What is Greatness?
A controversial word. To say the least. Forbidden. In many circuits of our thinking. Dangerous. Certainly. But what if... what if we can see it from a different perspective?
It's true that words are what they are. Words. And their meaning is imbued with whatever we want to connote. Even so, if we strip them down and air them out, they can be a creative process of openness and enchantment.
I see this word in every human being: Greatness. Because you can't confine a person to a single place or situation. To a single way of being and understanding. And whatever each person's moments, many of them, they are the sum of all this and more.
And even though we're living life in a relatively small body, when compared to that of some other animals, stones, plants, planets or galaxies, we're not just confined to this body. Our mind reaches into other worlds of possibility and our heart is far beyond the box in which it pulses. Our Soul, oh our Soul... It is simultaneously in this body it infuses and in so much more space than this small form.
Not that this body is any less important. It is the body that walks this earthly path step by step and carries within it as much potential as each human being allows themselves to explore.
And so it is that in every human being I see Greatness.
Yes. It has extended beyond all borders to create the darkest possibilities. The Human Being has. But it is precisely this extension that has forced us to open up more space for acceptance, greater compassion and greater determination to return to the union of these vast frontiers in a symbiosis of harmony where we discover the meaning of being able to pacify all opposites.
The greatest courage there is in being able to open our hearts to ourselves, to enter into what cries out in us and what worries us, and to gradually embrace instead of judging... of fighting against. Only in this way can we truly love in that Greatness that I know we are capable of manifesting.
In this season in which much is said about Love - sometimes genuinely expressed and sometimes only pretended, what we wish for everyone is the Greatness of being able to remain quiet within oneself, each one truly embracing themselves... so that what is born from this can encompass a whole Universe of infinite possibilities, in a Greater Love that has yet to be allowed, amplified, expanded. More and more and even more...
May the Festive Season be meaningful and the new year full of your Greatness. Only in this way can we grow more together than alone.