initial purpose of picking up my son to spend the weekend with me, long before it became a shopping adventure.
Long story short, the following morning, as I opened my eyes and set them upon the painting on my wall, lovingly crafted by my dear friend Luísa, I saw the armchair! A modified version of the one I had gotten the day before! Oh boy, did I laugh 😂🤣😅 For crying out loud, I had never ever imagined myself really sitting on this very same throne in my own living room / office but that is exactly what I got: a crimson throne fit for the Master Queen that I Am, the perfect seat for me to conceive my creations and share them with the world at large as I comfortably sit back and enjoy the ride in my new Spaceship (that’s what I call my iMac 🚀 )
And as to the desk… well I do not need one! Because the table I had all along is now the perfect fit for my Crimson Throne 🤪
The desk had not been my idea initially anyway. It was suggested as an appropriate acquisition for a proper work space. However, for me, it was the chair that really needed upgrading, just as the computer had, since the previous ones tended to heat up pretty fast, especially when I was editing my videos and breath sessions. The energy in them, and of course my own Presence, just seems to rev up the computers into heating up for no apparent reason. Well now my 10 core i9 processor had better live up to its full potential 🚀🚀🚀
So back to the chair turned throne and the beginning of this rewarding day. It had started off with my yummy yoga practice, which I have come to enjoy as I allow my body to gracefully stretch out at its own pace, sending deliciously sensual buzzes of warm lava up my spine and all over, leaving me with a blissful smile of contended openness in all joints, ready for my expanded reality to serve me.
Then I had an Isness Mentoring session with a client, a beautiful friend who is shifting from struggle to allowing, entirely and totally.
The session turned out to revolve around integrating euphoria - which is the mind’s way of mimicking joy, removing oneself from full Presence and thus from receiving the entirety of whatever triggered the euphoria in the first place.
This brought about my sharing of how the Human becomes a disciple of the Master within, who in turn is the Merlin in-between the physical and the non-physical, in-between Human and Divine. Once the Human has completely surrendered into the realisation that all he/she needs to do is allow a permanent Yes to the Master, who alchemizes the Divine’s gifts of expanded consciousness and offers them to the Human so he/she can experience his/her wholeness, a whole new dance ensues. A moment to moment dance of alchemy where the Human melts into the Divine and the Divine into the Human breath by sacred breath, whilst the Master dwells in the endless flow of Keahak - an eternally dynamic stillness, void of identity. The Human, in turn, uses identity in a clear radiance of what it gets from the Divine and the Master in-between, in order to express and interact in the world of physical form 🧙‍♂️
This is how I the Human, set off to pick up my son, whilst allowing myself to get the perfect seat for my work space, without ever having imagined it would be what it turned out to be, and thus not knowing where to find it, not needing to for the Master clearly showed me the way the Divine was providing, if I was willing to accept this invitation.
As a Divine Human my Yes is constant and thus I do not need to know anything, for it is known as I journey on, with the Master navigating, the Human not getting in the way of the Merlin’s alchemy, the constant fusion of physical and non-physical taking place as the Divine holds all of me in its compassionate lake of Isness.
Ahhhh it feels good to not have to struggle at “efforting” life forward, allowing it to manifest with simple ease instead. It’s like floating on an inflatable rubber bed, whilst drinking a delicious cocktail, as the serene waves of my tropical ocean rock me gently on my way 🏝
I, the Human, am simply the Sorcerer’s apprentice 💁‍♀️The Merlin me shows the Human me the “what”, the “where” and the “how” in the exact perfect “when”. No need to even formulate the questions. After all I am Human and the Human just experiences all that it is willing to allow.
As to the “why” - ah the “why”… Have no idea! Doesn’t really ever matter. It comes to me eventually, just like the realisation of the Crimson Throne gift that came my way.
It is really “blind” surrender to my super efficient Expanded GPS.
And so it is a Joyful celebration, in profound Gratitude 🙏🦋

sexta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2020

Falling into One /In EINS (One)fallen

A special thank you to Simome Krause for the translation into German 💜💓💜Translation down below

