
domingo, 29 de julho de 2012

Count your Blessings

Count your Blessings

Do you know what it’s like when you feel so blessed that all you can do is smile in silence as tears of gratitude roll down your face? I know you know what I mean.
These last days have been of this specially blessed kind. I won’t bore you with the details of each day, I’ll just use today as an example… an example of how simply sweet Life is when we allow it to serve our YES.
I have come to the beach on holiday with Diva and Samuel, whom I am blessed to be the mother of, having been offered a week which I was at first reluctant to receive! When I accepted I was even offered the petrol and highway toll as well! As I live life in such a fulfilling way each day, and as my kids have already had at least 3 weeks of beach holidays with their grandparents and fathers, I figured we didn’t really need a holiday. That was of course my mind’s chatter, because in reality there is no limit to what you can receive when you just let yourself be graced and served by life, as I said before. This week is clearly a beautiful practice of receiving and celebrating in gratitude, overflowing with the Love of Being.
This morning we went to the beach and played together, enjoying the sand, the sea, the sun… and so on and so on… In the afternoon, after a relaxing nap, we went shopping. The kids needed a few things. When we got to the counter to pay, there was one shop assistant right there, free to receive us, while on the other side there was a queue!
Then we went to the supermarket. Right at the entrance there was one single shopping cart, waiting for us. I had not planned to go to the supermarket on Sunday, because it is usually very full, but I had not planned to go to that particular supermarket either, I didn’t even know it existed! It wasn’t full at all… So much so that when we got to the counter, in the middle of all of the queues, there was a totally free cashier. I even asked if it was open, because it seemed almost surreal that there was no one there, with the queues right beside it! I needed to charge my phone, and had planned to look for the cash dispenser to make a payment, when at the counter there was a sign saying “charge your phone here and receive a prize”. So I paid for the shopping  and the phone and still received a game for the children.
Ah, but I haven’t mentioned that right at the moment when I was questioning myself about my capacities of materialization this song started to play on the shopping center’s speakers: (it goes like this: “I’ve got the magic in me…”). I smiled. My Essence has its own magical way of speaking to me and always makes me smile… sometimes even laugh out loud in the middle of the street and other times it brings me to tears as well… the tears of gratitude I told you about…
While dinner was cooking and the kids were playing together, I went for a walk right down to the beach, and speaking of magic, wow! Such a breathtaking landscape. The sky was a mix of golden pink and reddish hues mingling with the first night’s dark blue. The soft sea was a glowing fluid of golden perfection. The birds scoured the sand for any precious leftovers from the day’s holidaymakers and flew around, playing with the air. A few people were also enjoying this paradise scene here and there. It was such a fulfilling gift, my heart was filled with awe.
When I arrived back home, feeling complete, blessed… as I was going up the stairs, there was a wrist band just lying there. It had smiles and hearts and suns and stars and the words: love, friendship, family, happiness, on it. I gave it to Diva, who offered to wash the dishes…
It is the small things that make Life grand and the people who cross our paths that make it worth living… giving, receiving… BEING.
Thank you!

By the way, if you haven't seen Madagascar 3, I highly recommend it. It's such fun and carries the very profound message that nothing is impossible when you believe in your passion and choose to LIVE :) The children invited me to the movies and we all ended up having immense fun. Thank you again!

quarta-feira, 25 de julho de 2012



Ontem sentei-me um pouco a ver um filme, perguntando-me sobre o que estava eu ali a fazer, pois que o filme, que até era uma série, já ía a meio e eu não conseguia apanhar o fio à meada.
Nisto, um dos personagens sai-se com esta afirmação para uma das outras protagonistas do filme “sim, magia, tu tens magia. Sabes o que é engraçado? É que toda a gente passa a vida dizer que quer magia nas suas vidas mas depois nem sequer acredita que ela exista! Ora como querem vê-la e tê-la?”
Ri-me de mim para comigo mesma e percebi porque estava ali sentada. Só e simplesmente para ouvir aquilo. E porquê? Porque em boa verdade o que conta mesmo é a CONFIANÇA que temos na nossa capacidade de manifestar essa magia de que ele fala, de aceitá-la, de vivê-la, de sê-la.
É giro que as pessoas no geral ainda se questionem sobre o facto de sermos nós que criamos a nossa realidade, quando o que vêem ao olharem à sua volta são inúmeras realidades diferentes, tantas quantas pessoas que conhecem ou observam. Todos vivem uma realidade diferente, ainda que com nuances similares dependendo da cultura em que se inserem.
"Então porque é que me acontecem coisas que eu não escolhi?" Ora, porque não escolheste! A questão é que quando não fazemos escolhas acerca da nossa realidade, acerca do que acreditamos ser possível e verdade, ser apropriado e aceitável… etc… etc… etc… as coisas simplesmente escolhem por nós, acontecem aleatoriamente, porque fazemos parte do tecido comum da consciência de massas e temos em nós todas as crenças e padrões necessários para que as probabilidades dessa mesma consciência de massas se manifestem na nossa vida.
Quando, por outro lado, paramos e vemos que crenças e padrões queremos manter para nós, aceitar como nossos e quais já não nos servem mediante o que queremos experienciar nas nossas vidas, começamos a fazer escolhas conscientes e a atrair outro tipo de potenciais e probabilidades, consoante o que realmente queremos. Deixamos de ser ovelhas do rebanho externo, e passamos a ser pastores do nosso próprio rebanho interno.
Da próxima vez que te acontecer algo que te desagrada e perguntares “porque é que isto me está a acontecer a mim?” a resposta será sempre “porque acreditas nesse tipo de vivência” e assim atrais para ti o que te parece ser real na vida. Não importa aliás, se é bom ou mau, o que importa é que crês nisso em alguma parte de ti.
Simples :)

