
terça-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2014

Love is... contagious

Love is… contagious <3

Each day, each breath of love expands in such fantastically productive ways, that even though I am getting used to it, I never cease to feel  sweetly overwhelmed with the intensity of graceful living.

Life is indeed a gracefully sensual experience when allowed free rein to flow from the source of balanced Isness.

Take the weekend before the last, for example. I had an InPassion Breathe Free Session scheduled for Oporto and another for Braga (north of Portugal). The one in Oporto was at a Holistic centre. The other was at a private residence. Guess what? The one in Braga happened and the other didn’t. Why? Because of the LOVE frequency. For the event in Braga there was nothing but the desire to be together and share Isness. There was no fear of competition, on the part of the organizer, and there were no expectations or agendas, other than simply making the most of the opportunity to share the Love that we are.

When I had confirmation that the event in Oporto wasn’t going to happen, I considered whether I was going anyway or not. It is a long trip. I had invited a friend to go, offering her the opportunity to enjoy a relaxed, expense free weekend and I also invited her daughter, who needed to go shopping for clothes (she’s been growing fast J ). This made me decide that “yes, I am going anyway”. I didn’t know how many people were going to the event in Braga, though.

As a consequence of allowing the flow of love, the most amazing gifts came our way. The organizer, a dear friend of mine whom I had only been with once, for she attended a workshop of mine last September, received us like royalty! She gave us the keys to an apartment she has, where she doesn’t live. It was complete with bedclothes, towels, beautiful space. All we could possibly need. In the evening another friend from there took us to town, showed us around and then took us dancing. He didn’t know where the Club was, because he had never been there. He asked a group of people who were talking to each other outside a restaurant. Two of them got in their car and lead us to the place, and then they went back to where they were. So we even had a private escort!

The following morning, once again, we were escorted to the venue of the event J It was the house of the organiser’s friend, who had heated the place and made it comfortable and cosy for us. There were 12 people at the event and it was a marvelous experience for all of us. We also had the privilege of my friend’s presence, the one I took on the weekend, breathing compassion for all, just there, in deep silence, creating even more of a loving balance for all. We named her InPassion’s Executive Breather ;)

As if this were not enough, the organiser had yet another surprise for us! On Saturday she was busy all day preparing a surprise lunch for all of us to enjoy after the workshop on Sunday! So we all ate at the house where the workshop was! Everyone in the workshop! We were all a family J

Then, we wanted to go to Vila Verde, the place where some beautifully embroidered Fiancées handkierchiefs are made, because there was a big feast of LOVE there, during the weekend. Once again we were escorted right around the town, so as not to get caught up in the huuuuge queue that had formed to go in.

We enjoyed. We took photos of the beautiful creations inspired by the Fiancées Handkierchiefs. We loved it. We left and travelled back home. (There are photos of these creations on a post I shared here a few days ago.)

When we arrived, the lady with whom my friend’s children had spent the weekend had prepared a major banquet, just for the joy of having us at her house! So much love!

But that’s not all…

During the weekend we had spoken about my upcoming trip to London. I am taking my English students there, so I am receving the whole package, expenses included, in exchange for my "work" ;). My friend’s daughter mentioned she would love to go, it’s been a dream she’s had for a long time. The trip was just two weeks away. It seemed impossible that she might go, first of all because she had no money to go, and secondly because everything was organised already.

On Monday a lady who was going gave up.  Nevertheless she wanted to make sure someone else enjoyed the experience, so she offered it to my friend’s daughter, complete with spending money which she had already exchanged for Pounds and all!!! The young girl was so overwhelmed with such an amazingly unexpected windfall that the following day she was bedridden with high fever! ;) Receiving so much so fast can be a bugger! Hehehe It’s all a question of: how much can you accept to receive? Anyway, now she’s in tip top shape and all ready to go and receive her unexpected dream come true.

Last weekend was equally an endless succession of pure Alchemy! Once again I invited this friend who went to Braga for yet more receiving. She accepted ;) Now she knows she CAN take it! Hehehe The thing is that as we allow our hearts to expand into crystalline boundlessness, everything becomes possible and this is INTENSE!!! Indescribably intense, but oh sooooo complete! The illusionary frontier between what we thought was giving and what we thought was receiving simply disappears. Puft! It eclipses into nothingness.

