If I were to find the right words to express how blessed I am for being able to share this world with you, to share this life with you, to share this now moment with you, I would surely do so in the silence of my breath, so that you could feel just how special you are for Being simply who you Are.
If I were to explain how my heart flows with love at the mere thought of all there is here for me now, at the mere realization that it is all here, for all of us… if we allow ourselves to see it, to receive it, to share it, to be it, I would do so with a warm, speechless hug, just because we can.
If I were to tell you there is no better time than this time right now, I would ask you to watch, as I embrace it for the sheer passion of existing in full awareness of my grandness and I would invite you to behold and embrace your grandness totally!
All of this just because, there is no better place to be than where you are at any given moment of full Presence, there is no better way to be than who you truly Are, there is no better thing to do than BE this that you ARE, right HERE, right NOW.
Ser é isso tudo, Amiga - É Amor, é Presença, é Paixão em todos os momentos da Vida Assumida e Exponenciada.
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