
domingo, 30 de dezembro de 2018

Choosing Love – Thank you Mother India/ Part 18

 BE Love

Day 24 (Day 11 of Wonder-Bike Adventure – the end) – 13th May 2018

Neha, Anu and Krishna’s youngest daughter, has once again generously given us her room for two nights, which we truly appreciate.

We get up early, at around 7 am, though by then Anu has been up for almost two hours already! She loves to get up early and start preparing for the day before everyone else is up.

Getting up has become quite hard for me in the last days, since the simple act of standing up is extremely painful for the first few minutes and requires me to wait for a while before I put my foot on the floor and start to move. My mega burn is not looking good, but I know it is going through its own process of transformation. What I do each time I stand up is breathe deeply, totally accept the pain and wait for it to subside enough to allow movement. I do not try and deny what I am feeling but embrace it, walking myself through it with patience, knowing that it has its own time to eventually dissolve.

Today we are taking the bike back to the shop and in the afternoon Anu and her friends Raja Rajeshwari and Suchitra Misra have kindly organized a BE!.. Love: Beyond Illusion book presentation and workshop, on behalf of ALL Ladies League Karnataka Chapter and its branches, Bangalore ALL Readers and Writers and Karnataka ALL Coaching.

I do not go with Pedro to hand in the bike, preferring to rest, so my farewell is said silently, grateful to this wonderful machine that took us through around 3000 km of land in safety and comfort, which is of course relative, considering my backside's aches, though the latter were not on account of the bike but rather the roads travelled and the distances covered. I can firmly say that I loved every part of this experience, even when it got overwhelming, all of it was an amazing adventure where Love was our permanent assistant.

And now too, today, Love is at the forefront.

Before the workshop, a small issue arises as to whether I can please speak about Portuguese culture and food somewhere in-between but I manage to clarify that this is not the appropriate context for something like this and we eventually come to an agreement that Love will conquer All 😊

Since we must leave home at about 1.30 pm in order to be at the venue, Welcom Hotel, a very elegant place where all is prepared with care, our morning goes by at a leisurely pace. We have something light for lunch and go.

On the way another issue arises. The presence of men at the Workshop. Pedro and Krishna initially intended to be supportively present but when Anu receives a message saying that it had somehow been understood that there would be no men present, Anu becomes a bit apprehensive as to whether they whould go after all. 

To my mind, they should, because I am sure this will not only make a positive difference as it will also motivate a new perspective and a turnaround for future events, and me being the “love r-evolutionary”, I’m all for them staying. In the end they decide not to stay and instead they go for a ride around the shops but curiously someone comments that they could and should have stayed… so once again it remains proven that most of the time what we think others are going to think is not necessarily what they end up showing. Pushing the status quo always implies a fair deal of trust in the Divine Wisdom to work its magic and this is more often than not my option, beyond opinions and nay-saying.

The group that shows up is quite heterogenous but somehow, as the workshop progresses, there is an overall click and everyone’s heart syncs into the same frequency so that the group becomes homogenous, as one harmonious unit of Love.

The language of Soul to Soul communication never ceases to amaze me. It’s as if a wave of stillness comes forth and embraces everyone to the point where the minds no longer have the power to stifle the heart’s voices that whisper Love in each breath. The whole atmosphere changes, becoming warmer and more comforting, people become more at ease, smiles start shining and eyes sparkling, sometimes uncontained tears well up and all of a suddent there is no separation, no more or less, no one wants to stay out of this serene embrace that the language of Love brings about.

Maybe it’s because we’re in India and everyone here is tuned to a higher frequency of consciousness, but I can guarantee that what goes on in this unique workshop in Bangalore is pure and instant alchemy, working faster than anywhere else.

Words could not express the Gratitude I feel for having been offered this opportunity to bask in this river of Love together with All. A river that welled up from within my Soul to connect with All Souls Present, bringing us to the One, Same, Universal Ocean of Isness.

The amazing thing is that though the coffee and tea break with delicious treats to eat had been a necessity for some, in the end all are willing to forego this in order to do more Conscious Breathing and just stay in this warm loving flow of Divine Essence. As I had pointed out even before we began, food would not have been necessary for food for the Soul would be provided abundantly… And thus this is what came to be.

Here is a small part of the Workshop: video

We ended up finishing a little bit later than intended, amongst joyful hugs of farewell with promises to reunite… one day… in the near future.

Thank you so much Anu, for moving this into Life! And of course all other beautiful ladies that partnered up with Anu to make it happen.

Pedro and Krishna also had a fine adventure, going for a free tuc ride around the shops, which was a surprise to Krishna, who being a local never imagined there was this kind of possibility for tourists. These young tuc drivers have an agreement with certain shops that pay them to take people there, they generally earn more than if they were to charge for the ride and in this way they get people to ride with them.

By the end of the workshop it is already dark and raining heavily but we are no longer riding our Wonder-Bike so there is no issue with the rain.

We go home to get the two young girls and Anu and Krishna take us all to a fine Italian Restaurant. Bangalore has absolutely everything, from the most western streets to the most Indian ones. It is a huge city of contrasts, India’s equivalent of Silicon Valley.

We enjoy the meal, the company even more and could not be happier.

Love is, indeed, not an achievement, it is a state.

Thank you <3


Read Post 1 of this series here, post 2 here, post 3 here, post 4 here, post 5 here, post 6 here, post 7 here, post 8 here, post 9 here, post 10 here, post 11 here, post 12 here, post 13 here, post 14 here; post 15 here; post 16 here; post 17 here

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