
sexta-feira, 8 de junho de 2012



My first choice on the morning of the 6/6 was “I choose to live my day in total simplicity, I surrender to the flow of love and joy from within me and all around me, I give myself to life and I allow myself to receive its grandness in all forms, in total absence of fear or drama. Simple passion of Isness”.
Given my choice, and of course in the aftermath of the Venus transit and on the day of LOVE (6/6), it could only be purely magic!
I had the privilege of facilitating a 3 hour workshop for future Personal Trainers, about the essential skill of being present in the body, and totally aware of its senses and rhythms. It was a very beautiful experience. As a result I was offered lunch! Thank you!
Then I had the privilege of teaching my usual English class on a Wednesday afternoon, which is always a great sharing experience, much fun and a true pleasure for me and for the students. When I arrived in the classroom, there was a nice flower arrangement (never was before), because there had been a conference in that room before. So, another cute gift :)
After that I had the privilege of meeting a very dear friend I hadn’t seen for about 4 years! Oh what a joy! We had so much to share, we were so ecstatic about this reunion, there was so much love, so much attunement! We have both been doing our own self development path, and we always tend to meet at key moments in our journey of life. This was indeed a key moment for both of us! The reason we met again was my LOVE book! We had a delicious meal (I tried something new: raspberry and prawns risotto! By far the best risotto I’ve ever experienced :) ).
And then I had the privilege of receiving a beautiful bunch of roses!... And when we arrived at the place where I was going to present my book, Gina (the owner) had made it so cozy, so romantic, so brilliant… strawberries and oat cookies… ginger tea… candles… colours… cushions…  and so many open hearted people! They were all Fernanda’s (my friend I hadn’t seen for ages) friends and they were all so curious about my Love perspective, and also so willing to share their own. It was the most successful book presentation up to now… maybe because it was on THE LOVE DAY, but above all because it was prepared with ease and simplicity, with complete openness and complete… LOVE!
Fernanda just did it out of the pure pleasure of inviting her friends to read a book she had loved so much, and of course of helping me promote it and Gina just did it because her heart told her so! And we could all witness how grand things are when we all let go of worry and limitations and just play with each opportunity, making the most of each experience, with no other interest but to LIVE… and LOVE!

Foto: Autora: Tania Castilho (T.C.Aeelah)

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