segunda-feira, 23 de julho de 2012

The Ice Cream Choice

The Ice Cream Choice

I had a Conscious Breath workshop here with the theme of Silence. It was a beautiful experience for all of us and as usual we had a magic gift. Well, actually the whole fact that we’re living and experiencing is a gift…
My friend Janine said she was going to have an ice-cream at the end of the workshop, because she felt like it and asked who wanted to as well. Three people chose to go. They got in the car and drove to the nearest café. They chose their ice-creams, savoured them and enjoyed it. At the end, they went to the counter to pay but… they had already been paid for! Everyone was dumbfounded. What had happened was that out of the blue, a friend of one of them had decided to pay for their ice-creams, even for those of the people he didn’t know, and then he’d left without needing approval or recognition. And so it was.
The funny thing about all of this was that during the workshop there was a lady who was asking questions about manifestation, about something she had read in a book that said that we send out the energy or whatever that attracts things to us, and was asking if I believed in this, because she felt so overwhelmed by the rest of the world and outside influences acting against her that she couldn’t possible see how she was the one attracting all of this. As the workshop was about Silence, I chose not to go into a long conversation about this subject but I did say that yes, we do shape our reality according to our beliefs and choices – or lack of choices, most of the time! Several of us told her we had many concrete examples of manifesting our conscious choices daily. We gave her just a few, and just half an hour after she had been asking – BOOM – there was a clear and very tangible example.
Ah, life is grand, when you truly choose to live it ;)

sábado, 21 de julho de 2012

O Céu Estrelado

O Céu Estrelado

Hoje apaixonei-me pelo céu estrelado. Parecia que nunca antes o houvera visto, este céu tão cintilante. Parecia que nunca antes houvera sentido o seu aconchego e abarcado a real grandeza do seu tesouro.
Não sei o que se passou mas a verdade é que não consegui tirar os olhos do céu estrelado, deixando-me envolver por ele como se dançássemos apaixonadamente ao ritmo da brisa noturna… uma doce balada de amor, só eu e o céu.
Não sei como explicar-te, mas a verdade é que naquele momento deixou de haver Céu e Terra, o Aqui e o Ali, o Longe e o Perto… as estrelas brilhavam como pirilampos ao alcance da palma da minha mão e eu só sabia dizer “amo-te, céu estrelado, obrigada por brilhares assim”.
Depois apercebi-me que na mesma medida em que eu finalmente alcanço e abraço a grandeza preciosa do céu, alcanço e abraço a grandeza preciosa de Tudo o Que É em mim e em toda a existência, simples e cintilante como uma estrela que contém por sua vez todo o universo em si mesma.

