The Empire of Distraction
Oftentimes people ask me: “what does it really mean: to
stay? Do I stop working, moving?”
“No. Nothing of the sort. You simply stay in the stillness
inside, through which Time and Space pass, the place where nothing is permament
but You – your expanded awareness. It is Home – THE Place of Isness. You work,
you experience, you live from this space and not the opposite. It is not the place
that comes to you, it is you that come back to your place which is in Essence –
What I have noticed is that identity is of course afraid of
this place, so it keeps on convincing us – through the mind’s chit chatter – to
go elsewhere, to get busy with …. (you name it), to get distracted for
infinitely numerous reasons, none of which are clearly valid. They are just
So it occurred to me to ask – “what is it that you fear in
this space, what is it that keeps you jumping out of it?
Is it the Simplicity?
The Silence?
The Void?
The Transparence?
The Vulnerability?
The Responsibility?
The Balance?
The Love?… it might be the Love.
Or maybe the Wisdom.
Ah, then again, the Grandness – that might be it.
Hummm or the Boundlessness.
Is it the Joy?
Wait a minute – the Freedom, that’s a biggie.
The Pathlessness?”
Notice that all of these are what people who are on their
path of awakening really want to feel and to be in. Yet, it is not a question of
being in, but of BEing. Period.
And it all happens at once, so to speak. By letting go of
the attachment to distraction. Thus identities melt away and the space one dwells
in becomes the space one IS.
The thing is: it is this simple. No secrets or hidden
agendas. That’s what baffles the mind time and again.
Who is choosing who you really Are?
I share that for me it is the breath that serves as a
constant magnet to keep me Home, and that since being Home is the norm,
temporarily stepping out of it becomes excrutiatingly painful – a very clear
reminder ;) Having let go of everything else is not only liberating, it spares me
from reams and reams of distraction, because all in all the One that I truly Am
requires no-thing else but the Isness that it IS.
A friend was telling me yesterday that though he knew in his
heart that this silent knowingness of Isness is Who he is, and that this is
where he knows he wants to be, it sometimes seems impossible to live a “normal”
life and not get distracted most of the time. And I said “yes, it does seem
impossible, but with perseverance and unabated trust, constantly knowing this
truth in your heart, it is not only possible, but simply Who You Are. Always
remember that you have spent most of your life fostering distraction. Don’t
expect it to let go of you all of a sudden. It takes Patience… and Compassion
in complete Surrender to your Truth, always. Who knows, your next breath can be
the one that keeps you Home :).”
Neddless to say that most people will not even understand a word of what's written here because they have not yet felt the urge to Stay Home and living amongst these people every day is quite distracting, until we are sure of the difference between illusion and Home. This cannot be discussed, explained of analysed and once we know in our hearts that Home is where we dwell nothing and no one can keep us out of it.
Neddless to say that most people will not even understand a word of what's written here because they have not yet felt the urge to Stay Home and living amongst these people every day is quite distracting, until we are sure of the difference between illusion and Home. This cannot be discussed, explained of analysed and once we know in our hearts that Home is where we dwell nothing and no one can keep us out of it.
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