
quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2012

Spiritual Awakening - the Soulution

Spiritual Awakening  - the Soulution

I see people fighting for survival. Others fighting each other for recognition of their cause. Others fighting to be seen… to be heard… Others fighting to save their fellow humans, nature, the whole world. Others fighting against what some are fighting for. Some fighting famine. Some fighting disease. Some fighting for rights that seem wrong to others. Fighting. I see it everywhere as a means to an end.
Games. Drama games. Games of lack. The survival game.

I see beyond it all as well.

I used to fight. I used to be a warrior. I used to be fit for battle. I used to protect myself. I used to struggle to survive. I know the fighting game. It is filled with adrenaline and seems to have a meaningful purpose. It seems to be the way out, the way against what bothers us.

Sooner or later it becomes exhausting. It becomes boring because it is a never ending repetitive circle of trial and error. It becomes frustrating because no sooner have we arrived somewhere, then we need to be somewhere else already.

Sooner or later one hits rock bottom and questions oneself if this is the only way to get through life. “Do I have the strength to go on, or do I just give up?” – and then what? What of all the time spent, of all the hopes and dreams, what of the convictions we had? What for? Why?

That is when Spiritual Awakening has space to occur… or not.

Let’s suppose it does. You start feeling there is something within you that connects with everything and everyone everywhere. You start to question the purpose of fighting. You start understanding that there is more to reality than what seems real. You start wanting to know who you are and why you are here. You start seeing that the outer world mirrors your inner world and triggers you to react rather than act. You start to believe that there is another way to live rather than survive. You start to admit that your mind isn’t capable of figuring out all things and that there is an intangible world that is as relevant (if not more relevant because it determines the other), than the tangible one. You start to figure out that if we are all made of the same stuff, why should we fight against each other rather than cooperate? You start to discern that if life is to serve you, first you need to serve it by honouring the life within you, by respecting yourself, by being thankful for all there is, by cherishing your body – the temple of true PEACE. 

And as you see this in you, you see it in everyone else. As you love you for the grandness that pulses in your veins, so do you love all that is, both tangible and intangible. You start to question your worries and you start to see that there is a way for all to be balanced.

The thing is Spiritual Awakening cannot be imposed on anyone. It is only possible through free will. Some say that there is no free will in this because if we do not choose to awaken we suffer. Stop there for a while. Take a deep breath. Deep within you the eyes of Compassion will show you that all is well in all of creation, even what you judge as bad, wrong and evil. It is part of the immense array of possible experiences for any of us. 

It is not easy to gain perspective in the face of so much hurt and misery we see in the world, but through the eyes of Compassion you may see and accept that each one’s fate is not yours to decide. All you can do is choose for you. You can choose to awaken. You can choose to be the change. You can choose to be the example of what it is like to live in a whole new way. An enlightened way. You can share your joy. You can share your peace. You can share your love. You can share your abundance.

No. Not by imposing it all on anyone. Not by giving it away. By simply being it. When you ARE THAT YOU ARE, fully in your Presence, balanced and in harmony, you cannot but radiate those qualities. And they can be felt by whomever chooses to awaken. They can be sensed. And above all they create a different pattern – they set a new precedent which can be accessed by anyone who makes the choice to awaken.

The solution for famine does not reside in fighting for human rights. It resides in awakening. 

Do you know that it is possible to live without food or drink? This is only possible for those who are spiritually awake, though. It is done by establishing a deep and harmonious connection between body, mind and spirit and reeducating the physical body to obtain its nutrients and liquids from other forms of energy beyond food and drink. There are thousands of people already doing this on Earth right now. Recently an Indian yogi who had not eaten for 80 years was kept in a laboratory for over two weeks in order to be studied and tested, in the hope of finding a way around famine. The studies were inconclusive as to how he did it, but concluded that he was actually doing it.( - about breatharianism or living solely from breath - this program is shown in 3 parts, the other two are easily accessible on YouTube)

Anyway, not eating is not a requirement for enlightenment, though for those of you who are very concerned with the environment and are advocates of vegetarianism, or veganism for example, you could stop eating altogether if you chose to discover how this is done. This is just a way to live, like all the others. A choice.

The solution for poverty does not reside in fighting against the economic system. It consists on spiritual awakening. Once you discover abundance within you, infinite supplies become available outside. 

Money is just energy. Always remember that. Do you allow it in your life or is there any amount of beliefs you have that stop you from having it? All in all it is your perfect creation. Also being an advocate for the poor victims of the world will be fulfilling in several ways. But it sure enough won’t end poverty.

The solution to violence does not reside in prohibition. It depends solely on finding the space within where there is no notion of violence, no need for it, nothing to prove, nothing to impose. Once an awakened human realises how precious life is, it becomes unthinkable to take each other’s lives and it becomes senseless to harm another in the same way as it is to do so to oneself.

The solution to the lack of moral values does not reside in education. It resides in connecting with the Essence within, which does not need morality in order to discern what is wrong or right. The discerning wisdom of the Essence is far beyond morality. And yes. How to access the Essence can be taught.

This leads to the issue of politics and governments. The solution to the world’s political crisis does not reside in finding yet another political system. It resides in spiritual awakening. In a world of enlightened humans, decisions are made in total respect for each other and the notion of fair and unfair does not need to be discussed. It is known.

So you see, the notion of a just, fair world, with no famine or poverty is but an uthopian dream, unless everyone chooses to awaken!

In the meantime those who do awaken can cooperate with life itself and be the example of what life can be when lived by the standards of who we truly are, rather than who we seem to be. 

No effort, no struggle, no fighting, no imposing, just living life to its fullest and grandest potential. Amazing how it might seem frightening to do this… whereas war and destruction seem so normal! J

2 comentários:

  1. AH!!!Amiga Aeelah!!!_
    O “Despertar Espiritual”,
    É a beleza subtil, harmoniosa e trans_sensorial, de Ser, em mim;
    É a Energia Sublime, a fluir “amplamente”, ao meu “jeito” de Ser, em mim;
    É o jorrar de emoções cristalinas, ampliando cada detalhe de grandeza, em mim;
    É a progressão serena e experienciada de Integração Plena de Ser, em mim;

    Um xi_coração com muito Amor
