
terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2016

BOOK/COURSE The Flow of Abundance Part 16

The Passion for Life

Many human beings complain that their lives are monotonous, routine and uninteresting. Others, on the contrary, spend their time staggering from one drama to the next, totally numb by suffering, hating their lives nonetheless.
Some do have interesting lives, but there is always something missing. They are not as free as they wished to be, or so… as they would like to be, the list could go on and on.
There is, however, a minority of human beings who are completely satisfied with their lives, living the fulfillment of being here, in total satisfaction.
Once our basic needs for food, shelter and some sort of comfort have been satisfied, I would go so far as to say that everyone would like to be part of this last category of human beings, and the recipe is quite simple, much simpler than everything else.
First: CHOOSE!
Choose what you really want in life… Yes, yes, you’d like to but you can’t because this and that and the other. Please stop! I didn’t say “think about how you’re going to get what you’ve chosen”, or “think about all of the obstacles and limitations between you and what you want”. I said “Choose” – CLEARLY AND FEARLESSLY.
Second: TRUST.
Without expectations or doubts. Doubt kills the possibility. Expectation kills creativity.
What changes are you ready to make in your life in order to finally trust? In order to finally choose?
To what extent are you willing to receive what you have chosen?
If you are believing in all sorts of limitations, thinking that life is something that happens to you and not something you make happen, that you don’t deserve to receive, that you have to take care of everyone except yourself… your life will always be something tasteless or a bit bitter, sometimes bittersweet but rarely very sweet.
Invite passion to enter your life. Allow yourself to taste it, to feel it, to nurture it. Allow yourself to let go of what no longer serves you with gratitude for the experiences you have had with what you are letting go of and allow yourself to choose and create something new in your life… willingly, with courage, determination, focus, freedom, joy, for the pleasure of playing the unique melody which is the DANCE OF LIFE.

Introspection Exercises

What changes are you willing to make in your life, in order to trust totally? In order to choose?

To what extent are you open to receiving what you have chosen?

Coming up next:

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