
terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2015

Compassion - Soul Song 17

Another extract from Soul Songs - The Melody Within (written in 2010 by T. C. Aeelah)

Day 17

“Total acceptance of you. See you as I do, accept you as I do”.

I even have the best possible teacher in the lesson of acceptance right here within me, all of the time. What else could I need?

Acceptance is just another word for Compassion, but alas it is so necessary in the process of becoming balanced that this invitation is repeated each day, together with all the others:)

I can only ever come to be in complete harmony with all others once I am in complete harmony with myself.

How could I ever judge the terrorist groups which go around blowing everything up, totally certain of their legitimacy, when I have a whole bunch of terrorists inside of me, playing destructive games all the time, playing peek-a-boo and hide and seek, scaring the living daylights out of me at any given opportunity, whenever I am caught unaware? How can I ever encourage them to come back to me, to trust me, if I judge terrorists outside of me?

The same goes for the assassin, and the suicidal one, the rapist and the torturer, the thief and the gangster, the devil him/her/itself... the more they irk me, the more they are long forgotten Aspects of me, lost in the mires of time.

So I observe and breathe and invite each forlorn part to come, come to my soul, trust, trust I am home, come, come to this cozy place I have created in my body, for the reunion of me.

No matter how “badly” lost any one of us seems, there is not a single one who is a lesser God. The speck of All That Is that resides in us, that is us, is complete, unshattered. Each one of us contains all of the Love, all of the Wisdom, all of the Power, all of the Joy, all of the Abundance, all of the Peace, all of the Creativity, all of the Freedom, all of all that we can possibly seek or deem to need. It is all here, blooming in me, blooming in you... as we say Yes to the perfection of all that is.

Though it may often seem that there's something wrong with the world, there is something wrong with the people, there is something wrong with me, I know that all is well in all of creation, because we are simply living the dance of existence in all of its colours and forms. Try as we might, it is impossible to cease to be I Am That I Am, even if I'm unaware of the full span of this truth.

It doesn't really matter what games I'm playing, what stories I'm believing in, what dramas I'm creating. It is just me discovering the immense possibilities of life. I can see them as good, I can see them as bad... but they are simply God happening.

It doesn't really matter, for sooner or later, when I tire of my grand dramatic productions, acknowledging the mastery in them, I can choose to create new productions of a different kind, with new flavours, new colours and scents.

And I go on and on, practicing total acceptance of all of the parts of me, in tender loving care. I see the distractions I have accepted rather than Me, rather than I Am That I Am and I breathe my serene acceptance: “Hush, hush, come now as I embrace all of you, all of me”. Hush in the silence of me and let go.


Soul Song 17 

If You knew you are an Angel
Would you love and accept
or would you fight and reject?

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