
quinta-feira, 24 de junho de 2021

Becoming One? / Tornarmo-nos Um?

 Becoming One?

Each and every single one of us is an emanation from the Wholeness of all that Is, also called Source or Divinity. 

What this means in very simple and practical terms is: there is no one, absolutely no one, that does not have the same wholeness and all of its intrinsic powers within.

Nevertheless, in order to experience itself further and beyond just being all, each of us, each emanation of the One, has been given singularity, complete with the creative ability to experience anything and everything, with no judgement whatsoever as to whether that which we are creating at any given instance is Light, Dark or any colour in-between. 

The only possibility to do this has been to keep our Wholeness in a treasure chest, firmly hidden away from our momentary perception whilst living all possible entanglements of duality. 

However, we have never ceased to be that Wholeness. We cannot. For we are that. But the removal of that awareness from our immediate perception has been essential to expand possibilities of experience. Hence, our so-called forgetfulness of who we truly are.

This is why there seems to be others, when in fact there are simply a myriad of singularities experiencing facets of existence in unique ways. There is and never has been, in the wholeness of each One, a real separation from Wholeness, though there have very tangibly been endless experiences of separation.

Now, once one remembers “Oh! I am not just a helpless, hopeless Human”, then, all parts of our experience that may have remained stuck in oblivion, kept out of reunion for being deemed unworthy, each and all parts start coming forth for awareness to embrace and thus reunite.

This can only happen if:

  • We are not caught up in suffering, blame, shame, guilt, self-pity or pity for others.

As long as we are caught up in these experiences, we are not perceiving ourselves or any other emanation of Isness to be whole. We are aware of just a part of our intrinsic Truth.

And this creates a painful chasm. The chasm between the knowingness in us and the choice to still remain in the illusion of separation.

So whenever one perceives another as needing to be saved, this very perception leads to an act of separation: viewing the other as less than whole and therefore needing to be removed  from their suffering. The same happens when one perceives the need to fight against something or someone. Again there is a perception of separation that leads to an act of war.

Many complain about the hightened sensitivity of being an empath. But there are two ways of living this blessing of expanded awareness:

  1. In separation, and therefore not in recognition of each other’s wholeness, irrespective of what each one is experiencing in this world where duality is possible in all forms.
  2. In full awareness of each one’s wholeness and therefore in honour of each one’s experience. After all, none of us is finite. Only the world of form is in constant passing.

If the world around you is somehow causing you pain, this is your grandest opportunity to allow more of the Love of who you truly are to be given to every single part of you that is not yet loved, in other words, fully accepted with no shadow of the slightest doubt, judgement or separation. 

If you feel the need to run for shelter, feel unsafe when stepping outside, feel challenged in the presence of others, feel torn with pity for other human’s plight, feel identified with any one part of experience, needing to take sides, feel impossibly frustrated and overwhelmed with being on Earth amongst so many other humans and so much nonsensical insensitivity - it is time to stop. Come back into yourself and ask: who am I? Which part of me is still unloved? How much love can I allow myself to be?

And the amazing thing is that there is only one answer for each one of these questions:

You are God Also, in other words Source existing. The Love that Is All. Any unloved part is simply a result of perceiving yourself to be less than Whole.

Either you realize you Are Love itself or you are separate from that which you Are. 

What is Love then?

Again there are two ways of perceiving it: from the point of view of the Human that does not remember or from the point of view of the Human that knows him/herself to Be.

Since you are reading this, I am sure you have remembered you are a Divine Being living a Human experience. So I ask you: Do you have the courage to release any and all attachment to the garbs and accoutrements of who you have experienced yourself to be so far, in order to allow the full realization of the wholeness that you truly are to serve your experiences from now on, moment to moment, and thus, to serve one and all of those you perceive to be others?

It is not about becoming One. That is something each One has always been. It is truly about realizing One within and hence, reflecting it everywhere and anywhere.

May these not be just words that you read and know to be real. May this be the spark of knowingness. The letting go. The full surrender to the Wholeness you have always been. Each one is and cannot not be.


Text by T. C. Aeelah
Photo by: Sergey Katyshkin

Tornarmo-nos Um?

Todos e cada um de nós é uma emanação da Inteireza de Tudo o que É, também chamada de Fonte ou Divindade.

O que isto significa em termos muito práticos é que: não há ninguém, nem sequer um único ser, que não tem em si a mesma inteireza e com ela todos os poderes que lhe são intrínsecos.

No entanto, para se poder experienciar para além de ser simplesmente tudo, cada um de nós, cada emanação do Um, recebeu em si a singularidade completa em si mesma com a habilidade para experienciar seja o que for, sem qualquer julgamento sobre o que se está a criar em dado instante, desde o mais Claro ao mais Obscuro a todas as cores intermédias. 

