The Desert of Knowingness
Empty. Void. Silent. Thus is the realm of Isness.
A hush. A soothing whisper. A restful pause within the multitude of experience, where nothingness takes over.
No needs, wants, hopes, dreams and expectations. Not even a ripple on the vast surface of the lake of Essence. Pure. Simple. Absolute stillness.
No striving, questioning, seeking, entertaining a thought. Just staying. Blissfully here. Content in the nowness of absolute Trust.
Nothing else to be. Nowhere else to go.
This is where doubt collapses, dark and light alchemize into all there is and I, you, we become a blink in the eye of existence itself.
The invitation? Allow. Completely. Surrender. Let go. Let Be.
As the endless stream of existence flows, absolutely still though in permanent motion, whilst we walk awake upon the physical realm it may seem hard to let go of the need to know more, to learn more, to work on evolving, to have to strive for something better… And yet the invitation remains. Just breathe and allow.
Seems so enigmatic, perhaps too simple, maybe a riddle. But no. It is just this. Open up to the whole of you. Breathe it in, breathe yourself Present and allow. Then it can come. It can find you. It can permeate you and dissolve you.
It can only reach you right here. In the uncluttered safe space of your allowing, where the breath holds you and delivers you to God within.
Many are the deserts we cross as we shed layers of personification. As we become.
Be at peace with feeling strange. With not knowing. With it seeming like nothing is happening. With even not being able to see the one you used to be.
Just stay. Breathe. Melt into this desert.
And then you know. You just know that you know.
We could go by way of trying and…
In our evolutionary alchemy much is the magic our Essence offers us, constantly. Every single day. Every single moment. But until it finally surrenders, the Human Mind keeps on getting in the way. Trying to figure things out. Trying to protect us. Trying to entertain us. Trying to deny simplicity, flow and the crystalline perfection of all things. Trying to fog up clarity and to prove it knows better. Fighting for the survival of what it believes to work and to prove itself the Master of all of our kingdoms.
And then more magic comes. We stop. If we see it, we thank it… And maybe we surrender or… we get back on the Mind’s enticing joy ride of infinite distractions.
And it happens on and on and on. Until we reach inverse critical mass and our Essence gently steps back, going into indefinite waiting mode, for we have chosen our Human Free Will over surrender to our vaster knowingness enough consecutive times to get ourselves tangled and lost for a while longer. As if we fear missing this kind of living with one foot in and one foot out.
Then the Human Mind becomes the Ruler. So proficient it seems to be the Soul. It feigns to be God and brings about hiccups of illusionism that might seem like the magic of Essence but when felt, are definitely barren of ease and grace.
Now again a striking moment to remind us of who we are is required. Is it maybe this we are sad to miss, once we definitely collapse beyond illusion? The excitement of these intermittent awakenings?
Or we can go by way of allowing and…
The judgement comes. You smile, stay and let it go.
The need to know more comes. You smile, stay and let it go.
The need to understand comes. You smile, stay and let it go.
The need to define comes. You smile, stay and let it go.
The need to fight for or against comes. You smile, stay and let it go.
The urge to run away comes. You smile, stay and let it go.
The longing for something else, the habit of leaving the body to experience the universe comes. You smile. Now you are staying. Not going anywhere else out there. Home is right here.
The fear that it may hurt comes. You smile, stay, allow yourself to feel and let it go.
The urge to work on the stories, to seek them, to unravel them comes. You smile, stay, let the urge go and let them become visible of their own accord. You simply allow.
The denial, the pretension that somehow you can feign realization, that maybe you don’t really need to remember, to acknowledge, to accept, to compassionately embrace all of your experiences, especially the ones where you were the one you most judge in others, the one you deny or despise in yourself, the one that perpetrated and suffered unnamable emotional and physical pain… the denial comes. You smile. And now you stay. Now you are ready for complete alchemy beyond illusion. Now you have chosen to forego the games of separation and experience reunion.
The ones within you whom you have rejected, not loved, pretended not to be, come. You smile. You stay. You open up and embrace them. Allow them to dissolve and let go.
The beliefs about Mastery, enlightenment, realization, fulfilment… come. You smile. You stay. And let them go. One by one. Filing past your emptiness. Just allowing yourself to know in the moment. No before, no after.
Your need for lessons, tests and ordeals transmutes into the knowingness that all is well in all of creation… even though now it seems hard to believe this. You just know.
Your Yes is unwavering. Your step firm and unfaltering as you feel the stable ground of your Essence, whilst all the other ground you believed to be yours crumbles into eternity.
You see. You ask for and accept support if you feel you need it and you know that in doing so you are not being weak or less. You are simply receiving the abundance that is available to you in all possible forms, when you say Yes.
You realise vulnerability is freedom and humility is a surrender so great that you need not hang onto any specific identity.
You step back from working at it and allow the “work” to be done for you, just by staying. Here. Now. In your most expanded wisdom.
Your Presence takes care of you as you invite its gentleness and you know that all is unfolding in seamless perfection. Life a gift. Always serving you.
You are at the edge of the abyss, ready to jump and you hear the voice “Nooooo, don’t do it. You’ll die”.
But this time you know this fear is not who you are. You would rather die than stay on the edge of the cliff.
“Fear not, dear one”… Whispers the Soul. “Only the desert can fulfil all of your longings and end the quest”.
You jump. Despite the voice of fear. And it disappears. Silence. You find out there was nothing to fear. Now you don’t know who you Are, but it doesn’t seem to matter anymore. You are Home. And that’s all there Is. All You Are is here.
The question: do you choose to end the quest?
Empty. Void. Silent. Thus is the realm of Isness.