
domingo, 4 de setembro de 2022

Incomplete Completeness

 Incomplete Completeness

Eternally blissful, a mirage. Something shifting on the horizon like the waves of heat perspiring their fog onto the mirror of consciousness.

Nothing can be permanent in the impermanence of form, and a blessing it is that life inhales and fades into exhale before rising again.

We are not meant to remain untouched. Figures of wax feigning realness. No. We are not.

Could it be a song, a showering joy? Eventually a tear, a sadness passing by… Farewell you will say, to all of this, as the crystalline transparence of being no-thing permeates your awareness. Contentment everlasting.

A generous unfolding it has been, as I discover myself existing each day, each way. 

I never know what is to come, who I will experience being today. All I know is aliveness in the warmth of each breath. Physicality a blessed boon that rivets the infinity I Am into tangible droplets of alchemy. 

No place can contain me. No space can retain me. Time I dance with, as dimensions I explore. Knowingness spirals forth from the invisible ocean that gently laps its waves onto the sand shore of my moments… It comes and it goes unbridled by need and freedom is the delicate perfume of my unknown livelihood.

Human or Divine is no longer a riddle… a quest. For beyond both there is One and in this entirety lays All. All that I Am.

Beloved friends, I come to you today from a realm of profound gratitude. That which permeates my heart from dawn to dusk, from dusk to dawn.

Love… Love is my shaft of wisdom, my magical wand and though I do not command it, I own it like the cells in my body, the bones that uphold me, the blood in my veins. It does not belong to me, and yet it is mine to be savoured and thus I bow in grateful contentment. I bow to no one in particular. To nothing as such. I bow to that which infuses me, nameless, formless. That which is, however, as tangible as being here now, writing these expressions of sense on a blank page.

This which has ensued throughout my month with the bountiful Mother - Nature, Earth, the quintessential Giver of Life - has been, is and shall go on being a new nowness of a very essential flavour, unfolding in ways I cannot yet define as complete, though completeness is in this world of form both my intrinsic state as well as never achieved. And I smile a smile from the heart that lights up my face and sparkles in my eyes, for I know this to be the most special gift of being here - incomplete completeness. Just like each breath. And I celebrate! I celebrate, me, you, us, everything.

We will keep on playing, you and I, as we each discover what comes our way. Unique. Beautiful beyond measure. We will keep on celebrating.

I love you, each reflexion of the me that is impermanent eternity. Thank you for being here. Wherever you are. Whoever you perceive yourself to be.

With Love,

T. C. Aeelah

31st August 2022

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