
segunda-feira, 1 de julho de 2013

What matters... PART II

What matters… PART II

“It’s not about what you know, it’s about who you are” is another of my favourite “pills of clarity” like a dear friend of mine says J

What I mean is, knowledge will never be enough until one realizes that it doesn’t really matter how much one knows, just as long as it is related to the life one is choosing to live. There are infinite sources of knowledge throughout the world and though I always say that nothing is impossible, I shall now deliberately contradict myself by saying that it is virtually impossible to know everything about everything and everyone everywhere.

It is not because the knowledge exists that one needs to know it, in the same way that it is not because there are flowers in the garden that one needs to pick them. The marvelous thing is that whenever it becomes necessary for any given reason in one’s life, to know something in particular, it is there, it is available.
What is the point of striving to know more and more other than entertainment? When is what one knows enough?

I shall boldly say that it is always enough, so long as it serves your current reality. And when you choose a new experience that requires other shreds of knowledge, then it will be there to be learnt and used.

In fact, this thirst for knowledge stems from the very issue of lack. While one feels there is something lacking, there is always more to know, more to own, more to do… Once one lets the wisdom of abundance seep through, then one realizes there is actually no lack, there is just the illusion of lack.

Please bare with me for a moment: is there any lack in the infinite abundance of knowledge available nowadays? It is an inexhaustible source, ever present to quench one’s thirst. It’s like the love within… once we fall into it, it overflows permanently!

In a world driven by lack, which in turn has created consumerism at all levels, it sometimes becomes hard to discern selectively. What I mean is, it becomes confusing to choose what serves us and what is just diversion – entertaining energy consumption.

That’s where wisdom kicks in. It is through wisdom that life gains purpose. And it is through purpose that life has meaning. And it is YOU, the real YOU, your ESSENCE, that gives depth to the meaningful purpose of each moment you live. In this resides fulfillment. And when one is fulfilled nothing is lacking. Therefore one uses one’s energy with complete respect, not wasting it on striving for anything, but rather being it all.

So in the same way as it is wise to ask yourself “do I really need this?” before buying something, it is wise to ask yourself “do I really need to know this?” before embarking is yet another knowledge spree.

Do you realize that needing to know more and more keeps the mind so active that it becomes hard to silence? And that this in turn becomes so addictive that it becomes hard to be selective? And that furthermore, the mind consumes enormous amounts of energy in this game?

So the perpetual question is: how much do you love you, how much do you respect you and hence how do you choose to use your energy to create your reality in accordance to that love and respect?

Sometimes my daughter tells me in frustration “but mum, why do I need to learn all of those things they teach me at school? Some things are pointless to me. I can’t see why I need to know them!”

And I do see her point of view, though I have to create a middle term of “it is always interesting to learn new things and to know about the world”… “Yes, but what for now? When and if I need to know it I’ll learn it”, she says. Irrefutable logic.

The point is we have created a world in which knowledge, as wealth, dictate success – seemingly. We have created a whole educational system based on knowledge, where slow learners are stigmatized as non-efficient humans! We have created ADHD by imposing a learning system that doesn’t comply with creative talent. We have created the need for success… actually we have created the need for anything one can think of!

All of this is a delusion of the human ego. But as everything, it is appropriate to the extent of what one wants to experience here on Earth.

In the eve of humanity’s awakening the paradigm of need no longer serves its initial purpose for many of us. It is the antithesis of New Energy, which is derived from the wisdom of homecoming – in other words, from finally arriving HOME, within ourselves, Human and Divine entwined. There is no need or lack in this homecoming process. There is no longer a need to search, just a knowingness that one IS.
So to my awakened human travel companions I say “it is not about what you know, it is about who you ARE”.

Bye bye CV competition ;)

2 comentários:

  1. What matters...AH, Amiguinha...!!!
    Foi e continua a ser desconcertante ao ver-me reflectida, no meu interior, “desnudada” e “em estado desperto”, no próprio reflexo infindo da minha Alma!!!
    De imediato, pergunto-me: “Estarei Pronta” e realmente “Desperta” para, num amplexo mágico de Amor, permitir-me a SER QUEM SOU? Acredito, ou quero acreditar (mesmo estando desperta...) no meu poder de Escolha e no poder Mágico da minha Essência? E Vocês, meus Caros? A questão está e sempre há-de estar....”SIM ou SOPAS” (não há volta a dar...ou É – ou não é nem deixa ser).

    Com muito Amor e Gratidão por Mais esta Dádiva de Ser Vida!!!