sexta-feira, 20 de julho de 2012

The Games we Play

The games we play

Yesterday was a really special day. So special that I had the intention of writing my blog post but the day ended only today… so here it is!
I would like to share something very special with you. It is called Integration of Aspects, or in other words New Energy Psychology and it works wonders in people’s lives.
Here is a clear example of that. Barbara is 15 years old and she has/had a fobia of Spiders. It is not simply a fear – when she sees a spider her body reacts by shivering and she becomes so frightened and tense she has to leave the room where the spider is.
She has been living at my house and as it is in the countryside there are many spiders all the time! Funny thing that she would come exactly here! Each time she goes into a funk about a spider both her mother and I always tell her “some day you’ll just have to choose to overcome that fear if you want to live at peace with yourself. It is possible to get past that fobia, whenever you are ready”.
Yesterday morning Barbara came to me and her mum and said “I’m ready, let’s do it. I choose to overcome this”. I was so happy for her. She didn’t stop asking when we were going to get into this until we did it! Determination and courage. A lot of it. And she’s got it :) Yes, a lot of courage, because it isn’t easy to dive into painful situations of our past and really look straight at them fearlessly.
The process of integrating Aspects is not hypnosis, or regression - it is Integration. First and foremost it is necessary to dive deep into the clear calm space within us where our Essence resides and be aware of our Isness, of the pure Compassion that lives in the core of us, which allows us to be completely free from judgment, a simple and easy flow of constant love, no matter what, a calm knowingness that all is well in the here and now moment and that our true wisdom goes way beyond all of the stories we have lived through our experiences with each other here on Earth. This is essential to proceed with the integration of a traumatized Aspect. An Aspect means the same as a role, or part of our personality, from this or any other lifetime. It is a human part of us we create to perform a certain role. We have thousands upon thousands of Aspects. Most of them just come and go, performing their tasks with no effort at all. Other parts of us become traumatized by some kind of painful experience that is lived while these parts are performing their purpose. These parts then become disintegrated. There are many of these, some more, some less, but all of our reactive buttons derive from disintegrated Aspects. I shall not explain here how the whole process goes, but simply put, the person is lead to see where the trauma resides, while always remaining aware of his/her presence in the here and now, feeling the traumatic experience, yet not getting lost in it. This allows the Aspect to express itself, and to be invited to come “back home”, to the Essence where it was first created, within oneself. In this place of peaceful calm knowingness where the brightness of our Essence receives all of our parts, the pain of the experience starts dissipating, the illusion of the story which was lived becomes clear so that it can be released as simply what it is, an experience, but not the essence of who we are. As these traumatized Aspects dissolve into the lake of Isness that we are, they leave with us only their “treasures” – the pure nectar of what they learnt and gained from the experience. This could range anywhere from pure love, to courage or determination, or creativity, or serenity, or joy, or sweetness – whatever. Integrating these hurt parts always adds more to our true power and potential because the stuck energy that was lost in its dysfunctional story is set free to be reused as pure consciousness.
Well, we did it, Barbara and I and after this integration I took her to a spider for her to feel herself. She said “it’s just an insect! It doesn’t bother me.” And it was as simple as that. Now she’s free from this fobia, and of course much freer to live her life with ease and serenity.
So much energy was released in this that out of the blue we all started dancing and enjoying our afternoon and before we knew it we were changing the house around, cleaning, moving furniture, changing colours and curtains and other decorations, moving and creating a whole new environment just for  the sheer joy of setting energy in motion.
It was indeed a very special day and though I can share these few words here with you, I can only write a small fraction of the true magnitude of how we all felt.
I wish you a warm welcome to moving stuck energy so that life can flow freely and bring you all of your dreams at once. Can you take it?
We ask, and ask, and say we want this and that, but if it all suddenly happened, would you be prepared to receive it?
I ask you this question because it has happened to me many times… Asking and choosing and choosing and asking and then realizing that the only obstacle between me and what I truly choose to manifest is my resistance to letting go of certain games of lack, smallness and limitation. If I let go of all of them who will I be, what will happen, who will remain in my life and who will leave… etc etc etc?
A warm Hug
T. C. Aeelah

quarta-feira, 18 de julho de 2012

Encontros Instantâneos

Encontros Instantâneos

De certeza que esta magia que vou partilhar hoje também te acontece muitas vezes, por isso não é nada de novo. O que pode ser novo é a forma como a recebes e celebras. Eu cá fico híper feliz quando manifesto estes encontros instantâneos e soluções inesperadas!
Tenho andado a pensar ligar a um amigo com quem vou fazer um CD de Respiração Consciente. Ainda hoje de manhã pensei fazê-lo mais tarde. E eis que o dito rapaz me aparece à frente. Boom! Simples :)
Logo ali combinámos várias coisas, nomeadamente que ele falasse com outro músico e compositor que tem o estúdio onde vamos dar vida a esta criação espontânea. Entretanto ele já falou também com o músico, que adorou a ideia e eis que estamos com a criação a rolar… Apenas porque aceitamos brincar os três com algo que nem fazemos ideia como vai ser, não há plano. Apenas título, que será revelado quando estiver pronto para poderes ouvir e desfrutar.
Acontece-me muitas vezes isto de me aparecerem as pessoas com quem preciso de falar à frente. Mas sempre que me acontece não deixo de celebrar e agradecer essas dádivas de conexão, sabendo que tudo o que é apropriado me aparece no caminho, conforme escolho conscientemente por onde quero trilhar, mesmo sem saber como. Basta ir caminhando, um passo de cada vez, firme e certeiro.
Outra coisa gira que partilho aqui é que ás vezes há seres humanos que nos desafiam a paciência, que querem jogar jogos connosco que nós não queremos jogar com eles. Nestes casos há que manter a Presença, ser Compaixão e saber ser pro-ativo em vez de reativo. Há casos em que é bem difícil tudo isto, mas é o caminho para a Serenidade e Harmonia connosco próprios e com quem queira aceitá-la. Hoje pedi à essência de uma pessoa com quem não quero deixar de ser pro-ativa, mas que teima em jogar jogos dos quais não participo, que se fosse apropriado, e dentro da minha escolha de simplicidade e harmonia na vida, algo fosse feito para que eu pudesse respirar fundo e ganhar mais uma boa dose de paciência. Escassas horas mais tarde recebo a notícia de que essa pessoa vai estar fora uns dias! Ora diz lá se não é magia? :) Quando mantemos o coração aberto e livre de julgamento, as portas abrem-se e as coisas acontecem sempre da forma mais apropriada para todos.
Olha, sabes que mais? Desejo-te um pote de magia para dourar o teu dia!