A única forma de fazer isto tem sido a de manter a nossa Inteireza numa arca de tesouro, firmemente escondida da nossa perceção imediata, enquanto nos permitimos viver todos os possíveis enredos da dualidade. 

Ainda assim, nunca deixámos de ser essa Inteireza. Não podemos. Pois é o que somos. Mas a remoção dessa noção do que nos é possível perceber localmente, tem sido essencial para a expansão de todas as possibilidades da experiência. Daqui decorre o nosso esquecimento de quem realmente somos. 

É por este motivo que parece haver outros, quando de facto simplesmente há uma miríade de singularidades a experienciar facetas da existência de formas únicas. Não há nem nunca houve, na inteireza que cada um É, uma real separação dessa Inteireza, ainda que tenha havido inúmeras e incomensuráveis experiências de separação muito tangíveis. 

Uma vez que alguém se recorda “Ah! Eu não sou apenas um Humano impotente e desesperado”, então, todas as partes da sua experiência que estejam porventura presas no esquecimento, mantidas separadas, vistas como não merecedoras, cada uma dessas partes começa a vir adiante para que a consciência as possa abraçar e assim possa existir reunião.

Isto pode ocorrer apenas se: 

  • Não estivermos presos no sofrimento, na culpa e culpabilização, na vergonha, na auto-comiseração ou na pena dos outros.

Enquanto estivermos entretidos com estas experiências, não nos estamos a perceber a nós mesmos ou a nenhuma outra emanação do Ser, como verdadeiramente inteiros. Isto cria um fosso doloroso. O fosso entre o saber em nós e a escolha de permanecer na ilusão da separação.

Sempre que vislumbramos alguém como estando necessitado de salvação, esta perceção em si mesma leva a um ato de separação: ver o outro como menos do que o Todo e por isso necessitado de ser removido do seu sofrimento. O mesmo ocorre quando vemos necessidade de lutar contra algo ou alguém. Mais uma vez existe uma perceção de separação que leva a um ato de guerra.

Muitos queixam-se da sensibilidade exacerbada de ser um empata. Mas existem duas formas de viver esta bênção de consciência expandida: 

  1. Em separação, e por isso não em reconhecimento da inteireza de cada um, independentemente do que do que cada um está a experienciar neste mundo onde a dualidade é possível sob todas as formas. 
  2. Em completa consciência da inteireza de cada um e por isso em honra da experiência de cada um. Afinal de contas, nenhum de nós é finito. Apenas o mundo da forma está em permanente devir.

Se o mundo ao teu redor te está a causar dor, esta é a tua maior oportunidade para permitir que mais do Amor de quem realmente és seja dado a todas as partes de ti que ainda não são amadas. Por outras palavras, que não são completamente aceites sem sombra de dúvida, julgamento ou separação.

Se sentes necessidade de te abrigares e protegeres, se te sentes inseguro quando estás no mundo lá fora, se te sentes desafiado na presença dos outros, se te sentes atrozmente dorido com a dor dos desafios de outros humanos, se te identificas com uma parte, seja ela qual for, da experiência, se necessitas tomar partidos, se te sentes impossivelmente frustrado e assoberbado com estar na Terra, entre tantos outros humanos e tanta insensibilidade sem sentido - é o momento de parares.

Volta para ti e pergunta-te: quem sou eu? Que parte de mim ainda não é amada? Quanto amor posso permitir-me ser?

A coisa mais fantástica é que há apenas uma resposta para cada uma destas perguntas: 

Tu és Deus também, por outras palavras a Fonte em si mesma a existir. O Amor que É Tudo. Qualquer parte não amada é simplesmente o resultado da tua perceção de ti mesmo como menos que Inteiro.

Ou te dás conta que És o Amor em si mesmo ou estás separado do que És.

E o que é o Amor então?

Mais uma vez há duas formas de percebe-lo:

Do ponto de vista do Humano que não se recorda ou do ponto de vista do Humano que se sabe Ser.

Uma vez que estás a ler esta partilha, tenho a certeza que te lembras que és um Ser Divino a viver uma experiência Humana. 

Pergunto-te, pois: tens coragem de libertar todos os apegos às vestes e apetrechos de quem te tens experienciado a ser até agora, para poderes permitir que a plena realização da inteireza de quem realmente és possa servir as tuas experiências de ora em diante, momento a momento? Servindo assim um e todos os que percebes como sendo outros?

Não se trata de te tornares Um. Isso é algo que tu e todos sempre foram. Trata-se verdadeiramente de tomar consciência do Um em ti, e nisto, ser o reflexo desse Um que És/Somos em toda a parte.

