
quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2020

1/The Egypt Chronicles - Embracing The Uncharted Territory of Life: A Journey of Allowing


 How it all began

This story takes place in the far-away time of Pre-Covid Era, in the far-away land of Egypt.

Now more lightheartedly 😊

I was invited to attend the Women Economic Forum’s Annual Conference in Egypt some time in 2019 but just couldn’t seem to make up my mind because there was this nagging feeling that something was off.

Nevertheless, after some insistence on the part of All Ladies Founder, beautiful Dr Harbeen Arora, I finally decided to go. 

So I started searching for the plane ticket and deciding which Hotel to stay in for the 2 days of the Conference, whilst meanwhile my very dear friend Joana was feeling that this was the moment for her to fulfil her dream to travel to Egypt…

I had had a resistance with Egypt all my life and though it is no longer here, I clearly remember having vowed never to set foot on that land again, in some long gone time of my existence. Fortunately I have "unvowed" all of those past sticky swamps! Had the same thing going on with India and went there for the first time in this lifetime in 2017, also for a Women Economic Forum Annual Conference and absolutely fell in love with the country and the people all over again, no trace of resistance whatsoever, just pure celebration.

Anyway, moving on.

After having a look at possible tours and destinations in Egypt, we unanimously decided not to book anything at all or make any kind of decision. We just had a bit of a thing about visiting the desert and of course the Pyramids!!! And who knows a cruise on the Nile, but we just let it all fly free and set off on our unplanned journey.

The first amazing experience was crossing the road in Cairo, with my princess dress, which Dr Harbeen had offered me last year at the Women Economic Forum Conference we organised here in Portugal and which I had not had a chance to wear but had decided to bring with me for this occasion. Why not dress up? Loved it!


Well, back to crossing the road in Cairo. It is much like in New Delhi in India - or any other big city in India actually. If we wait for the traffic to stop somehow, we will never ever get to the other side. So I learnt the real meaning of regal flow. Just step on the road and walk Me Lady! Walk on, head held high, sure step, no fear and believe it or not, the traffic will flow around you in a way you cannot ever begin to explain! Geeee! What a sense of freedom. Truly like gliding. Fortunately our roommate Brigitte was well versed in this art so the first time, all we had to do was follow her cue. From then on, it was like sailing on that Pirate Ship on the Caribbean seas. "Ahoy ye Pirates! Ahoy!”

My delight after crossing the road 😁😍

The Conference itself was a very beautiful experience, though not too well organised, which didn’t make much of a difference really, cause what mattered were the connections, the celebrations, the powerful presence of so many sovereign women… and men in just one place, all at once. A veritable rhapsody of creative inspiration and materialisation.

By the time we were there - 4th and 5th March 2020, there started being this huge buzz about this powerful Corona Virus showing up in Europe and reaching Egypt and yet, there we were, almost a hundred countries, almost a thousand people, together, fearless, alive, present to the gift of the moment.

Somehow a lady named Abeer - which means scent of the Rose - unexpectedly came into the room where I was speaking and stayed, captivated by my rendering about “Finding Peace and Empowerment through Mindfulness” which I called for the purpose of my sharing: "Allowing Peace by Staying - and becoming Powerless”.

After the session we spoke enthusiastically for a while, together also with Cecile, the lovely lady that works with Abeer, and I learnt that besides being very loving and intent on being authentic from the inside out, both ladies were very well connected, working mainly with 5 star hotel spas as the official distributor and presenter of Phytomer products and were actually considering inviting me to collaborate with them, sharing my wisdom around the breath, compassion, staying in the deep silence within. 

Abeer was the one who eventually came up with our desert trip driver, our surreal stay in Siwa and our outstanding Hotel in Alexandria. We were and are so very grateful for Abeer and Cecile’s kindness, gently opening the doors for us to get a special taste of Egypt.

To be continued…


Here is the second post of this series. 

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