🧚♀️Ultimate Freedom🧚♀️
(Also in Slovenian - Slovenščina - down below - translated with compliments and love from Mateja Brumen) Yesterday I was dancing in my room, enjoying the sensual beauty of being in a physical body, the absolute gift of being on this planet of tangible form when it dawned on me. Why would I want to be able to fly when I already am that? In my etheric beingness I am everywhere and anywhere, soaring in the universe beyond time and space. This is the pure Essence of me… The same one that has chosen to be here on this planet, now, in a physical body. The one that is free beyond duality - the enticing illusion of separation and therefore not bound or restricted by anything. In my absolute freedom, I have chosen to be on Earth for a reason… Many reasons. Some of which are being able to enjoy the morning sun kissing my cheeks, while the autumn breeze strokes my hair and the clouds in the sky play with the blue and the rain. As my feet are bathed by the soft warm ocean, firmly held by the sand that tickles my senses, while I can inhale the salty freshness of the cascading waves and feel the air touching my cells with lightness. I can admire the birds in their graceful stillness as they hover above me with the same awe as I can sit and watch a snail’s slow glide through the grass in my garden, smiling at its perfection - the one that carries its home wherever it goes. Just like I am in mine within me, no matter where I may be. I can laugh and experience boundless joy overflowing from my belly and bubbling up through my spine, spreading through all of me. And I can cry and realise how the salty water that rolls down my face is the most liberating elixir mankind can access, at the simple reach of a transparent tear. And it is all in me. There is nothing quite like being in a living treasure chest, this body of mine that experiences the bliss of feeling, knowing myself as the most precious diamond, sparkling radiant shades of all colours and knowing I am completely Safe, wherever I am. I am Home in me, comfortably touching the world’s exquisite rhapsody of impossibles made visible. I can cross walls, move energy in unbelievable ways, be in multiple places at the same time, travelling through dimensions where time and space are no restriction. And so much more. I can do all of these magical things simply by staying here, in my Safe Space and allowing my expanded self to show me the miracles it performs with effortless ease. And I can only realise all of this because I am Present to my physicality as well as to my immaterial limitlessness. I am not bound by life or by death because I am immortal in Essence and nothing truly binds me to any specific experience forever. I am no longer hypnotisable by mass consciousness because I have completely surrendered to my own wisdom and realised I am God also. I have decided to use my free will to not have to be anything but all that I am, which I do not ever know completely. I have come to complete peace with not knowing anything other that my perception in any given moment and realised that there is no future to be wished for, and in this I am free. I have understood that my mind is as essential as my body, my human self is as essential as my soul while living this particular experience called humanity and in letting go of the fight against any part of me, I have declared my kingdom of heaven to be right now, right here, where I breathe each special moment. Judgement has become so exhausting that compassion has taken its place, showing me life in its multidimensional richness instead of keeping it in small boxes. I have come to realise that simply by spreading a cloak of compassion over any perceived reality, all conflict is neutralised and love becomes possible even in the darkest recesses of forgetfulness of our true nature as Divine beings in Human form. Compassion has softened the edges and introduced me to silence, the purest space of no-thing-ness within my expanded consciousness where I have no agenda or attachment to any single thing. The void of absolute stillness has opened up a realm of such clarity that there is nothing left to strive for because it is all completely here, now. Ah but the passion, the passion has grown and grown as life flows unrestricted through my body, my vessel of remembrance that in fact I am not separate - and never have been, but enjoyed experiencing myself as such until it was enough. This is me. This is you. We are all ultimately whole, no matter how forgotten this may be. Do you also honour each breath so much that you allow it to be your permanent reminder that here is the only place to be and now is the only moment there is? This very breath that holds you gently, lovingly when you allow. Letting go of judgemental boxes about yourself and just surrendering to staying. No fight. No resistance. No hypnosis. Nothing but you, Present to all that you are. It is as simple as making the choice and then setting it free so that it can manifest in ways you have not even been able to consider yet. Trust. Complete trust in the knowingness you know, I know, we all know, each one of us knows in the wonder of each heartbeat. And so it is my dear friend and fellow traveller through this landscape of breathtaking beauty called Earth. A place we love so much that we are here. Blessed to be able to live it all. Thank you for being a part of my dance as well as we each discover our own unique steps, while exploring the uncharted territory of embodied beingness. I joyfully celebrate you, whatever your path is. And I could wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year but instead I wish you an endless stream of special todays as you allow yourself to embrace life’s permanent abundance, whichever way it is presenting itself especially and uniquely for you.🧚♀️Ultimativna svoboda🧚♀️
Včeraj sem plesala v svoji sobi, uživala v senzualni lepoti bivanja v fizičnem telesu, absolutno darilo biti na planetu v oprijemljivi obliki, ko se mi je posvetilo.
Zakaj bi si želela biti spodobna leteti, ko to že sem?
V svoji eterični biti sem povsod in kjerkoli, vzpenjam se v vesolje onkraj časa in prostora.
To je čista Esenca mene ... Ista, ki je izbrala biti tu na tem planetu, zdaj, v fizičnem telesu.
Tista, ki je svobodna onkraj dualnosti - vabljive iluzije ločitve in zato ni kakorkoli vezana ali omejena.
V svoji absolutni svobodi sem izbrala biti na Zemlji z razlogom ... Mnogimi razlogi. Nekateri od njih so, uživati v jutranjem soncu, ki poljublja moja lica, medtem ko jesenski vetrič gladi moje lase in oblaki na nebu se igrajo z modrim in dežjem. Ko se moje noge kopajo v mehkem toplem oceanu, trdno držeč se v pesku, ki žgečka moje občutke, medtem ko lahko vdihnem slano svežino kaskadnih valov in čutim zrak, ki se dotika mojih celic z lahkotnostjo.