Danke Simone Krause für die Deutsche Übersetzung 💜💓💜

 While the world seems to be going crazy, with rampant fear, lies, corruption, violence and so much turmoil it is an absolute revolution of sorts, I know all is well and in fact something very special is happening beyond the apparent chaos. And the reason I know this is that my heart is at absolute Peace, my inner Silence expands endlessly each day, there are no ripples on the pristine lake of my Essence and my life is a serene breath of blissful Presence, each moment a discovery of deeper Wisdom, deeper Truth, an abundance so vast I cannot put words to it. Accepting the way things are and focussing fully on remaining an observer, fully aware of being in this world but not of it. I get to choose which realm of consciousness I dwell in.

In this short sharing of feeling through words, I have chosen to imbue each letter and all of the spaces in-between with the absolute Peace I feel in me. The complete knowingness that all is well in all of creation. This is the gift I would like to share with you, if you’d like to close your eyes just for a few seconds and breathe it in, as you gently land in it, as it gently lands in you.

Please know that I am fully aware of how physically painful it is to transmute old belief systems, behaviour patterns, habits, aspects of personality, old pain, anguish, fear, rage and so much more. On the other hand, I am also fully aware of what happens after these waves of massive physical discomfort which take place each time we come into a great epiphany within and decide to embrace the change it invites forth.

The only way to be able to sustain this level of transmutation from just Human into Divine Human is in the loving arms of our Essence, trusting it 100% of the time, even when our Mind has a million questions and doubts running around in circles. So the invitation, if by any chance you are facing this pain of death and rebirth, is stay with your breath as it holds your hand and keeps you in the warmth of your Presence, focus on your Centre, down below your navel, placing your hand wherever your body hurts most at the moment, just for comfort and care, allow yourself to love yourself so much that your commitment to this transformation is unwavering and your trust is unquestionable. Know that this too shall pass. Avoid entertaining the questions that pop up in your Mind. You will gain clarity as the wave of transmutation subsides and you fall into the new.

Also, it is relevant to be aware that these waves of transmutation happen many times, for the shift from just Human to the expanded consciousness of Divine Human is so massively intense that it simply could not happen all at once. We would become comatose and be switched off for months if it were so. Know that this is happening in the exact perfect rhythm, rate and intensity for you and even if it does seem rather too intense at times, breathe yourself into the Presence of Stillness and Silence within and let go of the noisy storm that is being brought up.

Wanting to shut the Mind up does not work, in the same way as wanting to make a whole crowd shopping and bartering in the marketplace to shut up does not work. It is you who has to choose where in this you want to be. You can remain in the noisy marketplace and yet focus on the Peaceful Presence within you, witnessing your successive death and rebirth as it unfolds.

Wanting to force parts of us we no longer want or need to disappear, come back Home, clear out, does not work either. You become aware of these, yes, and acknowledge them but acceptance, the full bloom of compassion, happens when you can continue trusting your Still Presence within, despite these parts of you, these Aspects of personality. You are the way-shower to your entire Self. As you stay firmly committed and focussed on the change you have chosen, these Aspects will dissolve, gradually, for lack of interaction and for not being required by you to perform your thoughts, words and actions.

This is a fully conscious process, beyond self-hypnosis or hypnosis of any kind and you will be aware as to whether you are ready for it by the firm invitation in your heart. When this comes, even if you think you might not be able to go ahead and take absolute and complete responsibility for all that you are, to transition from “I am not enough” to “I am not just this” and embrace this with all your will, if you are aware of the calling within, it is your time and you are capable, as long as you allow.

Control will show up in many ways, but each time you consciously let go of it, you step forward.

The whole process of merging Human and Divine is not something the Mind can grasp. It is not supposed to. It was created to serve you and it will, in time.

Patience is of the Essence. Kindness, gentleness towards yourself is key.

Remember: you are worth it. You are the entirety of your worth. How could you not be worthy of all that you already are?

