
domingo, 22 de novembro de 2020

🙏The Human that Realizes🙏

Spanish version kindly translated by Silvia Chediek, from Argentina:

A few perceptions I would like to share with you, about Realization.

First things first, I now perceive that on Earth everything is an illusion - whether it is created from the standpoint of the Small Human Self or the Master Self makes a whole lot of a difference to the way the Human experiences these illusions, but nevertheless, they are still always illusions. All of the experiences. This is why all is well in all of creation. There is nothing wrong or right with illusion as there is nothing wrong or right with duality. It simply is what it is.
I now know that I came here to experience it and to realise that even amidst the illusion of duality I can be one within and approach it from the unified field of consciousness that I Am. If I weren’t choosing to experience duality I would have just stayed in my sovereign, enlightened Isness but bringing myself together amidst tangible separation has been a hell of a ride and one that I have thoroughly enjoyed - no matter what flavours I have come across.
Secondly, whilst here on Earth, irrespective of my degree of awareness of the more that I Am, my vision is and always will be limited. There is no way and no need to grasp the full extent of all. It is simply beyond the embodied Human’s capacity, fortunately. There is already so much to grasp as it is. And then again, why would I need to grasp all of that which my Divinity already fully knows? All I need to do is allow myself to grasp what I need in each moment and I can never lose anything because there is simply nothing to lose. It is and always has been right Here, at the reach of one breath. The degree of instant awareness of the imperceptible more is amazing but my memory has become so inefficiently efficient that it holds on to virtually nothing. Seemed super strange when this started to happen… now it is strangely normal.
Now my Human Mind had other ideas about this. In my Mind, perfection was a goal and control was essential. Until I was able to have a good belly laugh 😂🤣😅 at myself and realise that perfection does not exist! There is no such thing. Or imperfection! All is what it is. Uncovering that sure was a relief. No more need to strive for an unattainable, inexistent perfection. And control?! Boy, do we like to make our lives difficult???
One of the most impactful feelings as I experienced my gradual loss of identity and my landing completely here, in this body, on Earth, nowhere else to go anymore, nothing else to seek - was exactly that. Nowhere else to go. Looking at everything from the perspective of a Human with an embodied Divine nature. Finally being the Temple of my true nature. Tethered to Earth, watching from down here with an expanded vision from within, that sees much more than just this and thus is at Peace with not having to take off somewhere else to perceive anything beyond this, here, now.
For me it was a relief too. I was kinda tired of wondering out there, searching, chasing sand castles in the air, whilst having to deal with whatever was going on down there (here), which I believed to not be where I wanted to be. Well, that is fortunately long gone and just staying here could only reveal its full abundance once I cut the crap and really made up my mind to stay. No more need for the many escape routes death offers. I could finally live. Really live.
And this, in itself, has been the key for the Master in me to provide the Magic in my life.
Life has become a stream of grace and nothing is ever missing. First of all because I don’t have the same needs as I used to, and secondly because if it comes to my perception that I am to have something or other, it then becomes part of my realusion. It’s that simple. There is a peaceful detachment from the need to have more and yet, life offers me more and more without me having to strive for it, as in to “desire” it, to wish for it. It is just a constant flow of coherence with who I truly perceive myself to be, word, thought and deed aligned.
Ah and of course kindness towards myself, being gentle with myself. That was a tough cookie for me. I have been coming to Earth for eons of linear time and had skilfully trained as the intrepid warrior. Gentleness was weakness. Vulnerability. A fundamental “no-no” if I was to survive these “Hunger Games”.
So, when I started to call all of my Aspects, from all of my lifetimes back Home, all hell set loose😱🥶😭😤! Shit! What had I gotten myself into?
Actual Demons were coming at me left, front and centre. Monsters of all categories. Scary, terrifying memories. The full bloody posse of Hell itself seemed to have come to visit and wasn’t planning on leaving and this time I couldn’t shoo them away either!
So my Essence kept on gently asking “fight against or cooperate with?” And of course now I had no choice. I had invited my whole self back Home, I had to stay and deal with it and fighting was getting me nowhere. It wasn’t a real option.
The breath. It was the compassionate breath that showed me the way. Allowing it. Falling into it. Being held in it. My Soul breathing me, me breathing my Soul, melting away the walls of terror, melting away the illusions of separation, one breath at a time, with endless patience. No arguing. No getting lost in point proving. No forcing. No rejecting. No judgement. No getting angry at myself. But yes, being firm. Absolutely firm and assertive. No distractions. No going after confusion, self-doubt, unworthiness, overwhelm, frustration… No.
Just staying. Breathing. Being here for me. Opening the door and keeping it open for these endless children, teenagers, adults lifetimes upon lifetimes of struggle, pain, suffering, hurt, shame, guilt, despair, hopelessness, despondency, of losing my mind, of loneliness… So much and yet so simple for the endless pool of Compassion that my Essence is, in its infinite love 🥰, a love that could never have been understood by my Mind, no matter how hard it had tried to produce it.
No point comparing with anyone else. It was good to know that others were on this path too though. We helped each other along with each step of integration, of awareness, of allowing, opening doorways of perception that had been closed so far, creating templates of new possibilites as a Human with an embodied Soul. I realised getting support from another wise Human now and then has been actually essential along the way, it did not and does not make me less of a Master, it enhances my perception and enables so much more.
Coming back to the talk there has been about the fact that the Human does not become realized, it just discovers it already is realized.
My take on this: only the Human realizes! The I Am has nothing to realize in the first place. It is All there is to Be and knows it completely.
So the Human, in my view and perception as I am living this, is on an ongoing journey of realising. A journey of the Human acknowledging his or her Divine nature and allowing it. Simply this.
There is no deadline! And realisation is not the goal in itself - it is to live free from the pains and strains of being just Human and for that, integration is required. It occurs as we experience what we choose, going beyond stale habits and fixed convictions of how things are and should be. Integration happens in experience, not just with our eyes closed! It is an embracing of permanent change.
