
sábado, 23 de setembro de 2023

Get out of the way! - Part 2

 Get out of the Way!

Part 2

Just a side-note that will fill a few lines about how we get stuck, blocking the way and how to remove the roadblocks one breath at a time.

As I mentioned above, to be in such a space of Trust with myself, I have had to face my Dark Side, which I like to define simply as everything I had never accepted about my experiences and expressions.

It is easy to get stuck and not know it. All it takes is one good, seriously hidden trauma. Then if there are several, all the better. We get the impression that we are trying and trying to move past the muddy swamp waters but we just can’t seem to grasp what could be missing in order to get our feet definitely out of the mud.

If you are really, really, really choosing to blend with your Essence, to surrender to the fusion with your Divine facet - in other words, to blend the Human facet with its Divine Essence - sooner or later you will come across the hidden trauma.

It is like an itch. Something you know is there but that keeps on eluding you. And this is because there are a range of beliefs around whatever it is that is hidden, that do not provide a safe and open space of communication for the hidden part of you to interact with you in your now moment.

So first of all, allow yourself to go deeper into acceptance of all things on Earth as experiences. This is not easy. But with the help of your Breath, remaining Present and receiving your inner warmth, directly from your Essence, gradually Compassion starts colouring your view and you start realising that each thing only has the value you give it.

Now, let’s imagine that you had actually already come across a really tough memory of something deeply traumatic but at that moment you immediately said to yourself “this can’t be true” and went into avoidance of it and tried as hard as you could to discount it as part of an overactive imagination. 

How do you know this memory is really true? The first thing is exactly “this can’t be true”. Whenever this comes up, then you can be sure it is true. 

The second thing is that it keeps on bothering you. You feel uncomfortable about it. You try and deny it but it keeps on showing up when you least expect it. And even if you manage to become entangled in multiple personality disorder (with or without specifically named identities - meaning that you don’t need to have names for your multiple personalities in order to be multiple. You just realise that you switch, you become a different person all of a sudden. You are behaving in a way that you realise is strange to you but you can’t help but do it that way)… Well, even if you do become entangled in such a game of hide and seek with yourself, there is an intrinsic knowingness that something is off, something is desperately needing your attention, you are not feeling good about yourself.

There is also the case when you have unlocked a traumatic memory and are completely aware of it, not in denial that it happened, but you cannot bring yourself to accept it. Either to accept yourself or to accept others that were involved in it.

So the two keys to getting out of one’s own way and unsticking what seems to be irrevocably stuck are:

  1. Unlocking and acknowledging all trauma (deeply ingrained and not) - letting it come forth and being there for those parts of you who have never been loved, accepted, acknowledged and embraced;
  2. Acceptance - accepting all things as what they are, not wanting to keep on attaching emotions to the events and people that contributed to your trauma, getting out of shock and disbelief, getting out of shame, blame and guilt by dealing with the emotions that are coming up, diving into them not in order to get lost in them but in order to realise they cannot harm you in this moment. These emotions are from the past. As are the experiences that created them. You are the converger. The one that is now capable of discerning what serves you and what does not. The one that can be the adult in charge of embracing and loving all of the children and teenagers that have remained locked up in the pain of exclusion.

So if there is unacknowledged trauma and non-acceptance, then you will not be able to step out of your own way because even what seems to be invisible is there anyway, blocking the path to go ahead.

And it is a great thing that we created this to be so in the first place. Because we cannot go ahead without the skills and treasures that our traumatised self has gained. There is tremendous richness in our so-called Dark Side. And it can only become undistorted through reunion with our so-called Light Side. They are one and the same thing. It is all our Wholeness. They are just experienced as separate for the sake of duality, that is after all an illusion. A very real one though. And something we can only transcend when we get past all of the anger, fight, rage, despondency, helplessness, hopelessness, guilt…. Etc

On the other hand, even when we have embraced and acknowledged these traumatic instances and received the parts of us that were away from Home, still Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can have further layers to unravel. No longer Aspects of Personality but the beliefs, the imprints created by the conditioning we went through or put ourselves under whilst being traumatised. These can be so subtle that it can take many years after integrating to become aware of walls of fearful denial regarding certain experiences in our every day life. There might be things we have been avoiding just because there is still a root of past conditioning in our physical cells that denies a certain category of experiences, though of course a new experience is always new and does not have to have any semblance to any one that has already occurred, even if it has similar contours. 

How to move through this? You will know. The only requirement is: be available to let go deeper and further.

And we come back to the beginning of this share. 

In summary, there is no lack of opportunity on a daily basis for us to venture out into the unknown and step out of the way of realising our expanded potentials in this moment. 

A thought. A belief. A perception. Letting go of its package. Finding out what is there when we have the courage to stay Present and embrace our experiences as they come, with no judgement. Unadulterated by our stubborn attachments to problematic impossibilities and resistant limitations.

There is so much more to life than what has passed. And it is all happening right now. Celebrate it. Every single breath is an opportunity to participate in the flow, dancing with life rather than fighting against it.

Photo by Ilkin Yagubov (Pexels)

Read Part 1 HERE

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