Well, let’s get on with the story ;) We went to the Algarve, in the south of Portugal, where I was going to spend the weekend with my son who lives in Alentejo with his dad,  and also to present my new book  Vice Versa, about the magic in everyday life. On Saturday morning the sun was shining peacefully in an endless blue sky. The sea was transparently soft and inviting. The sand was sparkling its golden invitation. We were lent an apartment right in front of the beach, where we could appreciate this perfect scenery while lying in bed!!!! The apartment was called Regency, and we sure felt like royalty, such was the privilege we were offered.

We just had to go to the beach! In the dead of Winter, after weeks of rain, here was a pristine Spring morning! We just had to go and play in the water! We just had to lie on the soft sand! We just had to accept this fulfilling Present, such was the love it contained!

In the afternoon we headed for the book presentation. A friend who I had met just two weeks ago, curiously at the workshop I hold once a year named Mind and Soul… in my Body (the same one the friend from Braga had attended last year), invited me to present the book at her own home. Another two friends from Albufeira (in the Algarve, where the presentation was scheduled), had gone around town during the week, inviting some friends to come in sort of a door to door personal invitation tour J

We arrived at the house. It was so beautiful! Luxuriously decorated, a huge, comfortable living room with a warm fire burning in the central fireplace. They had prepared a delicious snack for after the session, complete with cakes, cookies, tea and other homemade delicacies. I was speechless. You know what it feels like when you are so fulfilled, when you feel so loved and you love so much that tears brim over your eyes and laughter comes bubbling from that place within where miracles happen? That’s how I felt.

Fifteen people came. It was like a family gathering and it was ever so special! I sold lots of books, received registrations for my next event in Bretagne (France), the InPassion Masters event, and my friend, InPassion’s Executive breather, was invited to do her Reflexology and Intuitive Therapeutic massage sessions in the Algarve! She had been invited to do so in Braga too! So now she’s going to have to manage her appointments in order to deal with all of this abundance ;)

At night my mum, who had gone to the Algarve as well, in order to deal with her apartment’s renovation, went out dancing. We weren’t too sure whether to go or not, for we were still dealing with the love overdose of the afternoon’s book presentation. Anyhow, my 6 year old son was intent on taking us out dancing!!!! He just had to dance with mummy! And so it is that we actually went and once again enjoyed it immensely. Thank you Samuel!

On Sunday we went to the beach again! It was windy, but I tell you, I’ve never ever loved the wind so much! What a blessing! Then we were taken to yet another Paradise on Earth. It is called Vila Monte and it I loved it so much that it shall be the venue for my Symbiosis Event, at the beginning of November.

It is not only the weekends that are filled with infinite love. Everyday it is like this! Every single day, and I could go on and on sharing fantastic experiences, but now I’m going to have lunch… with a friend who cooked it especially for us.

I thank you, I thank me, I thank all that IS for absolutely everything. Praise to enlightened living ;)

segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2014

Lágrimas de Plenitude

Lágrimas de Plenitude


Gotas transparentes cintilam no lago dos meus olhos. Um dilúvio de êxtase inunda o meu coração.

A vastidão infinita da existência dilui-me. O corpo, suave, enleia-se nas ondas do Ser. Ilimitado. Corpo. Mente. Alma. Nada. Tudo desaparece na plenitude do nunca, manifesto no sempre. Agora.

Pelo meu rosto escorrem incontidas cascatas de doce Amor. A gentileza da sua carícia permeia a força com que me banham.

Perco-me sem ter que me encontrar. O silêncio invade o meu Universo por completo e no vazio respiro-me. Livre.

Lágrimas transparentes de plenitude caem na fonte do meu riso incontido.

Não tem nome este sentir.

Simplesmente Sou.