Lahko občudujem ptice v njihovi graciozni mirnosti, ko lebdijo nad mano z enakim spoštovanjem kot lahko sedim in opazujem polževo počasno drsenje v travi na mojem vrtu, smejoč se tej popolnosti - tisti, ki nosi svoj dom kamorkoli gre. Prav tako kot sem jaz v svojem znotraj mene, ne glede na to kje sem.
Lahko se smejim in izkušam brezmejno radost, ki se preliva iz mojega trebuha in brbota po hrbtenici, ki se širi skozi vso mene.
In lahko jokam in spoznam, kako je slana voda, ki drsi dol po mojem obrazu najbolj osvobajajoči eliksir dostopen človeštvu na preprostem dosegu prosojne solze. In vse je v meni.
Nič ni takega kot biti v živi skrinji zakladov, to moje telo, ki izkuša blaženost občutka, poznavajoč sebe kot najdragocenejši diamant, iskreč sijoče odtenke vseh barv in vedoč, da sem popolnoma Varna, kjerkoli sem. Doma sem v sebi, udobno dotikajač se izvrstne svetovne rapsodije, da nemogoče postane vidno.
Lahko prehajam zidove, premikam energijo na neverjetne načine, sem na večih krajih naenkrat, potujem skozi dimenzije, kjer čas in prostor nista nobene omejitve. In še veliko več. Vse te čarobne stvari lahko delam preprosto s tem, da ostanem tukaj, v mojem Varnem Prostoru in dovolim, da mi moj razširjeni jaz pokaže čudeže, ki jih izvaja z lahkotnostjo brez napora.
In vsega tega se lahko zavedam samo zato, ker sem Prisotna v moji fizičnosti kot tudi v nematerialni neomejenosti.
Nisem vezana na življenje ali smrt, ker sem nesmrtna v Bistvu in nič me zares za vedno ne veže na katero koli posebno izkušnjo.
Nisem več hipnotizirana z množično zavestjo, ker sem se popolnoma predala svoji lastni modrosti in spoznala, da sem tudi jaz Bog.
Odločila sem se, da uporabim svojo svobodno voljo, da mi ni treba biti nič drugega kot vse kar sem, česar nikoli ne poznam v celoti.
Popolnoma sem se sprijaznila s tem, da ne vem nič drugega kot mojo zaznavo v kateremkoli danem trenutku in spoznala, da ni prihodnosti, ki bi si jo želela in v tem sem svobodna.
Razumela sem, da je moj um prav tako bistvenega pomena kot moje telo, moj človeški jaz je prav tako bistven kot moja duša medtem ko živim to posebno izkušnjo imenovano človeštvo in v opuščanju boja proti kateremukoli mojemu delu, sem označila svoje nebeško kraljestvo, da je prav zdaj, prav tukaj, kjer diham vsak poseben trenutek.
Obsojanje je postalo tako izčrpavajoče, da je sočutje prevzelo njegovo mesto, kaže mi življenje v njegovi multidemenzionalni bogatosti, namesto da bi ga obdržala v majhnih škatlah.
Spoznala sem, da so preprosto z razširjanjem plašča sočutja nad vsako zaznano resničnostjo, vsi konflikti nevtralizirani in ljubezen postane mogoča celo v najtemnejših vdolbinah pozabljivosti naše prave narave kot Božanskih bitij v Človeški obliki.
Sočutje je zmehčalo robove in me predstavilo tišini, najčistejšemu prostoru nič-a znotraj moje razširjene zavesti, kjer nimam nobene agende ali navezanosti na nobeno stvar.
Praznina absolutne mirnosti je odprla področje take jasnosti, da ni ničesar več k čemur bi si prizadevala, ker je vse popolnoma tukaj, zdaj.
Ah, ampak strast, strast je rasla in rasla, ko življenje teče neomejeno skozi moje telo, moje plovilo spomina, da v resnici nisem ločena - in nikoli nisem bila, ampak sem uživala v doživljanju sebe kot take, dokler ni bilo dovolj.
To sem jaz. To si ti. Vsi smo ultimativno celi, ne glede na to, kako pozabljeno je.
Ali tudi ti spoštuješ vsak dih tako zelo, da mu dovoliš biti tvoj stalen opomnik, da je tu edino mesto za biti in zdaj je edini trenutek, ki je?
Prav ta dih, ki te nežno, ljubeče drži, ko dovoliš.
Opuščanje obsojajočih škatel o sebi in samo predajanje ostajanju. Brez boja. Brez upiranja. Brez hipnoze. Nič drugega kot ti. Prisoten v vsem kar si.
Je tako preprosto kot izbrati in potem to osvoboditi, da se lahko manifestira na načine, ki si jih do zdaj nisi bil sposoben zamisliti.
Zaupanje. Popolno zaupanje v vedenje, ki ga imaš, jaz vem, mi vsi vemo, vsakdo od nas ve, v čudežu vsakega srčnega utripa.
In tako je moj dragi prijatelj in sopotnik skozi to pokrajino dih jemajoče lepote imenovane Zemlja. Kraja, ki ga tako zelo ljubimo, da smo tukaj. Blagoslovljeni, da lahko vse to živimo.
Hvala, ker ste del mojega plesa, kjer tudi vsak odkriva svoje lastne edinstvene korake, ko raziskuje neznano ozemlje utelešene biti.
Radostno te praznujem, ne glede na tvojo pot.
In lahko bi ti zaželela Vesel Božič in Srečno Novo Leto ampak namesto tega ti želim neskončen tok posebnih danes, ko si dovoliš objeti trajno obilje življenja, ne glede na to kako se predstavlja posebej in edinstveno zate.
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