
sábado, 15 de março de 2014



The winding blue river stetches its wings through rolling smooth hills of lush green. Not a breeze stirs its surfasse, just the murmuro f the current calmly flowing towards the open sea.

A white bird dives once, twice, thrice, fishing an early dinner under the delicate rays of fading sunlight.

The songs of Nature embrace my senses and nothing seems misplaced in this sacred haven of Paradise.

Enjoy, dear one, enjoy the blessings we share together, just because… just because it IS.

I know. Lately I can only find space to share beauty, joy, serenity, fulfilment, bliss… I have nothing else to share. I have stripped myself bare of everything else. I have stripped myself bare of everything that was not a direct reflexion of my pure Passion for Life. That was my firm, constant choice for a long long time. And it manifested in hiccups at first… Seldom. Then, gradually less and less rarely, as I threw down structures and reformulated beliefs about what can and can’t be done, about abundance and possibles and impossibles, about me, about others, about the World, about the Universe, about everything.

Progress seemed slow. Now, as I look back, it wasn’t so slow. It seemed hard. Hard to be simple. Such a contrasense. Now it’s hard to be anything but simple! And it’s happening before my very eyes. It’s happening constantly, permanently and that’s why I believe it’s true and it’s possible and there’s no way to explain it, really. The only way is to live it, to be it, to dive into it so completely that nothing else remains but the bliss that ONE IS.

Trust. Trust is the secret which is not secret. 100% trust and that’s all.

Just in case you want to visit this beautiful Haven, it's in the Alentejo, Portugal - a place called Moinho da Asneira, near Milfontes beach.

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