Esta é a capa do meu outro CD que está à venda... é só dizer que queres um ;) Tem 5 temas: Compaixão, Largar, Aqui e Agora, Escolhe e Cria, A Paixão de Ser

terça-feira, 17 de julho de 2012



In the timeless space of our hearts
Sweet memories abound
Cherished they are
And bring back feelings profound.
Keep a few here, and yet another few there,
Spread them out with your breath,
Hear them sing from your core.
Just memories they are,
Just echoes of our very soul,
Pieces of existence puzzled together
Into a profuse tapestry of all that IS.

segunda-feira, 16 de julho de 2012

Anjos na Terra

Anjos na Terra

Quando pela manhã a luz entra pela minha janela e me acaricia levemente, dizendo “Anda, vem, já começou um novo dia! Vamos brincar!”, sorrio, respiro fundo e sei que será certamente um dia pleno. Pleno de surpresas. Pleno de partilha. Pleno de perceções. Pleno de Gratidão. Pleno de Magia. Pleno de Amor. É por isso que adoro não ter persianas! Adoro dar as boas vindas ao dia conforme desperto do aconchego da noite… e sou recebida pelo raiar da manhã.
O meu jardim interno tem andado muito bem nutrido. Mas o meu jardim externo, o jardim cá de casa, estava a precisar de muitos mimos… É que como há tanto lugar magnífico por aí, tenho parado pouco em casa, mas adoro-a. Adoro a paz que se sente quando entro em casa. Adoro o espaço amplo e a frescura. Adoro as cores e a simplicidade. Adoro como as próprias paredes respiram alma. É o meu templo sagrado cá fora. O cá de dentro é igualmente seguro e confortável, mas de certa forma indescritível, ainda que encontre sempre forma de descrever o que me parece indescritível.
Bem, adiante.
Decidi que não passava nem mais um dia sem cuidar do jardim.
Há dias um amigo ofereceu-se carinhosamente para me tratar do jardim, pelo que estou muito grata, mas na verdade também eu tenho que dar-lhe cuidado e atenção – afinal de contas o meu jardim faz parte de mim. Comecei logo pela manhã, quando ainda o ar fresco convidava a sorver os aromas da natureza. Já me havia esquecido do quanto amo cuidar do jardim! Sente-se a recetividade das plantas, tocadas pelo amor das nossas mãos. E em troca recebe-se vitalidade, alegria, entusiasmo, leveza… resumindo: recebe-se amor. Amor num fluxo contínuo de dar e receber. O círculo da Vida…
O sol parece cheio de vontade de mostrar a sua virilidade. Ao fim de um tempo a temperatura torna-se demasiado intensa para uma jovem jardineira com pouca prática na matéria. Decido recomeçar ao fim do dia, com a brisa do fim da tarde.
Entretanto vivo o meu dia, suavemente, repartido por tarefas simples em que tudo se desenrola no momento, sem planos nem pressas.
O mesmo amigo que se havia oferecido para cuidar do jardim, manda-me uma mensagem perguntando se precisava de uma mão, ao que respondo “até duas ou quatro ou mais!!!” :) Ele próprio não pode ajudar hoje, mas algo interessante acontece.
Pela tarde convidamos uma amiga para lanchar. Lanche e conversa à mistura e eis que são horas de eu retomar a minha demanda do dia. Vou lá para fora e começo. Passado um pouco a minha amiga vem para o jardim. Fica por ali algum tempo e depois pergunta se não tenho mais um par de luvas. Começa a ajudar. Os pequenitos (3 rapazinhos reguilas de 3 e, 4 e 5 anos) andam por ali a ajudar a varrer as ervas secas e a despejar os baldes no monte lá ao fundo no quintal. Um deles pergunta à mãe “E tu, não fazes nada?”, ela ri-se e diz “já hoje trabalhei muito!!!”. No entanto, não tarda vai à procura de mais umas luvas que não sei onde conseguiu desencantar, e com a tesoura da cozinha em punho (não tenho mais tesouras de poda, mas tudo se arranja!) aí vem ela, pronta para brincar connosco no jardim. Passado mais um tempo, um outro amigo que vive cá em casa, também aparece no jardim e deita mãos à obra. Não duas, nem quatro, nem seis, mas 12 mãos a ajudar as minhas duas!!!! Ora diz-me lá se isto não é magia?
E o mais giro sabes o que é? É que nem pedi nada a ninguém. Tinha apenas declarado na mensagem que SIM, aceitava ajuda e de resto mantive a coerência da minha decisão do dia, desfrutando dela a cada instante. Desfrutando tanto, que todos quiseram também participar, só porque sim! Quanto amor abunda aqui. E para coroar estes momentos de puro prazer, olhamos para o horizonte e somos presenteados com um belíssimo pôr-do-sol – sem dúvida dos mais lindos que já vi. Sei lá, o pôr-do-sol é sempre um evento especial. Mas se visses aqueles laranjas, misturados com magenta e um pouco de amarelo a raiar por detrás daquela bola gigante… os tons de azul como mares sobrepostos em camadas de céu. Lindo. Mesmo lindo. Senti uma gratidão imensa, o coração quente com o amor suave de quem sabe que apesar de todos os jogos das gentes do mundo, tudo está perfeito em toda a criação.
É escusado dizer que o jardim ficou pronto! Agora é ir regando e brincando com tudo isto.
O prazer de Viver é isto. Simples.