Que estas não sejam meramente palavras que lês e sabes serem reais. Que esta seja a fagulha do Saber. Do deixar ir. Da entrega plena à Inteireza que sempre foste. Que cada um de nós não pode deixar de Ser. 


Texto por T. C. Aeelah
Foto por: Sergey Katyshkin

sábado, 19 de junho de 2021

Simplesmente Respira Direto 4 - Ouvir e seguir a Intuição, Viver no Flux...

Partilha mensal Simplesmente Respira em direto no Insight Timer, acerca de viver em confiança plena no sentir, uma respiração de cada vez, em sintonia e coerência interna, transcendendo os desafios do dia a dia pelo acesso à nossa sabedoria intrínseca. O tema de junho: como ouvir e seguir a intuição para viver no simples fluxo de Ser. Esta partilha inclui também práticas de Respiração Compassiva. #insighttimer #simplesmenterespira #tcaeelah

sexta-feira, 18 de junho de 2021

8/The Egypt Chronicles - Embracing The Uncharted Territory of Life: A Journey of Allowing


Giza and Cairo - The Wonders
6th March 2020
Part 2

After our profound experience at the Great Pyramids site, we are taken for a ride around the township of Giza - one of the most ancient settlings in the world.

Across torn roads framed by derelict buildings, we find ourselves immersed in an area of extreme poverty, where survival is ensured by fighting through each day. 

Through the grime, litter and distraught faces we pass by, worn by the struggles of a hard life, further clarity shines around the extreme discrepancies of duality. From the burial place of the Kings to the living quarters of the slaves, from unnameable riches to the deep trenches of lack, it requires a deep breath to bring my vision of these opposites into balance. All part of creation. All here for a reason, each their own journey to travel.

Finally we get to the place where we are shown how papyrus reeds have been transformed into parchment across the ages. Interesting process.

Of course the final aim is for us to buy something… And I do. Isis. Glorious Isis… She, who invited me back to Egypt, is the one I choose to bring with me in honour of the Wisdom She radiates. An Aspect of our Divine Self, reuniting Light and Dark in the delicate balance that removes the veils of  illusion.

The essential oils shop is right next door and we are invited to be shown their exquisite scents and properties. It is a rhapsody of aromas which captures us in the rapture of their loving bounty. 

With the electric tingling of our uplifting contact with the pyramid earlier on, the Presence of Isis’s loving care and the mesmerising concoction of so many smells, the feeling of these oils on our skin, the power of Egypt herself, I become lightheaded and intensely expanded, very aware of my physicality as well as of my intangibility, the orgasmic force of life flowing in my veins, accelerating my cells and filling me with Gratitude.

Joana and I buy a combination of 4 essential oils which over a year later I am still using.

I have actually become quite a fan of these oils and use nothing else on my skin. Now I also use oils on my hair and it is healthier than ever before. A combination of Egypt and has India brought me these precious elixirs and made my life even simpler, just as I have chosen. I am definitely not a good fit for the consumer market of cosmetics and so many other things I find utterly superfluous.

The other day I was reflecting on how we as a whole society of consumers have been tricked into believing that having huge supermarkets where we can buy virtually anything has made our lives easier and saved us time. 

Now that I live in the countryside and have the privilege of having my own vegetable garden together with contacts nearby of people who produce organic food that I don’t have here and might want to have now and then, I have weaned myself off of so many household products that going shopping to a supermarket is a fortunately seldom necessary chore. Very seldom in fact. 

For me it is tiring to have to choose out of so many products for just one thing, especially because I have made the option of buying as little plastic packaged goods as possible so it really requires a whole lot of attention. It is literally like coming into a minefield with sticky hands trying to grab you at every corner saying “take me, I am delicious” or “take me, you need me, I am excellent”. It makes me smile.

And the time I now save not having to go shopping or to take out the rubbish all the time, I use to enjoy playing in the vegetable garden, picking and preparing the bountiful kilos of fruit that come out all at once and mesmerising at the rich colours, scents and feelings that nature provides us with - the joyous vitality of aliveness instead of the dead stiffness of the artificially lit supermarket aisles. 

I have concluded that it is an illusion that having everything packed and ready on supermarket shelves is practical and saves us time. Even if one chooses the option of going through those same aisles on an online application and then having them delivered at home, it is still an artificial foray into a concrete jungle and it takes huge amounts of time.

The thing is that so called modern life, where people have to work out of home and thus have very little time to appreciate their dwellings and tend to their gardens so much so that they cement everything and put in plastic grass, this modern life has enslaved everyone into believing that it is less time-consuming and more practical when in fact it is just another way of keeping us entertained and busy at work for that very purpose of buying more. 

