
quarta-feira, 5 de julho de 2017

About Fear and Love /O Strahu in Ljubezni

Also in Sloveninan, courtesy of my dear friend Mateja Brumen - see down below
Tudo v Sloveninanu, iz ljubezni moje drage prijateljice Mateja Brumen - gled spodaj

One only fully realises how much energy all survival mechanisms take up each time one overcomes a fear.

All fears serve one purpose: to keep us "safe". When we find our Safe Space inside, fears feel this as a life threat - it is indeed, a threat to survival mechanisms.

So fears will try as hard as possible to distract us from being Present, from feeling at Peace, from experiencing Joy, Freedom, Passion, Balance, Harmony, True Love, Ease, Simplicity, Trust...

Fears will lead a person to attachment, to compulsion, to obsession, to addiction, to depression, to frustration, to anger... just to keep him/her away from the eternal Essence that patiently resides in our core.

When we allow ourselves - even in the midst of all of this deliberate confusion fears cause - to surrender to Presence, to stay Home in the loving arms of Who we Truly Are, then Fear disappears and we become aware of a huuuuuge amount of Open Space where Time has no boundaries and potentials are infinite, where bliss is a fact and drama has no roots.

Though this is what most of us want, when we get it, it is so peaceful, so seamless, so perfect, so balanced, so harmonious, so loving, so smooth, so energy efficient... that our Mind starts questioning whether we deserve such a perfect life, such luck, such magic? And if we fall prey to this questioning and go along with it, we become tangled in entertaining confusion all over again.

The trick? The trick is to choose what we really want and remain in that Silent Presence of Isness that we Truly Are, no matter what doubts come up in our mind. The trick is for us to allow ourselves the solace of staying Home, no matter what noise tries to remove us. When we do this we show we no longer need the Fear to protect us, we have chosen a new level of Safety and the Mind cannot comprehend it because it cannot feel.

When we make a choice from our Core/our Heart, the trick is to stick to it until it is fulfilled, no matter how much our Mind tries to convince us that this is not what we want.

Interestingly enough, if we give up on our choice, we experience a moment of release that seems like Mastery, that is extremely relieving... just like when we take a drug. The hitch is that this is momentary and it is due to the fact that we have surrendered to the Mind so it finally shut up, pleased to have won, again! Shortly after the discomfort caused by all of our fears comes back, even stronger than before - knowing it is in charge and here to stay.

Stay true to your Heart, no matter what and sooner or later you'll get used to an amazingly abundant life, it will become the norm rather than the exception.

O Strahu in Ljubezni Človek se lahko popolnoma zave koliko energije vsi preživetveni mehanizmi prevzamejo vsakič, ko zmaga strah. Vsi strahovi služijo enemu namenu: da nas “varujejo”. Ko najdemo naš Varen Prostor znotraj sebe, strahovi to čutijo kot življenjsko nevarnost - kar v resnici je, grožnja preživetvenim mehanizmom. Torej strahovi nas bodo preizkušali tako močno kot je le možno, da bi nas odvrnili od tega, da smo Prisotni, od občutka Miru, od izkušanja Veselja, Svobode, Strasti, Ravnotežja, Harmonije, Resnične Ljubezni, Lahkotnosti, Preprostosti, Zaupanja, ... Strahovi bodo vodili osebo v navezanost, kompulzivnost, obsesijo, zasvojenost, depresijo, frustracijo, jezo, ... samo, da bi ga/jo odvrnili od večne Esence, ki potrpežljivo biva v našem bistvu. Ko dovolimo sebi - tudi sredi vse te namerne zmede, ki jo povzročajo strahovi - da se predamo Prisotnosti, da ostanemo Doma, v ljubečih rokah tega, Kdo v resnici smo, potem Strah izgine in mi se zavemo veeeeelike količine Odprtega Prostora, kjer Čas ni omejen in kjer so potenciali neskončni, kjer je blaženost dejstvo in drama nima korenin. Čeprav je to nekaj, kar si večina od nas želi, ko to dobimo je tako mirno, tako popolno, tako uravnoteženo, tako harmonično, tako ljubeče, tako tekoče, tako energetsko učinkovito, ... da se naš Um začne spraševati, če si zaslužimo tako popolno življenje, tako srečo, tako čarobnost? In če postanemo žrtev tega spraševanja in gremo skupaj z njim se znova zapletemo v zabavno zmedo. Trik? Trik je, da izberemo to, kar si v resnici želimo in ostanemo v tej Tihi Prisotnosti Biti, kar Resnično Smo, ne glede na to kateri dvomi pridejo v naš um. Trik je, da si dovolimo tolažbo tega, da ostanemo Doma, ne glede na to kakšen hrup nas poskuša odvrniti. Ko to naredimo pokažemo, da nič več ne rabimo Strahu, da bi nas ščitil, izbrali smo novo raven Varnosti in Um je ne more dojeti, ker ne more čutiti. Ko naredimo izbiro iz našega Bistva/Srca, je trik v tem, da ostanemo tam, dokler se ne napolni, ne glede na to kako nas Um poskuša prepričati, da to ni tisto, kar želimo. Dovolj zanimivo je to, da če odnehamo pri naši izbiri, izkusimo trenutek olajšanja, ki se zdi kot Mojsterstvo, ki je izjemno odrešujoče ... prav tako kot takrat, ko vzamemo drogo. Hakeljc je v tem, da je to trenutno in obstaja glede na dejstvo, da smo se predali Umu, tako da končno utihne, zadovoljen, da je spet zmagal! Kmalu po neugodju, ki so ga povzročili vsi naši strahovi, pride nazaj, celo močnejši kot kadarkoli - vedoč, da ima kontrolo in da tu ostane. Ostanite zvesti vašemu Srcu, ne glede na karkoli in slej ko prej se boste navadili na neverjetno obilja polno življenje, postalo bo norma raje kot izjema.

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