Thank you for receiving it <3

German Translation:

In EINS (One)fallen
Während die Welt verrückt zu spielen scheint, mit grassierender Angst, Lügen, Korruption, Gewalt und so viel Aufruhr, ist es eine Art absolute Revolution, aber ich weiß, dass alles gut ist und tatsächlich etwas ganz Besonderes jenseits des scheinbaren Chaos passiert.
Und der Grund, warum ich das weiß, ist, dass mein Herz in absolutem Frieden ist, sich meine innere Stille jeden Tag endlos ausdehnt, es keine Wellen auf dem unberührten See meiner Essenz gibt und mein Leben ein heiterer Hauch glückseliger Gegenwart ist, jeder Moment eine Entdeckung von tieferer Weisheit, tieferer Wahrheit, eine Fülle, die so groß ist, dass ich sie nicht in Worte fassen kann.
Akzeptieren, wie die Dinge sind, und sich voll und ganz darauf zu konzentrieren, ein Beobachter zu bleiben, der sich bewusst ist, in dieser Welt zu sein, aber nicht von ihr.
Ich kann wählen, in welchem ​​Bewusstseinsbereich ich mich aufhalte.
In diesem kurzen Austausch von Gefühlen durch Worte habe ich mich entschieden, jeden Buchstaben und alle Zwischenräume mit dem absoluten Frieden zu erfüllen, den ich in mir fühle. Das vollständige Wissen, dass in der gesamten Schöpfung alles in Ordnung ist.
Das ist das Geschenk, das ich mit dir teilen möchte, wenn du deine Augen nur für ein paar Sekunden schließen und einatmen möchtest, während du sanft darin landest, so wie es sanft in dir landet.
Bitte wisse, dass ich mir voll und ganz bewusst bin, wie schmerzhaft es ist, alte Glaubenssysteme, Verhaltensmuster, Gewohnheiten, Aspekte der Persönlichkeit, alten Schmerz, Angst, Pein, Wut und vieles mehr umzuwandeln.
Auf der anderen Seite bin ich mir auch voll bewusst, was nach diesen Wellen massiven körperlichen Unbehagens passiert, die jedes Mal auftreten, wenn wir in eine große Offenbarung bekommen und beschließen, diese Veränderung anzunehmen, die sie hervorruft.
Der einzige Weg, diese Ebene der Transmutation von nur einem Menschen zum Göttlichem Menschen aufrechtzuerhalten, liegt in den liebevollen Armen unserer Essenz, ihr 100% der Zeit zu vertrauen, selbst wenn unser Verstand eine Million Fragen und Zweifel hat, die im Kreis herumlaufen. Wenn du also zufällig diesem Schmerz des Todes und der Wiedergeburt gegenüberstehst, ist die Einladung, bei deinem Atem zu bleiben, während er deine Hand hält und sie in der Wärme deiner Gegenwart hält, konzentriere dich auf dein Zentrum, unten unter deinem Nabel, platziere deine Hand dort, wo dein Körper gerade am meisten weh tut, nur für Trost und Fürsorge, erlaube dir, dich selbst so sehr zu lieben, dass dein Engagement für diese Transformation unerschütterlich und dein Vertrauen unbestreitbar ist.
Wisse, dass auch dies vorübergehen wird. Vermeide es, die Fragen zu unterhalten, die dir in den Sinn kommen. Du wirst Klarheit gewinnen, wenn die Transmutationswelle nachlässt und du in das Neue fällst.
Es ist auch wichtig, sich bewusst zu sein, dass diese Transmutationswellen viele Male passieren, denn der Wechsel vom rein menschlichen zum erweiterten Bewusstsein des Göttlich-Menschlichen ist so massiv intensiv, dass es einfach nicht auf einmal passieren kann.
Wenn es so wäre, würden wir komatös und monatelang ausgeschaltet.
Wisse, dass dies in genau dem perfekten Rhythmus, Tempo und Intensität für dich geschieht, und auch wenn es manchmal etwas zu intensiv erscheint, atme dich in die Gegenwart der Stille und fühle die Stille im Inneren und lass den lauten Sturm los, der heraufgezogen ist.
Den Verstand zum Schweigen bringen zu wollen funktioniert nicht, genauso wie der Wunsch, eine ganze Menge zum Einkaufen und Tauschen oder Handeln auf dem Markt bringen zu wollen.
Du bist es, der wählen muss, wo du dabei sein möchtest.
Du kannst auf dem lauten Markt bleiben und dich dennoch auf die friedliche Gegenwart in dir konzentrieren und deinen aufeinanderfolgenden Tod und deine Wiedergeburt miterleben, wie sie sich entfaltet.
Teile von uns, die wir nicht mehr wollen oder brauchen, zum Verschwinden zwingen zu wollen, nach Hause zurückzukommen, auszumisten, geht auch nicht.
Du wirst dir dessen bewusst, ja, und erkennst sie an, aber Akzeptanz, die volle Blüte des Mitgefühls, geschieht, wenn du trotz dieser Teile von dir, diesen Aspekten der Persönlichkeit, weiterhin deiner stillen Präsenz in deinem Inneren vertrauen kannst.
Du bist der Wegweiser zu deinem ganzen Selbst.
Wenn du fest entschlossen bleibst und dich auf die von dir gewählte Veränderung konzentrierst, werden sich diese Aspekte allmählich auflösen, da es an Interaktion mangelt und sie (die Aspekte) ihre Gedanken, Worte und Handlungen nicht ausführen müssen.
Dies ist ein voll bewusster Prozess, jenseits von Selbsthypnose oder Hypnose jeglicher Art, und du wirst dir durch die feste Einladung in deinem Herzen bewusst, ob du dazu bereit bist. Wenn dies eintritt, auch wenn du denkst, dass du möglicherweise nicht in der Lage bist, die absolute und vollständige Verantwortung für alles zu übernehmen, was du bist, gehe von „Ich bin nicht genug“ zu „Ich bin nicht nur das“ über und nimm dies mit all deinem Willen an, wenn du dir der Berufung in deinem Inneren bewusst bist, ist es deine Zeit und du bist fähig, solange du es erlaubst.
Kontrolle zeigt sich in vielerlei Hinsicht, aber jedes Mal, wenn du sie bewusst loslässt, trittst du nach vorne.
Den ganzen Prozess der Verschmelzung vom Menschlichem und Göttlichem kann der Verstand nicht erfassen.
Er soll es nicht. Er wurde geschaffen, um dir zu dienen und wird es mit der Zeit tun.
Geduld ist das A und O.
Freundlichkeit, Sanftmut sich selbst gegenüber ist der Schlüssel.
Denke daran:
Du bist es wert.
Du bist die Gesamtheit deines Wertes. Wie könntest du all das nicht würdig sein, was du bereits bist?
Danke fürs Erhalten < 3 ❤
(Private Übersetzung Simone Krause - Facebook:

