
terça-feira, 27 de novembro de 2012

My Path

My Path

Hello my dear friends and readers. I’ll share with you a bit of the kind of magic that has filled my days lately and which has been so overwhelming that it has been keeping me away from my writing!
Opening up to feeling, to the breath of Isness, to the expansive realization that what we see is but a mere fraction of the whole has its intrinsic consequences. Some are lovely, then again others are more challenging to deal with at times.
What I mean is when we feel, we FEEL. We feel all of our layers, we feel our Essence, we feel nature, and places and people, and even objects, we feel everything. And the thing is feeling is not selective, it has no notion of good or bad. This is where the usefulness of Conscious Breath comes in. It is only by reconnecting with the deep, still space within us that we can detach from the form of what we are feeling and see beyond it. That is when we come to the magnificent conclusion that beneath all of the layers of emotional and mental ups and downs, there is always an all-encompassing stillness that is neither here nor there, and yet is totally fulfilling in itself. That is when we can observe and realize that much of what we feel - when we open up to feeling – is not even ours! In other words, many times we feel fears that are not ours, we feel doubts that are not ours, we feel anxiousness that is not ours, pain that is not ours and so on and so on… We feel the pervasive waves of mass consciousness passing through us as if we were a sift. Then, it becomes simple. We become aware of what is generated by us and what isn’t and all we have to do is take and deep breath and release, let go, surrender, BE.
Yes, I know of all of the forms of protection used to deflect or impede outer layers from touching us. The decrees, and mantles of protection, the invocations and chants and so on. But I also know that in our mastery there comes a moment when there is no need to protect ourselves, because as we expand our consciousness so does our vibration change and therefore, that which is not of the same vibration cannot affect our reality, even though we can feel it pass through. It is sort of like choosing to jump in the river and surrender to the stream effortlessly, instead of fighting not to get wet, when in the end we get wet anyway!
Then there is the case when some people feel challenged by your presence and see in you parts of themselves reflected as a true mirror does. Let me explain. Whenever someone accuses you of being something and feels angry at you for that, it is a sure thing that you are merely serving as a reflection.  Then the challenge is to observe yourself. Does it make you feel angry or hurt as well? Then you have some aspects related to the issue to observe. If you can easily detach from the need to justify and be understood, letting go of the accusation without guilt or hurt, then it is not your issue. And it is indeed liberating, not having to justify because the mind’s rambling argumentation will get you cornered every time and it will prove useless and exhausting to go that way. Adding to this liberation is the one you give the other person, by not insisting that either of you is right or wrong. Can you let go and move on? It’s worth a try.
My magic has been truly releasing expectations of any particular outcomes, in all sorts of situations. It is another great step towards freedom!!! And then has come the awareness that no matter which choice I make, if I have no expectations, there is no wrong way to go. Each one will bring its own unexpected and so far very beautiful outcome. So that has allowed me to forego delaying choices for fear of not making the right one and just going ahead and living the experience fully, as it is. No procrastination, no fear of losing because there is nothing to lose from Living fully.
My magic has been surrendering to True LOVE. No ifs or buts, no what ifs either! What do I mean? I mean following my heart 100%, regardless of my mind’s opinions. Following my heart regardless of the limiting fears derived from past experiences. Following my heart regardless of its seeming insanity. Allowing myself to LOVE every bit of me like never before, and therefore love another in the same fearless way. Here is another liberating step to freedom, because within Love resides no fear, so if we choose to follow our heart in love we release the crippling grip of fear and LIVE what is right there to LIVE, NOW!!!
My magic has been wrapping myself up in my Essence’s infinite Compassion and walking the path of acceptance beyond judgment. There is no way a runaway child will come back home if he/she doesn’t feel accepted. Same thing with all of my bits and pieces. Same thing with everyone else as well. Freedom from judgment is an indescribable balm of truth.
My magic has been realizing that it is not only when I have stuff to do that I am doing something towards the fulfillment of my dreams and choices. That sometimes just stepping out of the way and letting them happen in their own perfect way and time is the only thing that is missing in order for them to materialize! In other words I have been quitting the habit or busyness, totally letting go of routine and accepted that just participating in the dance of life is in fact all that matters. And all this dance requires is a balance between the steps and the pauses. That’s what gives it its grace.
My magic has been noticing that I don’t need to be surrounded by numerous people all the time to feel I am in very good company! Allowing myself to feel how supported I am, how life and all that it contains accompanies me every instant of every day and night. Allowing myself to feel the blessings in each step I take, in each purely complete moment. I feel more accompanied than ever and yet I have been spending more time alone than ever as well!
These are some of the liberating experiences I have had lately, which I hope I have been able to express clearly. Then again… just feel and you’ll easily understand what I mean.
Love you all!!! And I mean it J

I've got the Magic and so have you! :) (click the magic and enjoy!)

4 comentários:

  1. Como me divirto e delicio_ Amiga Aeelah!!!
    Quão Mágica essa partilha de "quietude abrangente", de se Ser_Vida, em Silêncio, e da qual emanam as vibrações vitais da sua própria Essência!!!


  2. Dançaste muito com a música? ;) Grande xi coração

  3. Se dancei!!!

    Voei, voei dançando nas asas de "Borboleta" pelos infindos detalhes da Essência_Vida.

    Um coração "infindo"_Artemis
