
segunda-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2012

Fear versus Intuition

Fear versus Intuition

Yes. Fear serves a purpose. Actually, it serves many purposes. Mostly we are taught to avoid potential dangers on fear based assumptions deriving from someone else’s previous experiences. We are taught to steer clear from pain on fear based language. And we learn fast. And it is very useful that we learn fast because in the game of survival only the fittest make the grade. So fear is not only useful, it is an essential survival skill.
Intuition, on the other hand is not fostered at all. It is associated to sorcery, psychic power or just awkwardness and is not taught as a mainstream skill, such as fear.
There are good reasons for this. Until we see through the drama filled games of mass consciousness, we have no idea we can possibly live differently so we are taught about life in automatic pilot. “This is how it’s done and that’s it”, is the sort of general teaching/learning process in standard, regular, day to day living. If intuition were sparked and nurtured and fostered and taught and developed… there would be no space for fear! This would mean that a whole lot of experiences would not be possible – the fear based ones. So it makes perfect sense that things are the way they are.
Ok. Now you suddenly realise that this is not exactly what you want and bam! A sudden moment of awareness hits you! There is another way. This is generally called spiritual awakening. It is the moment when you realise that there is more to life than meets the eye. Much more. That is when intuition comes in handy! Because when you start seeing inside out instead of the other way round it is the inner teaching of in-tuition that serve you best, rather than the outer dogmatic truths about what is possible and what isn’t. Intuition is the FEELING sense per se. The analytic mind cannot grasp how it works or understand its motivations. It cannot trace a path from A to B or determine a fixed pattern. And the reason is that intuition is spontaneous. It derives from a Source within each of us that is interconnected with the Source  of all things. It is a tool of the Source of Isness that we all have inside. It is not about why? or but.  It just is! It requires no argumentation or justification and you can use it or not and rest assured that it will not make your life hell if you don’t listen, like fear does! It is simple and original. Creative. It expands rather than contracts (like fear). It is gentle and ever so patient.
Once you awaken your feeling sensors and start leading this journey by intuition rather than fear, you discover a whole new reality. Drama/fear based situations literally disappear from your landscape, which allows you to start making choices by discerning what is best for you according to what you want in your life, rather than what you don’t want (which is the way fear works). You admit that past experiences do not have to determine your present or future opportunities. You learn that most of the time outcomes are unexpected, but always magically appropriate. You stop efforting to fight against, and start flowing to cooperate with what life is bringing to you because you know and trust your choices.
And the funny thing is that this new way of living beyond fear, in the arms of intuition requires far more courage than it did to stay still, inside the box of fear. And do you know why? Because it hasn’t been all neatly mapped out for you. There is no predictability. There is no comfort zone.
On the other hand there is tenderness, there is respect, no harshness, there is gratitude and love, there is a sparkling joy and wise innocence that marvels at each discovery of how it’s done the simple way. There is freedom to explore and discover. There is unburdened lightness. There is your bed of roses! J
The challenge is you have to make a choice. You could try and live with one foot here and the other there, but it doesn’t work. Tried it. It was a bugger! Wasted too much energy. Can you picture yourself with your legs spread wide open, one foot on one side of a gorge and the other on the other side? Can you feel how much effort that requires? Sooner or later you have to choose which leg is going to move, one way or the other. And that’s it ;)

2 comentários:

  1. A intuição e o medo fazem-me lembrar a “Bela e o Monstro” – artífices difusos da “Poderosa Mente”, que mascaram os propósitos de crescimento e amplitude de se Ser exponencionalmente_VIDA, em total Alegria _”transdimensional”.
    Havendo consciência de Presença destes “escolhos”, como removê-los? Com _ Coragem!!! Pois é!!! Palavra tão simples _ somente 7 letras ( Raiz_Essência, Amor, Alegria, Magia, Compaixão, Gratidão!!!)! Porém, a “Palavra” contém, no seu interior, os ingredientes para a tal “viagem libertadora”, que nos conduzirá, em cada um de nós, ao SER TOTAL!!!, ou seja, transformarmo-nos em Essência_Luz!!! É obra!!!Mas...a “Intuição do Medo” _ ou _ o “Medo da Intuição” tem cá um “peso-pesado” – inimaginável para a grande maioria dos bloguistas!!!!
    Mas tu_ OH “endiabrada” Aeelah!!! Fazes-me suar as estopinhas....AMIGA!!!UFFFFFFFFFFFF


  2. hehehe! Como adoro a forma criativa com que expões o que te vai na alma, querida amiga. Pois é, mete medo não é? heheh Bem me parecia ;)