Este fim de semana na praia da Rocha (Algarve), uma Primavera perfeita - gratidão transbordante de plenitude a todos os elementos da natureza que criaram este Paraíso :)

sexta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2014

Power / Poder

Power /Poder

Last week the writing assignment I sent my advanced English students for homework was an essay comparing José Mujica (Uruguay's President) with the political system in Portugal. It was very interesting for me to read the different contributions of these woderful youngsters. One of them ended with a quote from José Mujica: "it is a mistake to think that power comes from above, when it comes from within the hearts of the masses. It has taken me a lifetime to learn this." 

A semana passada o trabalho escrito para os meus alunos avançados de inglês foi um "essay" comparando o Presidente José Mujica (do Uruguay) com o sistema político em Portugal. Foi muitissimo interessante ler todas as diferentes contribuições destes maravilhosos jovens. Um deles terminou com esta citação de José Mujica: "é um erro pensar que o poder vem de cima, quando vem de dentro dos corações das massas. Levei uma vida inteira para aprender isto." <3

quinta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2014

Vice Versa

Vice Versa

Aqui expresso a minha gratidão ao Luís Campos, designer gráfico responsável pela paginação e design do livro Vice Versa, pelo seu fantástico génio criativo, transformando um livro sobre a Magia da Vida, num livro plenamente mágico  Thank you!!!!

Vice Versa é o novo livro de T. C. Aeelah sobre a Magia da Vida, todos os dias. É um livro rico em Alegria, Gratidão, Serenidade, Amor e Criatividade. É um livro rico em imagens sublimes e partilha de experiências reais de Ser apaixonadamente. O livro foi criado a partir de textos e poemas publicados ao longo de um ano no blogue da autora: e está em português e inglês. O resultado final é muito mais que um blogue, é muito mais que um livro - é uma experiência única. Caro leitor, convidamo-lo a mergulhar nestas páginas, descobrindo, sentindo e recriando momento a momento a sua própria experiência… da Magia da Vida.

Vice Versa is T. C. Aeelah’s new book about the Magic in everyday Life. It is rich in Joy, Gratitude, Serenity, Love and Creativity. Written both in Portuguese and English, this book derives from the author’s blog: and it is a unique experience. Dear reader, we invite you to dive into these pages, discovering, feeling and recreating your own experience of the Magic in Life… moment to moment. 

terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2014



The other day, while I was teaching an English class, the funniest thing occurred to me!!! One of my students, one amongst many others who also share the same perspective, was  saying: “oh well, I’m used to being strange and different. That’s just the way I am”. I looked at her and smiled. Aren’t we all different?

The hilarious thing is that we are! But still, for a large portion of our lives, we feel strange for being different. Nevertheless,  we aren’t supposed to be the same, otherwise we would just might as well be manufactured as clones in an assembly line somewhere in the Universe ;)

So in fact, there’s nothing wrong or right with being different. The problem is created when we try not to be. That’s why life becomes such an effort. The short cut to freedom is understanding this and quitting the “pretend to be the same” game. Unless, of course, it is fun to play it.

Actually it is a regular thing, to be different. It is the norm, not the exception. The exception is trying to be the same! lol Hurray to yet another layer of mass illusion :)

Lenços dos Namorados

Os Lenços dos Namorados, originários  de Vila Verde, são hoje uma das tradições mais singelas do Minho. Estas fotos foram tiradas no passado domingo 16/2 em Vila Verde, no âmbito das comemorações de Vila Verde - Onde o Amor Acontece.
These are called the Fiancées Handkierchiefs, and they come from a town in the Minho area (north of Portugal) called Vila Verde. They are now one of the sweetest northern traditions :) These photos were taken on the 16th of February in Vila Verde, where there was a celebration called "Vila Verde - Where Love Happens."

Amor, Amor, Amor <3 /Love, Love, Love <3

O amor não dói. Cura.
Love doesn’t hurt. It heals.

O amor não mata. Reanima.
Love doesn’t kill. It ressuscitates.

O amor não prende. Liberta.
Love doesn’t imprison. It frees.

O que dói são as ideias sobre o amor que não é amor. O que mata são os desamores passados vividos sob a ilusão de amor. O que prende são as condições impostas sobre supostos amores.
The ideas about a love that is not love are the origin of pain. Past loves lived under the illusion of love are what kills. The conditions imposed on supposed love are what imprisons.

