This story was written as a wedding gift for my dearly beloved friends and Soul Kin Harbeen Arora and Vinay Rai. It is a token of Gratitude for their Presence here on Earth and the radiance they share with the world around them 💖
It is part of my Enlightening Stories, which I have been writing for the last 2 years and have now started to also write for whoever chooses a personalised work of art and insight.
In Gratitude and Love 💖 and with Harbeen and Vinay's blessing, I share it here with you, dear One. May it bring joy and love to your heart also, as it has brought to ours 🙏
It was not unforeseen that she might be sitting at this early hour of dawn underneath the bodhi tree which stood majestically in the most secluded area of the garden at the back of the house, as it was her favourite place to be in simple and silent communion with herself.
So that is where Sarasvati found her this particular morning.
Not wanting to disturb her as she chanted her sacred mantras, her eyes closed, her delicate face radiant with contentment, Sarasvati just stood silently, waiting, in peaceful reverence.
Shyla had always been special. A purely innocent child that bore wisdom beyond her age, she had grown into an exemplary young woman with a heart so big it could encompass infinite universes.
What was most striking about her, was her compassion. She saw each and every human being as equally valuable and her quest was invariably that of the Light within, where no level of Darkness could taint her perception.
In fact, it was not only human beings that she saw as equally valuable, but all that existed, be it a life form or an apparently inanimate thing - as Shyla was intrinsically aware that even within an inanimate clump of matter there are fragments of life force moving its molecules into shape and shift according to whichever way energy is meant to serve each sentient being’s purpose.
She was well aware of the need to cultivate herself as much in the inner arts of self-wisdom as in the knowledgeable teachings of the world around her, which made each new discovery a pleasure for her.
She was tireless in her determination to improve each day and her drive to succeed was unwavering - though Shyla’s concept of success would metamorphose as she grew older, gaining new depth and significance of a much vaster nature.
Despite never having known lack of any sort, she had a deep understanding of it and felt drawn to kindness and generosity, as it did not make sense to her not to bestow her bounty on those who did not have it within their experiences.
And she had discovered possibly the most relevant thing about people. Shyla had discovered that for every dark-hearted person, there were at least a 1000 kind ones and that even the ones who weren’t had that intrinsic potential. But above all, she knew that the dark-hearted ones played as important a role in the enigmatic intricacies of life in physical form, as the people who were labelled as good, for if there were not the reverse, how could one ever realise the whole of oneself?
It was still hard to grasp fully, but Shyla knew that all is well in all of creation, despite the games of duality that are played out in this reality. She knew that ultimately, there was no damnation nor salvation as each one was an expression of God, a mere droplet as authentic as the ocean of pure consciousness itself.
This is why, whenever she felt that her emotions were amiss, trying to draw her into a judgemental abyss, Shyla would simply pause, take her leave, wherever she may be, breathe and contemplate, recite her sacred mantras, connect with her beloved Guru, who in turn connected her to her own inner Guru and reestablish the balance of equanimity within herself.
One could say that this was one such moment, as lately Shyla had been challenged with quite a few misunderstandings which she chose not to feed with blame, shame or guilt but rather to dispel and deliver to Divine Providence for transmutation in the pool of eternal love.
Sarasvati had precisely come to let her know that everything was ready for the departure to her Guru’s Ashram, where she intended to spend a few days free from the speedy entanglement of the world at large. But since Shyla was already experiencing the Ashram within, there was no rush and no need to interrupt her reverent contemplation.
Once Shyla had stopped chanting and had remained in silent breathing for what seemed to be a long while but had really been only a quarter of an hour - such is the volatility of time expanded by pure awareness - Sarasvati was able to tap her on her shoulder ever so gently. Shyla turned her radiant eyes towards Sarasvati and they both smiled at each other. There was no need for words.