Ficou bem o jardim!!! (não é este o da minha casa... mas bem podia ser ;)

sexta-feira, 13 de julho de 2012

Baladas da Alma / Soul Songs

Extrato do livro "Baladas da Alma - A Melodia de Ser"

Extract from the book "Soul Songs - The Melody Within"

O livro contém vários capítulos introdutórios, 31 convites diários da Essência ao Humano, 31 poemas da Essência para o Humano (chamados Baladas da Alma), e conversas com a Essência. Este é um dos convites do dia-a-dia... Desfruta :)

The book comprises several introductory chapters, 31 daily invitations from the Essence to the Human, 31 poems from the Essence to the Human (called Soul Songs) and conversations with the Essence. What follows is one of these daily invitations... Enjoy :)

Dia 4

Estes convites não vêm geralmente sob a forma de palavras, mas através de imagens e acima de tudo de sensações. Depois, o meu sistema de tradução interna torna tudo muito fácil para mim e põe tudo em palavras que eu possa compreender sem sombra de dúvidas. Canalizar é isto mesmo, mas neste caso é a voz do meu próprio Ser autêntico que brilha a sua mensagem para eu poder ver, ouvir, sentir, entender.

O convite para hoje é: “ Sê ilimitada e abre-te – quanto aceitas receber?”

Sim, ensinaram-me e aprendi muito bem como dar, mas quando se trata de receber, vêm adiante todo o tipo de ses.

Quanto é que mereço receber? Será que mereço mesmo receber?

E dar? Sempre me disseram que não posso receber sem dar.

Mas estou a dar! Estou a dar-me de volta ao meu Ser – o maior tesouro que alguém pode dar ou receber, e neste dar não existe separação do receber – é tudo uma e a mesma coisa, quando a essência está fluindo, tão presente em nós que é positivamente impossível não estarmos a irradiar a sua vibração, numa celebração permanente da Vida.

Então o mundo inteiro será abençoado pelos teus passos, pelo teu toque, pela tua fragrância, pela tua respiração, pelo teu amor puro e incondicional.

Esta é a única ciência que realmente importa.

E então estou a receber de todas as formas, literalmente: recebo todo o tipo de presentes, roupas, sapatos, comida, cursos, oportunidades, pessoas maravilhosas que entram na minha vida, recebo amor, apreço, consideração, dinheiro, sincronicidades de todos os tipos, ofertas de emprego, boleias, convites... A Vida em toda a sua profusão e expressão, e dou em troca a paixão nutritiva de florescer, de ser – fluindo, fluindo, fluindo de dentro para fora.

Balada da Alma 4

Se soubesses que és um Anjo
Permitias-me a Graça e Honra da tua Presença...
e arriscavas?

Day 4

These invitations, they often don't come under the form of words, but through images and above all feelings. Then, my internal translating system makes it all real easy for me and puts it into words I can undoubtedly understand. This is actually what channeling is all about, but in this case it is the voice of my very own authentic Self that's glowing its message for me to see, hear, feel, comprehend.

The invitation for today is: “be boundless and just open up -how much can you accept to receive?”

Yes, I've been  taught and have learnt full well how to give, but when it comes to receiving, all sorts of issues come forth.