Amazingly, it is the fact that people have jobs where they have to fulfil a certain amount of hours per week that has brought about this massive availability of excessive things to consume. Too many hours are taken up by jobs that we are told we need, thus making us busy and therefore making our existence justifiable and worthy! And because there are so many paid hours toiling at a job out there, a massive amount of things has to be produced and thus consumed and so on and on and on.

When we stop. Step back. Choose a different way of life. We realize that it was all just a form of entertainment but there are many others and we can choose. We can actually choose what we want to be entertained with! But while we are so busy that we can’t even breathe properly, it is really hard to see a bigger picture with many other options. 

Oh well, there is so much more to share on this… 

I will get on with my Egypt travels and leave the reflexions to you, dear reader.

Continuing our day in Cairo.

We are now back at the Hotel and have decided to catch the underground and visit the Coptic Quarter.

It is round about 2 PM and the streets are not very busy nor are the monuments so it seems we have chosen the right time for our foray into the ancient streets of merged religions.

We first visit the Coptic Museum, which is huge and filled with so many works of art and information that we can feel the weight of history weighing down on our legs and have to sit after about an hour walking across the seemingly endless rooms. Beautiful, I must say, but after an hour and half we decide to move to our next visit.

The 9th century Hanging Church is right next door and the feeling of it is a reverence to the art of devotion. Small, simple but powerfully significant. 

Which is also the case of the Church of St Sergius and Bacchus where Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus are said to have taken shelter whilst King Herod's order to kill all male firstborn babies was undertaken. 

Now here there is a different kind of reverence. The feeling of awe to be stepping into a place where the Virgin Mary and Jesus were physically present. With so many people around, I must confess it is hard to feel the real essence of the place and I believe most of the fuss people make around this place is more related to the power of faith and worship than the actual real feel of the place itself. But this is just my feeling. I am sure many others feel differently.

Not far from there, the Ben Ezra Synagogue, near which baby Moses is said to have been found in the reeds, is a spartan and simple place with a more open sense to it. Definitely not as many worshippers as in the catholic creed pass by this place and that too can be felt. 

I love sensing rather than seeing with my physical eyes. There is so much more to each place. 

The Mosque of Amr Ibn Al-As, the first to be built in Egypt, is also part of our visit as are some other coptic churches along the way. Each one beautiful in their own way. 

The one feeling that stands out in all of the places we feel into is devotion. The devotion to create beauty in honour of what one believes to be sacred, divine. No place is more beautiful than the other. No creation less honourable. We feel the love in all of them. 

But as J. Krishnamurti once said, I too believe that “Truth is a Pathless Land”. And the Temple resides within each sentient being. May it be allowed to show itself and be dedicated the same devotion as has been offered to creating temples without. For God resides everywhere and each One is God also.

Nevertheless we are enjoying our touristic explorations and still have some time left before the day ends so we decide to grab a taxi to the Citadel. We stop by at a café to ask where to get a cab and how much it would cost, so that we are not fooled into paying much more than the ride is worth.

An older man takes us to his fairly battered vehicle and Joana and I smile at each other. We are thankful to him for taking us there and it is actually clean and very safe. He is an excellent driver. So much so that when he drops us off we arrange a time for him to pick us up and take us back to the Hotel.

We have around 45 minutes to visit the Citadel, which apart from the Mosques, also offers a fabulous view of Cairo. We consider our 45 time limit to be enough. Large groups of school kids and other groups of people are now heading for the entrance, whilst we are heading inside. And it is very fortunate to be that way, since we have the whole space to ourselves now!

Once again we enjoy the beauty of these manmade works of art in devotion to the Divine. One thing I find with religious quarters is that there is a balance between feminine and masculine in each construction - the majestic grandeur combined with the delicate beauty and creative spark of genius. And yet, still men and women are treated differently in many religions across all continents. Even here, we have to enter the Mosques only where the women enter.

Humanitarian considerations apart, we thoroughly enjoy our visit and as usual, time seems to have expanded way beyond the meagre 45 minutes we thought we had. I just absolutely love the metamorphic nature of what we call time. 

We get out 5 minutes early and still have to wait for the taxi, but sure enough he arrives and merrily takes us back “home”.

Phew! It sure has been a full day. We still go out for a light snack and find one of those places where locals go, which is always an indication of good food for a good price. This is a version of Egyptian fast food - can’t tell you now what it was we ate, but it was local and delicious. That, my tastebuds remember.

Once we settle in for a good nights’ sleep it is with deep satisfaction. That endlessly fulfilling feeling of being happy and grateful to be alive.


Read the other Chronicles here:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7