
segunda-feira, 9 de junho de 2014

Letter from ISNESS to YOU:

Letter from Isness to YOU:

The moment you achieve your aims you will want more, and more, and then more and more and if by any chance you stop and feel yourself you will feel lost and empty and you will question yourself: What for? Why am I doing this? And you won’t know the answer. And you will fall into a deep black hole of emptiness, not knowing why you are here or who you are.

Maybe, in that moment of deep and dark despair you will wake up and realise you came here to BE, and you will let go of everything you thought you were and needed and you will surrender to all that you are, finally staying at HOME, HERE, NOW, in you, with you, no longer seeking or striving. And then you will know fulfilment, you will BE and you will LOVE.

Then you will stop using your creative power to seduce and manipulate, using and abusing, being used and abused, struggling and fighting and you will decide between fighting against who you aren’t or cooperating with who you are. You will stop running away from stillness and you will embrace it like a tired soldier, finally back from the battle, sore and forlorn, longing for peace and then you will see there is no separation, nothing to fight for or against, there is nothing to achieve, there is just this infinite pool of Isness where all resides and nothing remains, boundless in its vastness, endless and complete.

Maybe one day, if you have the courage to let go and fall into the arms of God, then you will see that that which you call God and have been angry at for abandoning you, was just you pretending not to be the God that you are, an infinite speck of Isness that is all there is to be, that has all there is to have.

Then you will not have to go anywhere to seek love, to seek wealth, to seek understanding, to seek peace, to seek home. You will BE it. You are it. You have simply forgotten.

Maybe one day.

Then there will be nothing to hide, nothing to hide from, nowhere to hide and you will stop postponing being whole for a later time that does not exist. You will stop not existing here. You will see there is nowhere else to be.

Don’t worry. Meanwhile you have lost nothing. There was never anything to lose… or win. It was all just a game of loss, heartbreak and pain and though it seemed to be real it was never true. It was just an illusionary lie you told yourself so that you could experience not being who you are – creating complexity to forget simplicity.

Then you will find that which was never lost. It was you who was lost. And you got lost on purpose, just for the thrill of finding yourself again, but eventually along the way you forgot that’s why you got lost.
Maybe one day love will beat stronger in your heart than fear in your head and you will stop, take a deep breath and remember the truth of who you are.

Well you can come back home now. You can stay here, now, and let you love you, let me love you, let you love me, let us be ONE.

Meanwhile I will be here, HOME, always, all ways, patiently breathing, just being, knowing you are me, longing to be whole with you. Patiently waiting for you to invite me to dance as I have invited you, and then you shall become the dance. Life shall be allowed to live and we shall blend. I shall be here, longing for you to listen to my breath, to wake up, to live, to love.

With love,

Your Essence

by T. C. Aeelah (InPassion Publications)

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