
sexta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2021

5/The Egypt Chronicles - Embracing The Uncharted Territory of Life: A Journey of Allowing


Conference - Days 1&2

4th & 5th March 2020


Back to Day 1 just for a very special reference.

Joana, who has strangely been invited to talk on Women in Security - towards safer communities and to receive an award which I nominated her for, has accepted. The theme could have been a good reason to decline, since she has no connection whatsoever with it but no, she is ready to overcome her fear of speaking in public and to receive recognition of her worthiness so she creatively turns the theme around and speaks about living from the Safe Space within and how that actually changes our experiences in any kind of circumstances. An outstanding rendition of honest transparence.

Just a little side note to point out that this was a huge hurdle to overcome, because other than the theme itself being quite strange for Joana, she is also supposed to speak in English, not her mother tongue and on top of that she does not feel very confident in the midst of so many success driven women, who she does not usually interact with. She is also not used to travelling that much and being in a completely new and unknown environment, having to speak a foreign language all the time and standing up for her own wisdom all present an interesting concoction of brewing inner fears. Nevertheless Joana breezes through her talk with ease and grace and brings about a peaceful aura to the room, as everyone hushes to listen and feel this unexpected turn of a theme around Security, which she shows to be an inner circumstance, more so even than any outer one. 

(Watch Joana's Speech HERE.)

We’re now sailing freely on Day 2’s oceans.

My first talk is on Finding Peace and Empowerment through Mindfulness. It equally finds a change of title which I choose to be Allowing Peace by Staying - and becoming Powerless and direction. I start speaking not knowing what is going to be said, as this time I have been invited by my Soul Wisdom to not prepare anything but the new title. And so I myself am witnessing my own voicing of a speech offered to me and all present by the pure expanded consciousness that guides my thoughts, words and deeds, moment to moment, every single day of my life.

It is somewhere within this framework that Abeer and Cécile enter the room and another special connection ensues. 

I have told you about this in the 1st Chapter of these Chronicles but let me expand on the significance of this lady’s name Abeer, meaning scent of a Rose.

Curiously enough, not only does the scent of roses accompany me very often, anywhere, out of the blue it comes to me but also the Rose is representative of blooming into our full potential, radiating all that we are, without holding back any petals of that once encased bud.

So it is surely no coincidence that it is Abeer herself that will be the one to get us to the desert oasis of Siwa through her connections and with Cécile's very precious collaboration also in getting us a very special rate and room at the Hilton Corniche in Alexandria. And this is how our unplanned journey becomes more defined from the second day onwards, only finding its full clarity on the third and 4th days when everything is finally settled. 

Incidentally, it takes about two weeks for a rose bud to bloom - exactly the time we are spending in Egypt. 

But I do have to share how profoundly impactful three of the other ladies’ speeches on the same panel as mine were.

Rabi Atiti, founder of Inspire Networks, recounts how she managed to stand up for her own integrity, facing ostracisation by her family and community as a teenager when she declared she would not have her clitoris cut when she gave birth to her first baby, as is the tradition in Kenya. 

Shaloo Dogra, Yogacharyaa, shares her expansion through Yoga and incidentally offers me her beautiful recently published book Everywhere - Open Eyed Meditations in Free Verse.

Denise Michelle, Transformational Life Coach, has a hugely transformational life story to share and we connect further later on during our bus trip to the Gala Dinner, establishing a deeper bond, whilst together helping Ruqya face and resolve a challenge she was feeling stuck with. In the bus! Who would say. 

And in the end there is this quirky episode where the staff discovers they do not have an Award for me and are so apologetic that they actually have me take a photo with someone else’s Award. The super fun thing is that I do not want or need another Award. I have three already, namely Iconic Women Creating a Better World for All, Exceptional Women of Excellence and Women of The Decade in Social Entrepreneurship, this last one which I unexpectedly received at WEF Perth last year. So I smile and reassure them there is nothing to worry about. This is exactly as it is meant to be.

I am supposed to go on the Plenary stage at 3 PM for my 5 minute speech on The Role and Power of Self-Belief and Self-Care but as I am sitting at one of the round tables in the regal Al-Qahira Ballroom, I realise it is running late. Very very late. So I lose Brigitte’s presentation because it was to be at the same time as mine and I go and sit on the nice soft carpeted floor in a quiet corner, closing my eyes to just enjoy my breath, resting for a short while, letting myself just be with me amongst the hundreds of people coming and going wherever is needed in each one’s sphere of experience. 

So for now I’ll just stay here for a while, breathing serenely… Hummmmmmmmmm


To be continued.

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