quinta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2020

Cair no Um em Ti

Enquanto o mundo parece estar a ficar louco, com o medo, mentira, corrupção e violência, em absoluto descontrolo e com tanta agitação que se trata de uma verdadeira revolução, eu sei que tudo está bem e que de facto algo muito especial está a acontecer para lá do caos aparente. E o motivo porque sei isto é que o meu coração está completamente em Paz, o meu Silêncio interno expande infinitamente de dia para dia, não existem ondas no lago límpido da minha Essência e a minha vida é uma respiração serena de Presença e bem-aventurança, cada momento é uma descoberta de Sabedoria mais ampla, de uma Verdade mais profunda, uma abundância tão vasta que não existem palavras para descrever este viver e sentir. Aceito as coisas como elas são e foco-me em permanecer o Observador, completamente consciente da minha Presença neste mundo mas sabendo que não lhe pertenço. Sou eu que escolho a que plano de consciência pertenço.

Nesta pequena partilha de sentir através das palavras, escolhi imbuir cada letra e todos os espaços entre elas com a Paz absoluta que sinto em mim. A completa sabedoria que tudo está bem em toda a criação. Esta é a dádiva que gostaria de partilhar contigo, se quiseres fechar os olhos por uns segundos e inspirar este presente, conforme aterras gentilmente nele, conforme ele aterra gentilmente em ti.

