
domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

The river of Life

The river of life

A haven of green. The scent of the Earth strong with sweet flowers. The sun’s intense glow way up over the canopy of ancient trees whispering its rays through the thick bed of branches that protects me from the heat. A soft warm breeze plays around me, inviting me to stay in its berth. The birds speak their singing tunes, which need not be explained. And even the children’s loud banter blends into this harmonious portrait I have the privilege of sitting in.

And as I sit here, feeling grateful for this abundant experience, I smile, knowing that sitting here in perfect gratitude, admiring the grace of life, fulfilled and joyous, I am being of service to this immense world we live in – not by doing anything, but by doing no-thing and being every-thing. Knowing that as much as I love to create and actively materialize these creations for the joy of all, I equally love stillness and realise that the balance resides in nurturing both creative passion with active participation and serene stillness in loving gratitude.

The ebb and flow of the river of life requires this in order to keep its balance.

The enticing, adrenaline driven whims of modern society perpetuate drama so it can perpetuate itself. The question is: what is it that perpetuates you?

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