O amor é PLENO.

O amor é VIVO.
Love is ALIVE.

O amor é LIVRE.
Love is FREE.

O amor É.
Love IS.

Tudo o resto não É ;)
Everything else ISn’t ;)

T. C. Aeelah

quinta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2014

Verdade / Truth

Um Presidente que vale a pena ouvir, pois vive o exemplo de que fala

A President worth listening to, for he walks his talk

quarta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2014

Apegos e Necessidades / Needs and Attachments

Apegos e necessidades / Needs and attachments

Os filhos necessitam dos pais até que os pais deixem de necessitar que necessitem deles.

Children need their parents up until the point when the parents stop needing to be needed by them.

Criar dependências interpessoais serve o propósito de prender o que não pode ser preso, de possuir o que não pode ser possuído e de usar o que não pode ser usado.

Creating interpersonal dependencies serves the purpose of imprisoning that which cannot be imprisoned, of possessing that which cannot be possessed and of using that which cannot be used.

Largar a identidade da maternidade e da paternidade é porventura um dos desafios mais difíceis para o Ser Humano, naturalmente apegado a estruturas como pontos de referência.

Letting go of the identities of maternity and paternity is amongst the hardest challenges for the Human Being, who is naturally attached to structures that create reference points.

Mas apenas quando se larga o que está preso, pode nascer algo livre e novo, baseado acima de tudo no respeito mútuo pelas capacidades únicas de cada indivíduo enquanto criador das suas próprias experiências na sua própria realidade. Então nasce a partilha, a troca criativa de sabedoria e não mais a imposição de identidades.

But only when one lets go of what is imprisoned, can something free and new be born, based above all on mutual respect for each individual’s unique capabilities as creator and manifestor of one’s own experiences within one’s own reality. Thus a relationship of sharing is born, and the creative exchange of wisdom becomes possible beyond the imposition of identities.

Mãe, pai, necessitas que os teus filhos necessitem de ti?

Mother, father, do you need your children to need you?

Avenida da Liberdade - Lisboa / Freedom Avenue - Lisbon

terça-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2014

O Vento

O Vento

Este fim de semana uma amiga, a Maria Antonieta, partilhou connosco a sua relação com o vento. Era uma relação complexa. Sentia-se incomodada por ele. Identificava-o como violento, furioso. Mas viu-se confrontada com a necessidade de conviver com ele toda a noite e na sua Mestria, fez uma nova escolha. Em vez de rejeitá-lo, decidiu aceitá-lo, deixar-se abraçar por ele, libertá-lo da sua crença. E sabes, sempre que nos permitimos largar o apego a uma estrutura, seja ela uma crença ou outra estrutura qualquer que nos condicione na nossa vivência, ficamos mais livres – ficamos disponíveis para criar uma nova relação com a vida.

Aqui fica a partilha do que o coração dela respondeu ao julgamento da mente dela:

“Fiz as Pazes com o Vento”
“O vento só fala do vento. Se outra coisa ouviste ou sentiste, é MENTIRA. Pura mentira imaginada! E a mentira está em ti!”

Escrito a 9/02/2014 na sequência do Encontro Vivencial Mente e Alma… no meu Corpo (Costa Vicentina – Ilha do Pessegueiro)

Esta partilha preciosa é válida para tudo o que está condicionado em nós. Tal como o vento, esta partilha convida-nos a soprar as nuvens do apego às formas pensamento/padrões/hábitos/estruturas internas que nos fazem sentir presos e permitirmo-nos estabelecer uma nova relação connosco próprios e com tudo o que faz parte da nossa realidade.

