On the
path of expanded awareness there are, indeed, many distractions. A few of the
most enticing ones are precisely those that keep us “beating around the bush”
instead of addressing our issues straightforwardly. It’s no wonder this
happens, we have milleniae of practice running around in never ending circles
of the same.
Many times I hear people giving excuses for not moving
beyond their precious known personality traits such as: “it’s not my time” or “I’m not ready”, “I
have a lot of time”, “I don’t want to rush my process”… and then the bastion of
all these: “this is a never ending process, we will always have issues to
resolve, so there’s no point trying to resolve it all at once”.
Yes. There is purpose in these affirmations, and yes,
sometimes one is not ready to move forth, and yes there is no rush, after all, it
is not a competition! On the other hand, if an issue is right under one’s nose,
and one can see it clearly, then it is THE TIME for change. Otherwise it wouldn’t
be evident and the way to integrate and resolve it wouldn’t be visible and
available. That’s all there is to it. And pleeeeease, throw out the daft
concept that you will always have issues to resolve, obstacles to overcome,
problems to deal with. Nooooooo! What is your choice????? Living on Earth will
always have its challenges, there will always be events that challenge your regular
way of resolving them and there will always be people who defy your ability for
compassion. Then again, none of this needs to be a problem, an issue, an
obstacle. It all depends on how you, the Master Creator of your reality, choose
to deal with life. It is the eye of the beholder that defines and determines
one’s world. No question about it, this is a 100% foolproof affirmation. Put it
to the test.
Now some clarification. No, I didn’t wake up one morning and
snap my fingers and choose to live a magical life and it all happened
instantly. It could have been almost so actually, if I had known back then,
when I decided to change, to move forth, to expand, to BE, if I had known it
didn’t need to be hard, if I had accepted to be simple, if I had been ready to
throw everything I was carrying inside and no longer needed into my Universal
recycling bin at once. But I couldn’t have. My body wasn’t ready for such an instant
change. My mind wasn’t capable of such a radical transformation. And my Essence
was absolutely compassionate and completely patient with my stubbornness. If
this change had happened at the snap of my fingers I would have disintegrated!
My body wouldn’t have been able to sustain the intensity of this new vibration,
and my DNA needed time to readjust and I needed time to accept, to release, to
BEcome who I really AM, gradually. So, it does take time. And each one has
their own time. The question is: to what extent do we TRUST we can BE fully and
totally who we really ARE, to what extent are we willing to surrender to our
Essence’s guidance (some call it GOD, I prefer to call it Essence simply
because it is a weightless word), to what extent are we capable of accepting
ourselves entirely, to what extent are we capable of receiving all that we ARE
right Here and right Now, to what extent are we capable of acknowledging that it
is possible, feasible and simple?
When the answer is right there before your very eyes, right
there under your nose, you can still choose not to accept it and turn your
back, going on yet another merry go round ride or… grasp the chance, fill your
lungs with precious air, open your heart and leap into the unknown that you ARE
and has always been there. It’s been just there, right there, nowhere else,
just there – HERE.
The other day a friend was saying maybe he needed to go back
“home” for a while, for a breather, to then come back again to Earth and
continue. I challenged him by saying that home is right here. Not necessarily
on Earth, actually none of us are from Earth or anywhere else. We are from
where our ISNESS IS! That is home. There is nowhere else to go back to, but
there is HERE to land fully into.
We are expert foolers, and the ones we fool the most are
ourselves ;)
Now that I am living exactly the life I have chosen I can
say that ultimately it is simple to live it. It is the simplest thing to do
actually. It is effortless surrender to endless possibilities of manifestation
where all that seemed hard to get is actually easy to BE.
In endless love I embrace you and me in the vastness that we
This photo was taken by Luis Campos, InPassion Publications' designer, and it is of the Pico Island, in the Azores, where the InPassion Com... Passion workshop will be held from the 4th to the 8th September 2014.
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