
terça-feira, 29 de maio de 2012

Expect the Unexpected

Expect the Unexpected…

… Which is the same as saying, “don’t expect, just live”!
Each day I go deeper into the ease of allowing myself to accept what comes my way as a blessing, even when it seems to be a loss. And I have come to understand by experience, time and again, that when we offer no resistance to change, and we make conscious choices for our lives, what comes our way is always, with no exception, the best possible outcome.
How can that be? Don’t “bad” things happen to me? Well, actually, no, they don’t. Firstly because I do not judge them as such, and secondly because my choice of ease and simplicity, of absence of drama and effort in my life, brings me that result. The only thing is, I never know how or when. And that sometimes still gets me wondering what’s coming the next minute, but then I take a deep breath and let go of expectation and things just happen.
People move in and out of my life with this same instant flow, and though some may seem as a loss, in fact they open up space for new people to come in, and the quality of connection with these new people is always much more in tune with me than before.
The same thing happens with things, of course. But with things it is quite a bit easier to let go of than with people. With things, what happens to me is that the more things move out, the more and the better things move in, literally. So it works! It’s not a figment of my imagination and it’s absolutely worth giving it a try, just for the fun of seeing how things turn out! The fun of discovery is such an enticing and enthusiastic game. For me it’s 100% better than drama and worry J
Have you tried living like this, even for just one day? With no expectations at all? Letting go moment to moment? Would you like to share your experience here? …
Sweet dreams dear readers!

3 comentários:

  1. A verdade é que nao é facil...mas tmb nao é dificil, axo que há dias em que vivo assim! Aguardo o momento em que viverei assim todos os dias! magic kiss

    1. Pois é, para mim também não é fácil, mas se há dias em que vives assim sabes que vale a pena, tal como mesmo não sendo fácil sei que vale a pena, a simplicidade de viver assim :) Há-de acontecer o momento "unexpectedly"! :) Magic kiss to you too e obrigada por partilhares

  2. Yes, I have and it is sheer grace then. 😍