Por favor sabe que estou bem ciente da dor física que implica a transmutação de velhos sistemas de crenças, padrões de comportamento, aspetos de personalidade, dores antigas, angústia, medo, raiva e tanto mais. Por outro lado, estou também ciente do que ocorre depois da passagem destas ondas de desconforto físico massivo que nos assolam sempre que chegamos a uma grande epifania interna e decidimos abraçar a mudança que ela traz consigo.

A única forma de ser capaz de sustentar este nível de transmutação de ser apenas Humano para ser um Humano Divino, é nos braços amorosos da nossa Essência, confiando 100% do tempo, mesmo quando a nossa Mente tem um milhão de perguntas e dúvidas ás voltas cá dentro. Por isso o convite, se estiveres a passar por esta dor da morte e renascimento, é, fica no teu Centro, abaixo do umbigo, colocando a tua mão na parte d teu corpo onde estiver o maior desconforto de momento, apenas para sentires conforto e cuidado, permite-te amar-te tanto que o teu compromisso com esta transformação é inabalável e a tua confiança inquestionável. Sabe que também isto passará. Evita entreter as questões que surgem na tua Mente. Ganharás clareza conforme a onda de transmutação se apaziguar e caíres no novo.

É também relevante ficar consciente que estas ondas de transmutação ocorrem de tempos a tempos, pois esta mudança do apenas Humano para a consciência expandida do Humano Divino é tão massivamente intensa que não poderia ocorrer de uma vez só. Ficaríamos em coma e desligados durante meses se assim fosse. Sabe que isto está a ocorrer no ritmo, cadência e intensidade perfeitos para ti e mesmo que por vezes pareça demasiado intenso, respira-te para dentro da tua Presença de Quietude e Silêncio e larga a tempestade ruidosa que está em torno de ti.

Querer calar a Mente não funciona, do mesmo modo que querer calar uma multidão às compras e a regatear no mercado não funciona. És tu que tens que escolher onde queres estar. Podes ficar no seio do marcado barulhento e no entanto focares-te na Pacífica Presença em ti, testemunhando a tua morte e renascimento sucessivo, conforme se desenrola.

Querer forçar uma parte de nós que já não queremos nem precisamos a desaparecer, a voltar para Casa, a desintegrar-se, também não funciona. Tornas-te consciente, sim, e reconheces-las, mas a aceitação, o florescer completo da compaixão, ocorre quando consegues continuar a confiar na tua Presença Serena, apesar destas partes de ti, destes Aspetos de personalidade. Tu és o guia para toda tua personalidade. Conforme ficas, firmemente comprometido e focado na mudança que escolheste, estes Aspetos dissolver-se-ão, gradualmente, por falta de interação e por não serem requeridos por ti para executar os teus pensamentos, palavras e ações.

Este é um processo inteiramente consciente, para lá da auto-hipnose ou da hipnose sob qualquer forma e terás a perceção se estás preparado/a através do convite firme no teu coração. Quando este chegar, mesmo que penses que talvez não sejas capaz, avança e toma inteira e completa responsabilidade por tudo o que és, transitando do “eu não sou o suficiente” para o “eu não sou apenas isto” e abraça esta transição com toda a tua vontade, pois se estiveres ciente do chamado interno, é chegado o teu tempo e tu serás capaz, na medida que o permitas.

O control aparecerá de muitas formas, mas de cada vez que o largas conscientemente, dás um passo adiante.

O processo de fusão Humano e Divino não é algo que a Mente possa compreender. Não é suposto que assim seja. Ela foi criada para te servir, e assim será, a seu tempo.

A Paciência é essencial. Gentileza, carinho contigo mesmo/a são a chave.

Recorda: tu vales a pena. Tu és a totalidade do teu valor. Como poderias não merecer tudo o que já és?

Obrigada por te permitires recebê-lo <3