
domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

Self Destruction Versus Self Respect

Self destruction versus Self Respect

Self destruction leads to mass destruction. This is simple enough to understand. So is it not simple enough to understand that loving oneself, respecting oneself, being sweet and kind, soft and smooth with oneself, clearly results in a creative, proactive society?
There is nothing selfish in self-respect or self love. Selfishness is not self love, much on the contrary. It is lack of it, and it derives from the fear of not having or being enough as compared to others. In self love there is no need to compare, because the love within is complete unto itself.
This self love I am referring to, however, is not from the mind, it is from the core, from the very Essence of Isness. This resides deep in one’s centre and cannot be thought, only felt, it cannot be forced, only allowed, it cannot be sought anywhere, only found when you stay here and now.
Once it has been found, love starts becoming clear, life starts changing, sense and senseless gain new meaning, everything becomes simple.
The death of complexity is per se the greatest fear of humanity and it is what keeps the system functioning as it does. Which is absolutely appropriate, for if not, how could one experience pain, sorrow, fear, victimness, rage, envy, gealousy, greed, etc, etc, etc.

Anyhow, if by any chance it is your time to dive into simplicity… dive into your breath and allow yourself to find the ever present reflexion of the Love that you are, we all are.

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