
segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2020

Fixing Duality?

 Fixing Duality?

We have been going around in circles with this elusive riddle for millennia, always entertained in hopes of perfecting what cannot be perfected.

Whilst incarnated here on Earth, we are limited. Our vision is always limited and the supposed ideal of perfection created by our minds is false and unattainable - simply because it is a fallacy of the mind.

Perfection does not exist and therefore it is not achievable.

Duality cannot be fixed because it is just that - duality. It is what it is.

There is no way of knowing all there is to know or to achieve a supposed ideal of perfection. If we had wanted to know all and be the Absolute Perfect One, we would not have incarnated in the first place! We would have stayed in our state of absolute Beingness.

Nevertheless, the Human can use his free will to choose to become a disciple of the Master that is born within himself, discovering him, surrendering to the Divine moment to moment and adjusting to this continuous fusion, always accepting oneself in the Human condition and discovering oneself in the greater whole that one is, without expectations of perfection.

And in doing so, we will be able to see all other Humans we interact with here on Earth with compassionate eyes, knowing that whilst the Divine is not accepted, seen or lived, only separation is available, with its shackles of pain and suffering, the folly of forgetfulness, the veil of illusion - of duality in all of its glorious diversity.

Though duality cannot be perfected, it can only be lived in harmony through its recognition as it is and its transcendence, viewed and lived from a point of inner unity which, however, does not make it easy to navigate. It is always challenging. But judgement is not supportive of this navigation, for it is naturally dual and separatist.

Compassion, on the other hand, can only be discovered more and more from our Divine Essence’s point of Presence, as we accept ourselves and embrace ourselves in its Infinite Love. The process of reunion of Human and Divine is, therefore, a continuous process of complete devotion.

The Master is born within each one of us as a result of the continuous reunion of Human and Divine, of the Human’s unwavering surrender to the Divine. The Master has no need to be concerned with the state of things around him. The Master knows that such consternation can only feed duality itself and thus he navigates within the unified field of consciousness - in the infinite space of nothingness where all is possible, creating the bridge that removes the illusion of separation.

When confronted with duality, whatever it may be, the Master finds the space in-between all things.

Is it easy? Not necessarily.

Is it simple? Absolutely.

And is living in duality easy? Not at all.

Is it simple? No, it isn’t.

This is why I choose to surrender to the oneness of who I am, which I do not know for it cannot be known, but which I discover and become aware of moment to moment, allowing the Master in me to guide me on the path that is not marked for there is no map to define it beyond each absolute Now.

My way of supporting humanity in its evolutionary process, is to create and live a template where duality, drama, pain, separation, fighting, effort, judgement, rejection, are not the rule. This, as far as I can perceive, creates new potentials in itself. These new potentials cannot, however, be imposed or forced upon anyone, as this would be their very antithesis. But, by being lived, they become available. The rest is not in our hands. The Human’s free will is always the one who determines what is to be done and inasmuch as our Divine is and always has been right here, within us, until we were ready to acknowledge it, until we could say “I’ve had enough of duality”, so it is with all of the potentials that transcend it.

My gift to Earth, is living in complete Trust in my Essence, without having to know what that is but discovering it in the experiences that this Trust provides, making this life as non-dual as possible, as I live it, since the potentials only become real and tangible, feasible for all who want to experience them, when lived. And so far I can only be profoundly grateful for the immense generosity and abundance that this choice of surrender in complete Trust brings me on a constant basis.

I interact with duality, of course, I am apparently immersed in 3rd Dimension and I live amidst it, but I do not have to feed it or create my reality from it. My starting point is unified, from within, as long as I concede to surrender.

As Martin Luther King once said “I have a dream…” adding my own words “and I weave it, I live it one breath at a time”.

This path that I am on is strange and uncommon. It is my path and only I can walk it in the way I discover within my continuous surrender to my Essence, trusting I will know what needs to be known in each moment. I am not and do not intend to be perfect, as this does not exist.

Each one walks their own unique path and that is in itself, perfect :)

My gift is stillness in the midst of Darkness, so that whomever chooses to face it can relax, knowing that the fear that it generates is illusionary and fleeting, but what remains after it has dissolved is pure gold. I provide the silent space where compassion presides, which in turn helps the mind to quieten down and allows one to fall deeper into the here and now, in total acceptance of what has been so far rejected, be it Light or Dark.

I know it hurts to face the Shadow Self. I know it hurts physically, it hurts at all levels. I know because I have walked that path in total surrender to all that was hidden. I know it is a Pandora’s box and that each one opens it a little bit at a time, as one feels ready to assume and accept it. Compassion is essential so that the guilt, the sorrow, the resentment, the rage, the sadness and everything else that is hiding within the Shadow, does not hang loose, creating stagnation and repetition.

Nevertheless, our Light is even more frightening than our Darkness. It frightens the Small Human Self, who sees himself as not worthy of it and lives caught up in the wheel of separation, in lack.

Beyond duality, in the alchemy of the fusion of Light and Dark, there is neither one thing nor the other. There is the indefinable - something that is born from the void, from the continuous flow of Being.

Yes, it is possible to live in continuous alchemy, with the joyful gratitude of being One from within, allowing the red carpet of the Master’s Magic to be laid before us as we step without faltering, experiencing the sweet gifts of the infinite Abundance that the dance of the Divine Human provides.

At this very moment, the whole world is being confronted with these pains that lead to an eventual “it’s enough”. And that is precious, for it allows the awareness that maybe there is something beyond duality, after all.

But the warrior is strong. It has been training for eras and eras, in the most fierce battles, and in the face of fear, indignation, lies, all in all, confronted with survival, the faithful warrior comes forth and promises to win one more battle in our behalf. Another one of thousands, millions, so many wars already fought and yet to come. Until one day, exhausted, he finds himself sitting on the side of the road and hears the Soul’s whisper inviting him to let go of the sword, relieve himself of the armour and look at the Love that is calling him Home, allowing himself to dissolve into the ashes of Personality he once believed to be, and be reborn in the transparence of reunion with the All that he truly Is.

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