Epilogue II
Coming to an end now, of these Egypt Chronicles, I would like to leave a reflection about the current situation we are facing around the world.
Many secrets that had been hidden for decades are now being uncovered and faced in all sectors of Human interaction, be it political, religious, social… And all are being brought to their own limelight of whether to keep on carrying shame, guilt and blame forward into the next decades or whether it is now possible to take care of what needs to be taken care of and let go of what no longer needs to be set in stone as the only truth.
We are invited, at a global scale, to embrace change, to take responsibility for our choices and actions, to reassess our lives, our beliefs, our attachments, our wants, needs and desires, our whole value systems and our relationship towards ourselves, towards our bodies and our health, towards our work and our wealth, towards each other. All is being brought into perspective, whether we like it or not.
And still we insist on staging wars against each other. The ones who are "pro-covid" containment measures and the ones that are "against" them, the ones that are demanding vaccines and the ones that are rejecting them - both sectors considering each other ignorant and responsible for the current state of things, which could generally be defined as a state of massive confusion in the midst of unprecedented change. So we are all ignorant, then. Since each side considers the other to be the same thing, there are hence no sides. It becomes a collective sea of ignorance. Can we find the space in-between?
It is not about being for or against, It is not about fighting each other. It is not about going to war for the cause we each consider more worthy. Have we not seen already, over the course of the history of mankind, that no wars are ever really won? They are merely a temporary fix for deeper underlying issues, the ones that triggered them in the first place.
So should we not be asking instead: what were the conditions (social, economic, political, physical, emotional, spiritual) that created the breeding ground for this whole situation in the first place? And which part have we, individually, played in it also?
Pretending that the only thing is to be wrong or right about this is like having a festering wound and keeping on putting plasters on it in hopes that it will heal, when the only thing that will really prevent it from evolving any further is changing whatever has created the possibility of its existence in our body. And the same goes for the whole social body of mankind or any other collective body.
Many have become so dependent on science or the government or someone else in charge to solve whatever problems arise that seem too scary to face, that it has become elusive to assume that we too have power. The power to take good care of ourselves, to make different choices, to take our own monsters out of our inner closets and address them, doing what no one else can ever do for us.
None of us has all of the answers. Science doesn’t and neither do we. But going into fear will simply keep on breeding more power games, division and war against each other.
As far as I can perceive, both sides are in fear. The ones that are afraid of the virus taking over and killing them and the ones that are afraid of being annihilated by the vaccines or the rising of totalitarian governments. One way or another it is fear that is fuelling dissent.
What about dealing with death, decay and vulnerability from the inside out?
What about consciously choosing to live healthier lifestyles, to review belief systems around health and power, to foster better relationships with ourselves and with others, to accept each other’s diverging points of view whilst being able to cooperate towards common ground?
What about being more conscious of how the media operates, how big pharma operates, how politics operates, how economies operate, how our inner worlds operate, how our bodies operate, how easily manipulation can be achieved, be it towards one end or the other of this polarisation? Of our actions and reactions, of what triggers us, of what keeps us in survival mode, of what is healthy and unhealthy for us as individuals and as a consequence, as a collective?
“How can love be allowed?” Should be the question in each moment of our lives, whenever we feel our freedom is being taken away or others are a danger to us or… Well, whenever we feel less than capable of emotionally dealing with whatever situation is brining us to our knees. Can we please focus on what builds us instead of on what destroys us, acknowledging our habit to choose destruction and yet being able to make a different choice now?
The big, big opportunity is to resolve all of our unresolved issues, individually and collectively, coming to a point of balance from within each one and from within each smaller collective that forms the whole of mankind, so that we can eventually walk on this Earth as if it were the very first time. With an open heart. With a clear sight. With the innocence of a newborn and the wisdom of an ancient sage, for we are not meant to be battling each other forever after. At long last, the time has come to change our script and write a new story. Allowing compassion to be our inspiration.
For this incredible opportunity brought to us in a not so golden platter, but definitely in abundant proportions, I am profoundly thankful.
The love that we are shines despite our overall forgetfulness of our nature. And this is our beacon. That which has never changed. The permanent knowingness of who we truly are. Each and every single one of us. So before jumping into judgement, may we be able to quieten down our haste to fight and allow something different to be known to us in the stillness of our eternity.
A warm and loving hug to all who have been reading this series of Chronicles. I appreciate and honour you dearly. Thank you!
Read the other Chronicles here: