A few days ago I wrote about the World Peace Day and focused on the irrefutable fact that if each one of us doesn’t start by choosing Peace in our own lives, the uthopian dream of World Peace will never become actual reality.
We have all dreamt of this ever since we can remember. Somewhere deep within us we know Peace is our Truth. We know it is possible. We know we can achieve it. It is WHO WE ARE! How could it be any other way? We have just temporarily forgotten about WHO WE ARE.
We have gone about this endeavor fighting against whatever we believed disturbed Peace, instead of cooperating with what creates Peace, and above all we have gone about it by judging the world out there, instead of loving the world inside of us enough to choose Peace instead of Drama in our own personal worlds. We have forgotten that it is the sum total of all of our personal worlds that creates the whole WORLD and that the latter is much more than simply the sum total of the parts.
This past Monday there was a terrible fire in my area. Actually this year has been very abundant in fires. We sometimes forget that Nature reflects us, and that we are made up of the elements of Nature, being therefore intimately connected with it. The element of Fire represents the Passion of Spiritual Enlightenment, pure Creative Energy, but on the other hand it also represents Anger and the monstrous imbalance of destructive forces we spew into our realities with all of our fighting, rage, mental noise, problems, worries – DRAMA. So it should come as no surprise that there have been so many fires in this time of political, economic and social unrest. In its balanced state fire destroys what is no longer needed and allows for strong regeneration and rebirth. In its imbalanced state, it swells out of proportion and ravages all that it finds in its path, regardless of its usefulness or preciousness.
This is what happened around here, the same way as it has happened in so many other places around Portugal this Summer. When the fire comes, in all of its splendorous speed, we are once again reminded that Nature is sovereign, even in its self-destructive capacities. But above all, as Nature also reflects us, it is an opportunity to stop and be aware of our own self-destructiveness and its devastating effects. We worry if our houses are going to burn, if people are going to die… Hey, look around, can you see how much LIFE has been consumed by this very same fire? How many plants and trees, animals and insects? How far and wide this affects the whole food chain, the atmosphere, everything?
What if we had all finally chosen Peace in our own realities? Realities overlap and touch each other. So whenever I am choosing Peace for me, I am choosing Peace for the Nature that surrounds me, that reflects me as well. Interestingly enough, this very same devastating fire changed track at the last moment, by a sudden wind change, just before it would hit the pine trees on my land and the land right beside it. So there is a patch of green around my house and the neighbour’s house. The rest is scorched to ashes. I did not fear the fire. I knew I had not chosen it in my reality.
Of course many others had not chosen it either, but they had not chosen anything at all, let alone Peace. And they had been fearing fire for as long as they can remember, because it is “normal” to fear fire if you live amidst the trees. Or is it?
My quest is simple. To Be who I truly Am, to show by example what the result of Being is, to show by example how reality is shape shifted by the power of conscious choice, to show by example that the Earth is a magnificent place to live in and when we truly start respecting ourselves, ending our self-destructive games, rather than being selfish, as is commonly thought, we are healing the World, one by one – rehabilitating LOVE in place of FEAR, PEACE in place of DRAMA.
I invite you to LOVE YOU like never before and see how much PEACE you create, how much BALANCE you share, how much HARMONY you give. That will change REALITY for all of us and NATURE will then be able to thrive into its full potential, unharmed by us.
This might challenge the Ego, for it may feel it is not doing anything, it is not acting, not fighting against anything, not saving anyone... Stop, take a deep breath and feel your Heart. It will tell you the difference between doingness and Isness :) And anyway, pure logic is enough to show how these choices of LOVE, PEACE and ISNESS really work very simply and effectively.
áleas Drama, My friend!!! We are Humans!!! No âmago do meu Ser, procuro sempre e sempre, no "buraco" do Drama, o trilho de "vitalidade", em direccao a Luz, que me orienta e me faz mover para a plenitude de Vida, no aqui e no agora!!!