Shyla got up and got ready to depart, for everything else had been taken care of for her. She had possibly done much karmic liberation in other lifetimes already, as in this one she had been born as a princess - not literally, as there was no longer a monarchy in India - but in actual practice there was not much of a difference in the whole setup of her current lifetime between being a princess or not. And not a moment passed where she did not feel absolutely grateful for her good fortune. Grateful to the point of overflowing contentment, that in turn touched each heart she came across with a delicate wand flutter of knowingness that they too could live fulfilled.
There was within Shyla’s consciousness no wondering about deservability or self-worth. She fully accepted her bountiful fate, embracing it as naturally as it had been bestowed upon her.
Yet, Shyla knew that with great wealth comes great responsibility. She had always known this, even as a child - thus her profound sense of compassion and determined firmness to stay amidst the light of love always, no matter where, no matter what.
She had been to her Guru’s Ashram many times. However this time Shyla sensed something different. An anticipation. A mild excitement. Something…
Sarasvati, her faithful companion, was right beside her. She always accompanied Shyla everywhere she went and was by now no longer just a maid, but a very good friend as well. They shared everything with each other and yet the sense of respect had never disappeared. There was an invisible hierarchy that was never breached, both Shyla and Sarasvati knowing their place, but never allowing this distance to interfere with their closeness of heart, always allowing the love and trust between them to grow further and further, unbounded.
Once they arrived at the Ashram they both went their separate ways, each one enjoying the Divine connection in their own way, which left Shyla alone, fully available to absorb the magical bliss she felt envelop her whenever she came here.
There was this one particular place she loved to seek refuge in, a small temple hidden down in the valley, in the far recesses of the Ashram and which no one ever seemed to visit at the same time as herself, meaning she could indulge in the silent solitude of this sacred dwelling and just let the light of God pour over her, fill her, engulf her in such a delightful rapture of surrender that she would forget who she was, what she was and just experience becoming nothing but One. Shyla could spend hours or minutes in this place and yet the effect was always the same.
Lately she found herself craving this feeling more and more so her visits to the Ashram had become increasingly frequent and her very visible glow became brighter and brighter as the diamond of her true nature was polished to perfection, one breath at a time.
Ah perfection! She had sought it so avidly! And now it was evidently already there, as it always had been - though completely foreign to her prior concept of it. Perfection. All was so.
The heavy gong chiming against the open sky, reminded Shyla it was time for Satsang with her most cherished Guruji. She thanked the temple with her hands clasped in front of her heart, then bringing them up to her mouth and opening her arms wide up in receptive gratitude, backed up always facing the shrine and keeping her eyes on the candle that burnt right underneath a host of Hindu deities representing the balanced bounty of existence and once she was out, turned towards the Ashram’s main Temple and leapt up the hill like a gleeful child going to a most anticipated celebration.
Once there, she found a space right in the front row and sat, almost face to face with her Guruji, who smiled at her as a father smiles at his child, welcoming her with the warmest heart glowing through his starlit eyes.
Time stopped for Shyla. She felt as if she were the only one there, not in the least bothered by the immense crowd that had gathered around the Guruji today.
His wisdom reminded her of her own, her true nature being that which he so eloquently found ways to express. It was like listening to an orchestra with a choir of angels all tuned into the finest frequency - one that made the music of the spheres play its melody in every single heart that stopped to listen.
When the moment eventually came for her to go and receive her blessing from the Master, she rose to her feet and walked towards him, hands in prayer, head slightly bowed, so profound was her reverence. She kneeled before him and he placed his hand on her head.
At that moment there was a flash of awareness, like lightning coursing through her entire body and she saw herself ushering an endless row of women through an open doorway that was ajar with light. And they kept on coming one after the other, so many she could not count them until in an instant there was a man in her vision, one single man who took her hand and walked her through the doorway as well. They all disappeared into the light and her heart felt so complete, so fulfilled, that there was nothing else. Just this profound feeling of fulfilment.
Shyla looked up at her beloved Guruji who once again smiled at her knowingly and all she wanted to do was embrace him. So grateful did she feel. So absolutely grateful. He felt her embrace, as it poured out from her teary eyes and they both knew her life was about to change into the new now she had been preparing for.
