Some time ago I was asked to participate with an entry to
a collective book about healthy practices in pregnancy. This book had entries
by several academic authorities. I am not an academic authority as such but
since I had something new to contribute the author invited me to add my part.
My part was about Conscious Breath and how to use it in
order to enhance the experience of pregnancy, connecting with the baby, both
physical and non-physical, the whole body as well as with the father, in order
to create harmony and balance and enjoy this experience of motherhood in
complete grace. The mishap was that I needed to include references from other
academic authors in my entry. Now how can one include references from academic
authors about something that is new and only now being written??? Needless to
say that in the end I decided not to participate in the project.
Time and again I have come across this barrier of reference,
academic or scientific background, proof, the question being: who did you learn
it from – where did it come from? Well, what if it came from somewhere that
cannot be referenced??? What if I am a pioneer in the way I do certain things
and present my work to the world? How can I reference that?
InPassion Coaching is not regular coaching. My Integration Sessions
are not regular anything. The way I constellate using the Essence as a
balancing ground for it all to happen is not regular. Many of the exercises I
use in my workshops are not regular either. In fact, I have no idea about most
of them until the actual moment in which they come to my consciousness for me
to use at that moment – and then I never use them again because I don’t need to
remember them, there are always more new ones! Many of the things I write in my
books are as new for you as they are for me. I had no idea about them until the
very moment they spill onto the page. And I could go on and on giving examples.
Where does it all come from? It comes from the unique
combination of expanded consciousness’ creative expression, which drinks from
the Source of All There Is and accesses parts and pieces here and there. These
combined in a new way form something new.
And why does this happen? Because I let it! I get out of the
way. I don’t try and figure things out. I don’t try and pre-define how I am
going to do things. I don’t expect any specific outcomes and above all I don’t
need to control anything. My aim is the same as the starting point, which is
the same as the path and the same as I AM: to BE the constant expression of the
Passion of Isness. When I chose this I chose it from the core of my Being and I
sure enough had no idea about what it really meant, let alone how to do it… how
to BE it. All I had to do was surrender totally. Let go of everything. So I am
learning all the time, breath by breath. And there are no books in which I can look
it up, because it is unique unto me, unto the particular combination of all of
my life experiences throughout my endless comings and goings here on Earth and
before it ever even existed! The unique combination of my Human with my Divine,
which in turn is connected with every other Human and their Divine, and THE
DIVINE everywhere. There wouldn’t be enough data storage units to comprise all
of this! And it isn’t necessary either. My Isness creates in the moment. Then
it lets go to leave space for life to keep on happening in a constant flow of
The amazing thing is that this is possible for everyone,
though not everyone will choose to do so in this lifetime. I respect that
totally. I even celebrate it. It is called free will.
On the other hand, many will. These phoenixes will burn down
completely to then rise from the ashes in glorious colours, more resplendent
than ever. And the more that do so, the more that will keep on doing so. Like
motivates like, creates like and thus the world changes. It is changing. Some
might say it is worse than ever. I feel it quite differently. I feel the
potentials of conscious evolution blooming like never before. I feel the power
of Isness combined with Human genius burning down the veils of illusion, as
moment to sweet moment love seeps through the holes of mass consciousness,
opening up craters of awareness where there were none. I feel the impulse of
critical mass pushing the debris out of the way so that the path can be clear
for many many more to find the balance they have been seeking. I feel it, I see
it and I celebrate it.
I have chosen to BE LOVE and I Am. In BEING LOVE there is
nothing to contain or withhold. So I overflow it and enjoy life to the
millisecond, all of it, to its last infinite bit. That’s how much I LOVE… YOU.
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