How much am I worthy of receiving? Am I even worthy of receiving at all?

What about giving? I've always been told I couldn't receive without giving.

But I am giving. I am giving myself back to me – the greatest treasure one could ever give or receive and in this giving there is no separation from receiving – it is all the same one thing, when the essence is flowing so present within it is positively impossible not to be radiating its vibrancy in a permanent celebration of Life.

Then the whole world will be blessed by your footsteps, by your touch, by your fragrance, your breath, your pure, unconditional love.
This is the only science that really matters. 

And so I am receiving in all ways, literally: I receive all sorts of presents, clothes, shoes, foods, workshops, opportunities, wonderful people walk into my life, I receive love, praise, appreciation, money, synchronicities of all kinds, job offers, lifts, invitations... Life in all of its profusion and expression and I give the nurturing passion of flowering, of being – flowing, flowing, flowing from the inside out.


Soul Song 4

If you knew you are an Angel
Would you smile?
Would you dance?
Would you allow me the Grace and Honour of your Presence...
and take a chance?

quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2012

The Truth

The Truth

I would like to share with you the result of being truthful. It has purely magical effects!
There used to be a time when I was afraid of hurting people’s feelings by saying “no” when I was asked to go along with things I truly didn’t believe in or want to do; I was afraid of hurting people’s feelings if I told them what I really felt about them; I was afraid of hurting people’s feelings when I chose to respect my time and space instead of being always available even when I felt tired and worn out; I was afraid of hurting people’s feelings if I expressed too much joy when they were not so well; I was afraid of hurting people’s feelings if I expressed beautiful experiences knowing they were going through a hard phase… Well, all in all I was afraid of being authentic! That’s just it.
Then I realized that the real reason I was afraid was that it exposed me, and I wasn’t so sure of my capability of standing up to my truth and respecting myself, so that’s why I was afraid of not respecting others. I actually had no idea what respect was, I now see, because I constantly disrespected myself!!! And I didn’t know at the time that when you are absolutely truthful there is no need to argument, therefore there is nothing to hold onto or stand up for anything. It is simply expressing the truth within you, no need to prove anything! So simple!
How did I disrespect myself? By working excessively, by rushing around all the time, by giving myself no love at all, by not being present in the now moment, by giving more heed to what others thought about me and my life, than to what I felt was appropriate for me (I had no idea what was appropriate anyway, because I never stopped to ask myself what my choices really were), and so on… and so on…
I have been stripping off all of the fictional layers of who I thought I was, and have found out that things are not at all what they seemed to be. But for me it is not enough to read this stuff in books! I need to put it to the test. So that’s what I’ve been doing in life: practicing authenticity. Many of my scared parts wanted to hide in a deep dark recess when I started! They were terrified! With the essence of Compassion though, they started to feel safe with me and to trust that now I was truly in charge of my GAME/LIFE.
Ah… COMPASSION. It is only in the absolute stillness of Compassion that we can effectively release judgment, and therefore, the woes of the ego, the floating ups and downs of erratic emotions can dissolve, one by one, with utmost patience, with utmost simplicity and gentleness… and we can then begin to see the transparence of who we truly are.
All of this to say that I have been repeatedly saying what I feel is appropriate, always respecting what I feel, always respecting the truth in my heart, always respecting myself and each magnificent one that crosses my path… The thing is we start seeing the truth in others too, beyond what they seem to be saying!!! And that makes them all ever so grand! Much much grander than they can possibly figure out when they are pretending to be who they aren’t ;)
The results have been amazing. People not only do not get angry at me, they appreciate my sincerity, because it is communicated with ease and simplicity, they respect me even more, and they return the love I am giving them even more, because they see they can trust me, always! And even in very delicate situations, when it seems that what I have to express might be a bit too overwhelming, even in those situations, things turn out really easy and I gain friends instead of enemies all the time.
This has happened quite often lately and I could give concrete examples,  but I don’t feel like it. All I want to say right now is if you haven’t tried being 100% authentic, with everyone, anywhere, anytime, you might want to do it… and see what comes of it, but only when you are in complete Compassion with yourself first. In the meantime, if you’re not sure what to say, remember: Silence is Golden :)

terça-feira, 10 de julho de 2012

Obrigada Portugal!

Obrigada Portugal!

