
quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2021

4/The Egypt Chronicles - Embracing The Uncharted Territory of Life: A Journey of Allowing

Conference - Days 1&2

4th & 5th March 2020


Day 2 of the Conference is the day we speak. All three of us: Joana, Brigitte and myself.

By now we have realised that the timetables are a little bit mixed up and the organisation staff is running into a few disorganised hiccups but as usual, according to All Ladies League principle of equanimity, no one seems to be very bothered by this. 

Everyone just goes about their own networking endeavours and enjoys the privileges of such an event in the way that serves them best and that’s about all there is to it, really.

 But let me go back to Day 1 to share how we met the ladies that we went on the Nile Cruise with and some more of this first day’s specialness.

One of the sessions I choose to attend - The Extraordinary in Every Woman (I) - brings me towards finally meeting dear Ruqya Khan, co-author of the Breakthrough book we are both part of (Breakthrough - Secrets of growth, happiness and bounceback from women around the world) in person. This book which was put together by Sindu Sreebhavan (founder of As Many Minds) and Anjali Aggarwal, whom I met at the Annual WEF in New Delhi back in 2017 (my first WEF), as well as many of the other authors in this compilation of life-changing stories, this book keeps on giving and giving and giving. Not only literally, as all of its revenue is donated to Educational Projects in India, but also metaphorically as it keeps on inspiring breakthroughs for all of those who dive into it. 

And the connections between the authors keep on expanding. Bhavini has taken care of getting So it’s Simple! into Hindi for distribution in India, as well as got my Be!… Love: Beyond Illusion book into its Kindle format. Together with Anjali Aggarwal and Mansi Mahajan, who is not part of this particular book but whom I also met and bonded with through WEF, we have created The Divine Within You Online Course - 11 Steps to Freedom. I started diving more consistently into my Yoga practice with Mansi too and do Yoga every Saturday morning with Smita Joshi, who lives in England and whom I am in close contact with. Sindu and I get in touch to catch up every so often. I actually visited the Taj Mahal with Lynn Hope Thomas and Michelle Araújo in 2017, before this book even came to be. Maggie Webber from Australia, now lives in Portugal where one of her sons lives too. And so it goes on and on with precious connections that endure and develop as time goes by.

Back to meeting Ruqya Khan (S.M.I.L.E. Strategist ) in person. Boy, was that a Soul to Soul connection! Though we had only read each other’s stories in the book, when we did actually come face to face, that spark of recognition beyond our immediate memory of each other just sparked the flame that lovingly rejoices in kindred spirit encounters and from then on it remains, and even though we do not speak to each other regularly, it is just there, unbreakable. 

Here is the interview I had the privilege of having with Ruqya on her Wise Wednesdays programme a few months later, titled The Grace of Just Being

At this same The Extraordinary in Every Woman (I) session I listened to more absolutely amazing stories of breakthroughs that have impacted not only the lives of the ladies that shared them, but that of all of those they have somehow come in touch with, be it personally or through their message. It takes only one. One moment, one human stepping fully into oneself, for the greater love of all to unfold between Human and Divine within, to dissolve the chasm of separation with one’s own Soul… and magic happens for the whole world. Effortlessly and unintentionally. Just with one sweet breath of full surrender. That one special breath accomplishes so much all at once that it would blow our minds if we could grasp the full extent of it. 

Caroline Emile, Sarah Ross, Cherie Banks, were all at this session too, the ladies we ended up going on the Nile Cruise with. So when we came across each other in the Hotel lobby later on that day, it was a natural sequence of our earlier connection. 

It always amazes me, this thing with the beauty of connections. All we need to do is keep on allowing. From this space of allowing we never know how they will develop and what directions they will take, what paths they will show, what trees will bear fruit and flowers will bloom, what doors will open or where we will move apart. All we know is now. And that is all that ever matters.

This particular talk is also where I had the most beautiful encounter with Sandra Deakin, whose story about her special time in the desert I had already read before coming and I really wanted to meet her because I somehow felt connected to her. After her inspiring talk we keep on bumping into each other and we eventually get together for an interview for her podcast show, Brightspots Radio. In the end it turns out to be a most profound conversation about really living from the Essence, the constant flow of Isness. I share how living like this is and Sandra shares her expanding awareness of this in her own life and as we talk, sitting comfortably on a sofa in the bar area, we are gradually encompassed by that aura that switches off everything else around us and creates the haven of peace that comes about when at least two Humans commune in surrender to the Divine.

This happens to me so very often, mostly on a permanent basis, this expanded aura that creates a haven beyond Time and Space where even the air that we breathe seems to change its quality, becoming somehow lighter, the noise dimming down as if there were no one else around, a special quality of sacredness that materializes wherever I am just here, now, flowing fully in God within.

Once this starts happening in our lives, there is nothing else to strive for - actually nothing to strive for at all. This is it. No more, no less. No need for goals, aims and far away dreams. No lack. Nothing to want for, wish or hope to become. No-thing, no-where, just this oneness. All.

Sooner or later our magical conversation has to come to an end but it’s as if it remains in an inter dimensional sphere, both of us still sitting in a silent haze of stillness, in blissful surrender to our Essence.

Throughout the conversation Sandra mentions several times how it actually feels like Harbeen is Present through me, like we are somehow as one and I smile. Is it the dress? The bond of sisterhood which is the strongest WEF principle? Our equal commitment and surrender to each of our Souls’ calling? The passion we exude? All of this, I feel and a very special Soul fusion also, something I have come to know as one of the miraculous ways in which Souls lend themselves to each other’s expansion. Soul fusions happen whenever there is a grander purpose for this, much more than can be explained for sure, but to put into words - it happens when there has been a previous agreement for whenever we encounter each other as humans on Earth to support each other’s evolution by allowing for a Soul merge, where each one still remains unique and sovereign unto oneself, but there are qualities that blend amongst each other. It happens between Souls that have such a loving bond with each other, caused by many lifetimes of shared experiences and many adventures in the greater beyond also, that there is instant recognition. Such is the magic of True Love as we define it in Human form, but which cannot really be grasped completely from this linear, limited perspective we have here. 

However, if you close your eyes and feel, I am sure you can see the radiance of these Soul fusions and connect to your own instances in which this has happened in your life too, taking them even further by your conscious awareness in this moment. 

Under this note of radiant love, let’s rove into Day 2.

It is from the special stillness that I have been sharing with you that the invitation to offer one of the two dresses I have brought with me, these ones that beautiful Harbeen offered me last year, has come.

Ever since I booked I have known that I was to offer one of them to someone at the Conference and today, the second day of the Conference I know who it is. So I go to the children books’ stand and tell Duaa I want to offer her this gift - the dress I was wearing yesterday. 

I am sure you can imagine how surprised she is, but more than that she is incredulous - how can she accept something like this? It is too much. And why her? Soul has its reasons, of course, but for the Human to say Yes there are often no plausible explanations, all Soul requires is a Yes. In the same way as I said my Yes to offering this gift. In the same way as Harbeen said Yes to offering me these gifts in the first place and I said Yes to receiving them. 

But the Human, ah the Human Duaa has so much trouble receiving, honouring herself, feeling worthy. So this dress is creating an earthquake within her that she feels too overwhelmed to face just then and there. The solution? She is sure it is best suited for someone else… And later on I will tell you how this story unfolds.

Back to the Conference itself… which I will expand on in Part 2 fo this Post.

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