The games we play
Yesterday was a really special day. So special that I had the intention of writing my blog post but the day ended only today… so here it is!
I would like to share something very special with you. It is called Integration of Aspects, or in other words New Energy Psychology and it works wonders in people’s lives.
Here is a clear example of that. Barbara is 15 years old and she has/had a fobia of Spiders. It is not simply a fear – when she sees a spider her body reacts by shivering and she becomes so frightened and tense she has to leave the room where the spider is.
She has been living at my house and as it is in the countryside there are many spiders all the time! Funny thing that she would come exactly here! Each time she goes into a funk about a spider both her mother and I always tell her “some day you’ll just have to choose to overcome that fear if you want to live at peace with yourself. It is possible to get past that fobia, whenever you are ready”.
Yesterday morning Barbara came to me and her mum and said “I’m ready, let’s do it. I choose to overcome this”. I was so happy for her. She didn’t stop asking when we were going to get into this until we did it! Determination and courage. A lot of it. And she’s got it :) Yes, a lot of courage, because it isn’t easy to dive into painful situations of our past and really look straight at them fearlessly.
The process of integrating Aspects is not hypnosis, or regression - it is Integration. First and foremost it is necessary to dive deep into the clear calm space within us where our Essence resides and be aware of our Isness, of the pure Compassion that lives in the core of us, which allows us to be completely free from judgment, a simple and easy flow of constant love, no matter what, a calm knowingness that all is well in the here and now moment and that our true wisdom goes way beyond all of the stories we have lived through our experiences with each other here on Earth. This is essential to proceed with the integration of a traumatized Aspect. An Aspect means the same as a role, or part of our personality, from this or any other lifetime. It is a human part of us we create to perform a certain role. We have thousands upon thousands of Aspects. Most of them just come and go, performing their tasks with no effort at all. Other parts of us become traumatized by some kind of painful experience that is lived while these parts are performing their purpose. These parts then become disintegrated. There are many of these, some more, some less, but all of our reactive buttons derive from disintegrated Aspects. I shall not explain here how the whole process goes, but simply put, the person is lead to see where the trauma resides, while always remaining aware of his/her presence in the here and now, feeling the traumatic experience, yet not getting lost in it. This allows the Aspect to express itself, and to be invited to come “back home”, to the Essence where it was first created, within oneself. In this place of peaceful calm knowingness where the brightness of our Essence receives all of our parts, the pain of the experience starts dissipating, the illusion of the story which was lived becomes clear so that it can be released as simply what it is, an experience, but not the essence of who we are. As these traumatized Aspects dissolve into the lake of Isness that we are, they leave with us only their “treasures” – the pure nectar of what they learnt and gained from the experience. This could range anywhere from pure love, to courage or determination, or creativity, or serenity, or joy, or sweetness – whatever. Integrating these hurt parts always adds more to our true power and potential because the stuck energy that was lost in its dysfunctional story is set free to be reused as pure consciousness.
Well, we did it, Barbara and I and after this integration I took her to a spider for her to feel herself. She said “it’s just an insect! It doesn’t bother me.” And it was as simple as that. Now she’s free from this fobia, and of course much freer to live her life with ease and serenity.
So much energy was released in this that out of the blue we all started dancing and enjoying our afternoon and before we knew it we were changing the house around, cleaning, moving furniture, changing colours and curtains and other decorations, moving and creating a whole new environment just for the sheer joy of setting energy in motion.
It was indeed a very special day and though I can share these few words here with you, I can only write a small fraction of the true magnitude of how we all felt.
I wish you a warm welcome to moving stuck energy so that life can flow freely and bring you all of your dreams at once. Can you take it?
We ask, and ask, and say we want this and that, but if it all suddenly happened, would you be prepared to receive it?
I ask you this question because it has happened to me many times… Asking and choosing and choosing and asking and then realizing that the only obstacle between me and what I truly choose to manifest is my resistance to letting go of certain games of lack, smallness and limitation. If I let go of all of them who will I be, what will happen, who will remain in my life and who will leave… etc etc etc?
A warm Hug
T. C. Aeelah
Um Bem Haja;)
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