
sábado, 23 de setembro de 2023

Backstage Insights of a New Creation

Sometimes life is surprisingly unexpected and unexpectedly surprising.

I could actually say that my life is so on a daily basis. The only difference is the dimension of the surprises. Some are larger, some not so big, but they always make my heart sing, sooner or later.

Yes, of course. Because just like with everyone else, there are things that happen that are more to my initial liking than others. However, invariably, they are always perfect for me and this I see either gradually or abruptly or somewhere in-between, as the bigger picture reveals itself.

This being said, and since I choose to unquestionably follow my heart under any and all circumstances, no matter what they seem, I relax in my inner Safe Space, sipping my cup of tea or lemonade and trust the intrinsic wisdom of flow. No point not trusting it anyway, since I refuse to hold onto the edges and the river of life is in constant motion when one remains Present and available to it.

So plans or no plans, I keep on discovering each breath as it presents itself, letting my inner rudder guide the course of the now, despite my eventual curiosity about the “how’s”, “when’s” or “what’s” around the corner. 

This is how this Integral Cooperative - Inspiring You (originally T’Inspirar) knocked on my door with no prior notice of its arrival and no map, guide book or pre-defined path to follow. Nevertheless, as with all creations born from the heart’s unbridled joy of expression, it has brought with it everything and everyone needed for its manifestation into a reality far beyond my wildest dream… so far - and I suspect it will continue to be so, no matter how many glimpses I get of the upcoming steps.

At the beginning, about 6 or 7 months ago, when I started getting these inner hints and nudges to explore this possibility further, I was somewhat resistant, I must say.

You see, my life is pretty awesome, simple, quiet and free flowing. My inner silence is blissful and the love I feel is a constant source of gratitude. I do not have a great many needs and I enjoy it like this. This sweet breeze of my breath holding me and rocking me along the way, as I dwell on this Earth that I have come to adore over the course of many eons of linear and not so linear time.

I could very easily live removed from the hustle and bustle of regular day to day interactions and just commune with nature, play with other creatures including humans now and then, without any burning urges to fulfil, such is my sense of completeness. At one with all that Is.

However, I suspect it is precisely because I feel this way, that this invitation to go on a very fun new adventure has presented itself so loud and clear - too clear for me not to acknowledge it and too loud for me not to listen.

So I was shoved off the edge of a cliff, though at this point I know I have wings. Yes, I did skydive for a few kilometres, but then I just had to open them and fly with the natural grace I have learnt from all of the other cliffs I have jumped before, more or less clumsily. 

And in following through with this endeavour the only guiding principle has been joy. My heart is immersed in constant joy with each new creation and no challenge has been stubborn enough to dim that fire.

I suppose if you were wondering why I have decided to get myself into such a huge unknown landscape as is the moment to moment discovery of a New Earth project like this one… you are still scratching your head, just like I am!!!! And boy, am I laughing out loud right now. But you know what? It doesn’t matter! What you and I wonder about is totally irrelevant. What matters is the joy lived, expressed, shared and ignited, and this my dear friend, this there is plenty of around here.

And love, you might ask? Love bathes in joy. Joy is born from love. They are intrinsic to each other. Ah and Peace… Well, Peace, Harmony and Balance are their result. 

I’d like to reserve a few special words here to my beloved friends who have embarked on this expedition with me, surely as crazy as I am if not even more!!! But we are all loving it, that’s for sure!

The invitation to you is “would you like to come and play with us also?”

To discover, explore, create, marvel, love, enjoy, express and create some more. To let go of plans, expectations, formats and pre-defined beliefs. To dive into a flexible state of flow that manifests with synchronistic perfection. To trust. To cooperate with life’s generosity and allow it to constantly bless you.

Life doesn’t always bring us what we want but it always brings us what we need, according to the consciousness we are coming from. Energy is constantly at our service and never ceases to provide whatever outcomes best reflect our awareness in each moment.

Oh, yes. I realise! Life is simply wanting to celebrate itself through us, with us!


I’m in! 

Care to join us in this celebration?

Find out more about the T'Inspirar (Inspiring You) Integral Cooperative HERE

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