Foi o que fiz no dia seguinte. Após uma noite de intensa ventania, o dia nasceu com sol a raiar por entre nuvens dispersas no azul celeste. Ainda que menos intenso, o vento ainda brincava com as árvores lá fora, convidando toda a natureza a bailar. Também me apeteceu bailar com todos os elementos. Apeteceu-me tanto que o frio deixou de influenciar o meu sentir. Tanto que o mar se me apresentou suave ao ponto de me permitir ser beijada por ele. A sensação do vento na pele quando não se rejeita pelo frio, da água fresca circulando qual sangue intenso pelas veias, dos pés na areia gelada massajando todos os poros, do sol morno envolvendo o horizonte, do ar vivo a entrar pelas narinas e a preencher cada recanto do corpo, do riso solto ecoando pelo alegre brincar das ondas, dos braços ao alto em absoluta gratidão… é algo cujo êxtase ultrapassa o domínio restritivo das palavras. Ahhhh quão grata estou ao vento pelo seu convite.

O vento é o vento. O mar é o mar. O sol é o sol. A areia é a areia. O céu é o céu. Nenhum é algo que não é nem poderia ser pois não saberia sê-lo. Assim é o SER. Assim SOU.


Praia das Furnas, Costa Vicentina - Alentejo (Milfontes)

segunda-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2014

Ao Vivo e a CORES :)

Ao Vivo e a CORES J

Hoje acordei suave. Fiquei alguns minutos a deliciar-me com o aconchego dos lençóis macios, a respirar-me abençoada por estar Viva. Abençoada. Às vezes parece que estou a viver na Disneyland o tempo todo, porque a magia que me acontece todos os dias é tanta que parece um mundo de fantasia – no entanto é o mundo mais real que jamais visitei ;) Sempre soube que algum dia seria possível viver assim, mas isto apenas se tornou possível quando eliminei a dúvida por completo do meu hemisfério estrelado!!! Poderias dizer que devo estar a alucinar. Se não me conhecesses e não visses com os teus próprios olhos todo o Amor que me envolve a cada momento. Mas como me conheces e partilho contigo muitos momentos mágicos, sabes que quem está a alucinar mesmo é quem ainda assim duvida! Hehehe

Bem, quando abri as persianas o céu apresentou-se-me carregado de cinzento com alguns traços de branco dispersos e o azul tímido a querer raiar por entre as nuvens. Sorri, como sempre sorrio quando abro as persianas. Damo-nos as boas vindas um ao outro, o dia e eu. Adoramo-nos J

Fui preparar-me. Algures por entre os meus preparativos o telefone assinalou o recebimento de uma mensagem. Fui ver o que era. Uma querida amiga dizia “bom dia paixão! Estou a ver um arco-íris! Mais um dia mágico para ti e para mim! Iupiiii!” Nisto olhei lá para fora. Mesmo à frente da minha janela, por detrás dos prédios, brilhava um belíssimo arco-íris! Não era o mesmo que o dela, claro, pois ela estava em Torres Novas e eu em Tomar ;) Recebemos o mesmo presente ao mesmo tempo mas em espaços diferentes. Fui lá fora com a máquina fotográfica em punho para imortalizar aquele presente. E o arco-íris foi ficando maior e maior e maior… Ah quão abençoada me senti – e sinto.

Absorvi a amplitude daquela dádiva multicolor com a totalidade dos meus sentidos, até que os meus próprios poros respiravam arco-íris, céu cinzento escuro e o brilho do sol escondido. Fui para dentro. O arco-íris também desapareceu. Mas passados poucos minutos não havia mais nuvens escuras! O céu estava azul e amplo, sorrindo alegre.

Agradeci às nuvens escuras. São elas que dão à luz os arco-íris! Agradeci ao céu azul. É ele que recebe todas as nuances que me polvilham de magia dia e noite, mudando de cor ao sabor do Ser que tudo habita.
E sabes quem é que disse à minha amiga para olhar para o arco-íris? Os filhos, aos gritos alegres no banco de trás do carro! “Mamã, mamã, olha o arco-íris! Olha ali!” E ela olhou e parou o carro à beira da estrada e todos saíram e saltaram e dançaram abraçados com o arco-íris J - e eu recebi a mensagem e também recebi este belíssimo presente.

E ainda assim há quem ache que a vida não é plena de magia ;)

Mas olha, eu a ti desejo-te um dia brilhante – como o arco-íris.

Em Torres Novas hoje...

Em Tomar hoje...

Em Tomar hoje...

Em Torres Novas hoje...

Em Torres Novas há uns dias atrás :)