Apetece-me falar de Portugal e do quão especial é este recanto da Europa que tendemos a menosprezar.
Não será por ser um lugar desprezível que tantas pessoas oriundas de outros países decidem criar raízes aqui…
Não será por ser um lugar inóspito que tantos de nós decidimos ficar por cá…
Não será por ser um lugar desagradável que tantas gentes decidem visitar as nossas costas, cidades, vilas, aldeias e campos…
Não será com certeza por ser um lugar feio, mau e inseguro que tantos de nós nos sentimos aqui acolhidos e amados…
Como tenho partilhado em outras ocasiões, adoro viajar, mas nem sempre vou para fora de Portugal. Muitas vezes passeio por cá e sempre, sempre sem exceção encontro lugares e pessoas Extra-Ordinários!
Poderia elogiar a gastronomia riquíssima que temos de norte a sul do país, os vinhos de qualidade e sabor inigualável, a hospitalidade e simpatia das gentes de cá, a diversidade fabulosa da costa portuguesa, as paisagens de campo e de rio de cortar a respiração, a simplicidade da vida de quem ama  o que faz e faz o que ama por esse Portugal fora, a criatividade e exímia perícia de fazer o melhor com o mínimo possível, a grandeza do coração lusitano, a certeza de que sempre há mais e melhor em cada dia, a coragem de quem sabe que somos capazes… poderia elogiar, mas não é preciso. Contra factos não há argumentos. E o que quero é simplesmente agradecer a este país e ás pessoas que o constituem por me proporcionarem tantas bênçãos de magia diária que aceito receber de braços e coração aberto, só porque vale a pena estar VIVO e estar AQUI!
Obrigada :)

:) SMILE :)

Sorry :)

Sorry :)

Meus amados leitores, quero pedir-vos as minhas mais sinceras desculpas por não ter partilhado nada convosco nos últimos dias, mas a verdade é que têm sido tão mágicos e VIVER me preenche de tal forma, que só me tem apetecido desfrutar dos lugares, das pessoas, dos momentos hiper especiais que tenho experienciado... mas prometo que hoje vou partilhar alguns pormenores especiais :)
Com todo o meu AMOR aqui vão umas lindas flores para colorir o vosso Dia e Noite...

My dear readers, I want to apologize for not having shared anything with you in the last few days, but the truth is that they have been so magical, that I have been so fulfilled by simply LIVING, that all I have felt like is just revel in the places, the people, the super special moments that I have been experiencing... but I promise that today I shall share some of the special details :)
With all my LOVE, here are some beautiful flowers to colour your DAYS and NIGHTS...

sexta-feira, 6 de julho de 2012



Delicate… Sweet… Sublime
Can you hear the whisper of the day
Gently inviting you to play?
Shhhh… It’s the Silence that contains the most promising creations
The most enticing colours and scents
Still your mind and SEE
Still you heart and HEAR
Still your rush and FEEL
Taste the fragrance of your day
Would you perhaps like a new perfume?
Shhhh… Listen to your breath…
Rolling in and out, out and in
The magic resides in the depths of each breath
Feel it…
Can you feel the flame of Passion deep down in your core
Burning strong and soft, waiting for you to choose
Which path, which way, what is our new game today?

quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2012

If you knew you are an Angel / Se soubesses que és um Anjo


If you knew you are an Angel
Would you suffer and cry
and be afraid to die?
Or would you hold my hand
And hear me whisper I LOVE YOU
in each breeze of Life?

Extract from my book "Soul Songs - The Melody Within" - available at 

Se soubesses que és um Anjo
Sofrias e choravas
e tinhas medo de morrer?
Ou seguravas na minha mão
e ouvias-me sussurrar AMO-TE
em cada brisa da Vida?

Extraído do meu livro "Baladas da Alma - A Melodia de Ser" - disponível em 

quarta-feira, 4 de julho de 2012

Ser em Unidade


A magia do dia de hoje é a Serenidade.
É não só saber que esse lugar de Serenidade existe em mim, como sê-lo. E isso muda tudo…
Nestes dias sinto-me como uma árvore. As árvores são minhas mestras de vida. Quando passo por entre os seus troncos firmes e seguros, sinto o prazer da simplicidade. As árvores não pensam, não se comparam umas ás outras, não pretendem ser nada mais que o que são: árvores… E simplesmente vivem. Estação após estação, naturalmente.
A vantagem de ser humana é que me posso deslocar e saborear esses recantos magníficos que esta Terra tem para partilhar. Sou uma árvore andante! ;)
Queres experimentar ser uma árvore andante :)?
Abraços ternos e beijos serenos!!!

terça-feira, 3 de julho de 2012

How does the Magic happen?

How does the Magic happen?

This morning I went out for a walk within the arms of nature, and as the wind played with my hair and embraced my skin, I felt like sharing how the magic happens…
So here it is.
Simple. Actually, simplicity is the key. That’s why it seems so hard to BE: we like to complicate!