If, by any chance, you are finding yourself somehow faulty, even though you might have had the most precise mystical experience or the most profound knowingness of being the All that you Are… Trying to prove that this that has eventually happened to you cannot be realization stems from the expectations you had around this and what happened does not fit the bill - could you just bring that back home?
Get on with your life and allow integration - reunion - to unfold naturally, gracefully. It is much safer to allow it gradually, and it guarantees you will most probably stay.
I did it kamikaze style 🙃😉 All or nothing. Doesn’t have to be that way. I could have literally died in the process, or become seriously ill and died later on, or gone completely off my rocker because the way I set it in place for me, before I came into this lifetime, had 4 options and only one that worked - near death and rebirth into a completely new Me. I now know that the reason I chose this was because I knew that if I could make it, if it worked out, if the Human me was capable of stepping up and saying yes to Essence, of allowing, of integrating enough in order to sustain such a powerful explosion going off inside of me (which I now know to have been the full rising of my Kundalini), then things would be much smoother afterwards. And this is what happened, so I am glad my Soul trusted me fully to be capable of getting myself ready for this transfiguration moment that occurred 7 years ago.
But what is essential to understand is that each one of us has their own unique way of encountering this epiphany of realization - the Human fully realizing that he/she already is All in such a way that it is completely void of doubt. And the most gentle way, breath by breath, no fireworks and bombs going off, is much much safer in the sense that it is a much greater guarantee of embodied realization, in other words, of not taking off once one comes to the deep knowingness of All that one Is.
Admiring others that have come to this threshold is all well and fine but in fact it only means that we are admiring ourselves, for whatever we perceive in others that strikes a chord in us, is our own reflexion. So inviting and receiving this admiration into our own selves is a very precious gift to allow ourselves to receive.
I have come to the awareness that this being my last lifetime was not a guarantee. Ever. Realization wasn’t a guarantee either. It was my grandest potential. But it depended fully on my Human Self using my Free Will to say “Yes” and step into the void each time my Soul coaxed me to jump off the many cliffs I have encountered and still encounter along the way, only to find out I actually have wings.
And even after my NDE Realization implosion, I still could have taken off and decided I did not want to stay here as an embodied Master after all. It would have been ok to choose to leave right then. As it will be any moment I decide to, whenever I decide to.
Staying has come with its own set of what I call “High Class” challenges. Coming back into the world has been one of them. It took me years of diving into the pool of Mass Consciousness whilst remaining in my own Sovereign Domain, to now be able to be amongst a crowd or anywhere I choose to be, and not feel uncomfortable at all. It is true that depending on how dense a place or situation is, a mass of people is, I can stay there for varying amounts of linear time until I have to go somewhere and be alone, breathing myself a breath of silence and inner SPA 😌But I am happy that I can be with people and celebrate life with them, one way or another, not having to avoid certain places or people because they make me feel ill at ease. I am here to live fully, with all, not separate. And it is so much fun! Now…
My health is amazing now and my body is so much more flexible and painless. However, it has taken me time and patience to accept the pains of adjusting my frequency to being here, whilst constantly integrating and expanding my free energy body. It is indeed a very sensual orgastic experience, as my spine very often fires up in a spiral of powerful light that brings about whole body orgasms with the simplest things… Like even a simple deep breath at the top of a mountain with an astounding view, or lying on the grass whilst watching the clouds roll by in the sky above me, or diving into the not so warm lake near my home, as the rain kisses my cheeks and creates endless ripples on the serene surface. A bird’s song or a symphonic sunset. Dancing with friends under the summer moonlit sky… And so much more. So much more. Always.
And sex, though it has become unnecessary, is in itself a whole new experience for me. Fulfilling from head to toe. Completely sensual. A sacred communing, complete in itself.
Here follows a video recording of a session I had with a beautiful Divine Human where at one point she asked if I perceived myself as realized, as in what Adamus (Adamus is channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe - Crimson Circle) has been expanding on, because she had felt this so clearly about me that she eventually asked. And from that question onwards ensues my sharing of my own experience, which might strike a chord in anyone who feels drawn to watch it. So I leave this gift here for whomever wishes to access it.
One thing is certain for me: the most important thing is to live my life with endless gratitude, allowing grace to flood my days and bring me infinite moments to celebrate being alive, being here, finally experiencing a smooth and gentle creation, after so many thousands of years of struggles. Embracing life to its fullest has been the key. Being kind, loving and compassionate to myself has been the open door to the ceaseless abundance that I Am.
Realization has unfolded as a result, not a goal in itself. It is a constant journey each and every moment. It is not static. And it is never a done deal, as in “been there, done that”. It is a continuous discovery, unfolding and adjusting to new ever expanding frequencies, and I am so ok with this feeling of not having to know anything cause I know whatever is needed when it is needed and that’s more than enough.
Now I know what Adamus meant with letting go of the idea of service for only the Master can be in full service. Now I am the Master, simply by being in complete surrender to the All that I Am. The level of breakthroughs my Presence now provides is nothing short of miraculous and the funniest thing is I haven’t a clue how it is done! Really! All I know is that being a compassionate Presence is the most precious gift to me and to all. Effortless, seamless and graceful. Heavenly bliss :) I hold such a firm space of serene clarity that anything is literally possible. For me and for anyone my thought, word or deed touches.
This is what we (all that are on their own unique journey of being the Human that Realizes the All that each One is) provide for each other and I would like to once again express my profound Gratitude to all of you, for we hold the space for each other to realize All 🤗😍

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