
quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2012

The Truth

The Truth

I would like to share with you the result of being truthful. It has purely magical effects!
There used to be a time when I was afraid of hurting people’s feelings by saying “no” when I was asked to go along with things I truly didn’t believe in or want to do; I was afraid of hurting people’s feelings if I told them what I really felt about them; I was afraid of hurting people’s feelings when I chose to respect my time and space instead of being always available even when I felt tired and worn out; I was afraid of hurting people’s feelings if I expressed too much joy when they were not so well; I was afraid of hurting people’s feelings if I expressed beautiful experiences knowing they were going through a hard phase… Well, all in all I was afraid of being authentic! That’s just it.
Then I realized that the real reason I was afraid was that it exposed me, and I wasn’t so sure of my capability of standing up to my truth and respecting myself, so that’s why I was afraid of not respecting others. I actually had no idea what respect was, I now see, because I constantly disrespected myself!!! And I didn’t know at the time that when you are absolutely truthful there is no need to argument, therefore there is nothing to hold onto or stand up for anything. It is simply expressing the truth within you, no need to prove anything! So simple!
How did I disrespect myself? By working excessively, by rushing around all the time, by giving myself no love at all, by not being present in the now moment, by giving more heed to what others thought about me and my life, than to what I felt was appropriate for me (I had no idea what was appropriate anyway, because I never stopped to ask myself what my choices really were), and so on… and so on…
I have been stripping off all of the fictional layers of who I thought I was, and have found out that things are not at all what they seemed to be. But for me it is not enough to read this stuff in books! I need to put it to the test. So that’s what I’ve been doing in life: practicing authenticity. Many of my scared parts wanted to hide in a deep dark recess when I started! They were terrified! With the essence of Compassion though, they started to feel safe with me and to trust that now I was truly in charge of my GAME/LIFE.
Ah… COMPASSION. It is only in the absolute stillness of Compassion that we can effectively release judgment, and therefore, the woes of the ego, the floating ups and downs of erratic emotions can dissolve, one by one, with utmost patience, with utmost simplicity and gentleness… and we can then begin to see the transparence of who we truly are.
All of this to say that I have been repeatedly saying what I feel is appropriate, always respecting what I feel, always respecting the truth in my heart, always respecting myself and each magnificent one that crosses my path… The thing is we start seeing the truth in others too, beyond what they seem to be saying!!! And that makes them all ever so grand! Much much grander than they can possibly figure out when they are pretending to be who they aren’t ;)
The results have been amazing. People not only do not get angry at me, they appreciate my sincerity, because it is communicated with ease and simplicity, they respect me even more, and they return the love I am giving them even more, because they see they can trust me, always! And even in very delicate situations, when it seems that what I have to express might be a bit too overwhelming, even in those situations, things turn out really easy and I gain friends instead of enemies all the time.
This has happened quite often lately and I could give concrete examples,  but I don’t feel like it. All I want to say right now is if you haven’t tried being 100% authentic, with everyone, anywhere, anytime, you might want to do it… and see what comes of it, but only when you are in complete Compassion with yourself first. In the meantime, if you’re not sure what to say, remember: Silence is Golden :)

3 comentários:

  1. The truth!!! Amei:)
    magic kiss Sal

  2. :) So simple, when we allow ourselves. Thank you!

  3. Partilhando com os "olhos da minha ALMA, com muito Amor e Alegria!!!
    AH!!!Amiga, que sensação de "calafrio" no meu corpo, e que grande interrogação (???) no meu âmago de SER, desejando tão somente SER simplesmente VERDADE!!!O porquê de toda essa sensação? Porque sou apenas uma aprendiz...para "simplesmente SER"!!!
    Os "olhos" da "minha prainha de Vida" contêm ainda certas "lapas" de "insegurança" a retardarem a magnitude do seu extenso "areal marítimo", bem comoe a fluidez plena de se SER VERDADE!!!
    Bem Hajas por estas pérolas de se SER VERDADE-tão simples como isso!!!