First: Have you made your choice about LIFE? In other words, have you truly chosen to LIVE?
Don’t take it lightly, please. Stop. Look within you and see. Have you ever really chosen to LIVE?
We tend to move through life because we are here, not because we truly want to be here! It is called survival and the shift from just surviving to actually living is the first greatest shift towards the magic in life… The thing is, life can’t give you anything if you aren’t accepting to live it… to be in it… to participate in it… to tell it what you choose… to play with it...
And choose to live not because your children need you, because your husband or wife needs you, because your friends need you, because your parents need you, because your work needs you, because the Earth needs you, because you have a Mission, because you’re going to save the World… Just because you accept to finally receive this magnificent gift you have been given, and have been rejecting, pretending not to have! Because  you finally choose to respect life and all that it contains, including taking care of your body – the Sacred Temple that you inhabit – otherwise LIFE cannot inhabit you!... And you cannot receive what you choose… and you cannot give the SPECIAL ONE that you are back to LIFE – you cannot share your unique treasures and all in all, you cannot BE.
The hitch is when you truly choose to LIVE, death cannot save you! You can no longer wish you would die or disappear whenever the going gets tough! You finally assume yourself, your body, your space, your time, your place in the perfect orchestra of existence. No more running away – it’s time to PLAY!
Once you choose to live and accept you are alive – you realize you have all you have sought for, all you will ever possibly need – it’s there in all forms and sizes. That’s where you start seeing the miracles and living your PURPOSE.

Second: Each moment you have the choice to FIGHT against or to COOPERATE with… What do you choose?
The law of survival obeys the “fight or flight” principle. Either you fight against what you consider endangers your survival, or you run away from it, pretending it can’t hurt you – so you alienate from feeling love and believe in the illusion of fear – actually, you alienate from LIFE, because it seems too painful to bear at times. The thing is, when you build your walls, keeping feeling out, you close up to everything – the so called good feelings as well. And then you sleepwalk, and sleeptalk, believing you are living – but you are just surviving. Cooperating with life is opening up to it – all of it, not just the parts you consider are worth opening up to. It is being bold enough to dive into it, even when you have no idea what you’re going to find! I mean, you know all about surviving, you know the results it usually brings… but if you haven’t chosen to Live, you realize you know nothing about living, so you fear what you will find. There’s no way to know but to jump! Go on… it’s ok. Really! :)

Third: But before opening up, consider – DRAMA or SIMPLICITY? In fact, it is the same as FIGHT of COOPERATE? Do you choose to live in a battlefield or a playground?
Adrenaline is a very addictive self made drug. It costs no money but it costs you your LIFE and all that it could contain!!! Drama is the main source for adrenaline and it works wonders to remind us that we are alive…surviving the hardships, the struggle, the strife, we are strong, we are still here! Well if you are still here, why not use the precious time you have making things simple for a change, and see what results that brings you? Afraid of becoming bored? I can assure you when you choose to LIVE and open up your FEELING sensors full blast, life is INTENSE! Very intense! Non dramatic is much more intense than dramatic! It’s full screen, High Definition, total Surround System, the Highest Technology you can possibly access! And you will have more energy available than ever before, because you’re not wasting it in the struggle for survival, which is pretty hard work, I must say :)

Fourth: YES or NO?
Take a look at your daily mind chatter. How much rejection is there in it? How many no’s do you say? How many impossibles can you find? How many doors do you close? How many opportunities do you deny yourself? How many people do you exclude?
This is not about a mind game of substituting YES for NO! That might seem to work at a more superficial level, but deep down the “shit” (sorry about that!:) remains!! Saying YES, means shifting from rejection mode to acceptance/cooperation mode – saying YES to LIFE. “Yes, I choose to Live” could be a mantra, initially, just for you to consider it long enough, until it becomes a real, firm choice, from deep within you. That’s when the shift truly happens.

Fifth: WORRY or PLAY?
Yes, that’s it. You can either worry and get lost in it, or you can play with each experience as it comes to you and find yourself (and let the solution show you its way). When you worry, you hinder your magical “problem solving” capacities! And since you are a master problem creator, you are also a master problem solver, one could not exist without the other. Now, do you want to concentrate on the problem or on the solution?  SOULUTION, I like to call it :)

Sixth: Last but not least – Shhhhhhh… SILIENCE!
Stop polluting your world with worry, stress, anxiety, drama, fear – SMALLNESS!!!!
Yes. SILENCE allows you to see your GRANDNESS – and you are so grand it might be frightening to accept at first. But sooner or later it’s inevitable that you assume your grandness. That’s just the way it is. It’s WHO YOU TRULY ARE! You can keep on playing the pretend game for as long as you like, eternity never ends – it is the compassionate breath of ALL THAT IS, watching your film, no matter what it is, and knowing all is well in all of creation, simply because who you are can never be taken from you – IT IS – YOU ARE!
Breathe SILENCE and discover your TRUE SELF.

And that’s it. This is how the MAGIC HAPPENS.