She was shaken to the core. Moved so deeply that thought was an impossible feat at this moment. So she simply sat, taking her place once again in the front row and closed her eyes, absorbing the blessing she had just received and which was not yet available for cognitive understanding, though completely available for intuitive awareness.
It felt like layers of old identities were collapsing into a void of new as of yet unknown landscape. As if the clouds of implosion were giving way to a fertile ground of planted seeds that were now being infused with the impulse of birth, gaining momentum to burst through the ground of fresh potentials and leap up into the open vastness of experience, blessed by the hand of Love.
Shyla lost track of everything going on around her and just let this implosion happen of its own accord, relinquishing any need to be in control.
Fortunately she had been one of the first to go up to the Master and many more were to follow, so there was really nothing to do but to surrender to her own timelessness.
Towards the end of what seemed to be an endless stream of devotees walking up to their Guruji, Shyla felt impelled to open her eyes and the first thing she saw was the man she had seen in her vision only instants - hours maybe - before.
He himself was looking at her also and their eyes locked in an inexplicable recognition that saw beyond form and touched the infinity of who they truly were.
They didn’t know in that first communion that they were to be wedded by their very beloved Guruji at a date soon to come. Soon for the immediate realm of the Divine - within a few years’ time on the chronology of Human existence. However they knew at a level that escapes logical reasoning and that knowingness brought an unexplicable peace to their hearts, for it was done.
You see, Ishir had also had a vision. Not today, but some time prior to this encounter. And in his vision he had seen a great light flash before him, so intense it was almost blinding, but he could not take his eyes away from it for he sensed something was about to happen. And it did. From that light emerged the most beautiful goddess-like woman. She was indescribably powerful in her gentleness, a sweet smile poised on her elegantly rich lips, her skin glowing with purity, her eyes pouring out love so strongly it could ignite the whole world with one look. Her long dark hair flowed down her back softly caressing the air around her and her steps were so delicate, she seemed to be walking on thin air. She was wearing a shimmering blue and white gown that seemed to be woven out of stardust and her aura was that of crystalline compassion.
Ishir knew that somehow this goddess-like woman actually existed and that they would find each other at the right moment, at the right place.
And now here she was. Sitting right there before him. As divinely enlightened as he had been shown. There was absolutely no doubt that this was the woman of his vision.
Shyla felt impelled to stand up as Ishir walked towards her, never unlocking their eyes from each other’s enchantment.
Once Ishir was standing before her, just a few feet in-between them, they naturally held each other’s hands and just stood there in mutual acknowledgement. The strength emanating from this predestined encounter was radiating such a powerful Presence that the people around them started facing their way and soon enough there was a gigantic circle of spectators all around them, which both Shyla and Ishir were totally unaware of.
Everyone was receiving the gift of their reunion - a blessing of Love undefinable in any human terms.
Eventually Ishir and Shyla embraced. An embrace that made each one’s heart shudder with an explosion of such intensity that it burst down the walls and allowed all of those who were willing, to receive their next level of evolution on the pathway of harmony - feminine and masculine merging into the unity of all that Is, going beyond the illusionary veil of separation, into the realm of oneness within.
Someone amongst the crowd started clapping, such was the joy he felt infusing his cells and in the next instant everyone was clapping and cheering, embracing each other, tears streaming from grateful eyes, hearts overflowing with something they had never felt before. Love was the Queen and everyone was bowing to her.
The commotion snapped Shyla and Ishir out of their entranced embrace and they smiled and then laughed and cried also the grateful tears of bliss and soon they were dancing, music was playing, bhajans were being chanted and not even the people in the back who had no idea of what was going on, were spared from the intense explosion of Love that had just erupted in their Guruji’s temple.
This epic encounter was to be spoken of throughout the ages, becoming a part of Indian folklore, passed on from parents to children who then told the beautiful story to their own and on and on, replicating the wave of True Love in billions of hearts the world over, gently but surely transforming consciousness on Earth and producing the peaceful balance of harmonious cooperation amongst all. That which had once been only a farfetched dream was now happening one heartbeat at a time.