
segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2016

The Flow of Abundance COURSE/BOOK - 1

We are all intrinsically abundant. Nevertheless, this escapes our awareness most of the time, and can manifest as wellness or distress, depending on what we are creating.

Most humans which belong to modern societies spend a great part of their lives navigating in a general state of hypnosis which dictates what’s right or wrong, what should be feared, loved, done, owned, etc. It is therefore hard to realize that we create our own “reality” – in other words, our own world (each one has their own).

In the very same way, we constantly seek abundance of what we think we need and we flee from or fight against the abundance of what we think is not good – both of which are processes of lack. But in practice, what we produce is more of what we say we don’t want… and in great quantity! …And very little of what we truly want!
In any case, we are not flowing, nor are we present in our lives.

In order for us to feel abundant and fluid we have to be in our bodies, in the NOW moment, not wondering around through our past experiences or our future expectations, or even alienated in other realms and dimensions, which are supposedly better than this one.

Keeping what we think we need out of our reach is very entertaining. That keeps us frantically striving for a faraway dream somewhere out there. On the other hand, the addiction to adrenaline is so seductive that it drags us by the collar, pushing us into constant drama, towards that which is supposedly difficult, bad, uncomfortable, etc…

We use energy in many different forms in order to materialize our lives. We are not energy – we use it. We are Consciousness, living in a body made up of energy matter and using energy to create our physical experiences. Energy is infinitely abundant, for it may always be produced at zero cost (when done efficiently), and it is completely plastic – it assumes the form we give it. But, when it is set in motion, energy always seeks resolution – in other words – it assumes any form whatsoever, be it deliberate or not. It cannot be contained indefinitely (for example anger, hurt, well kept slights, tend to explode sooner or later) and when Consciousness beings, which is what we are, use energy without being conscious of it, we disperse and waste huge amounts of energy – its use is inefficient.

Our beliefs about life and about what is possible or not, also limit the way we manage the use of energy – and thus the way we use our Time, our Space, our Money and all of our other resources. This is all about the energy we put into it – fluid and conscious or limited and unconscious?

So this is how we put a stopper on the abundant flow of what we really want to experience.

The good news is that there are solutions, many of them, but they don’t all fit here so we shall just outline the first steps.

1.       Awareness – how am I living my life and is this what I really want?
2.       Landing in my Body and in my Life – Am I Present in the Now or absent, thinking about what I did (or what others did, said…) or about what I have to do, or constantly leaving my “centre” to go outside of me to receive approval, recognition, acceptance, trying to be what I’m not, making an effort to be what others expect from me? What do I want for me?
3.       Re-inventing myself – does everything I was told or heard serve me, is it my “Law”? Or does my inner truth tell me that there is more beyond what I have come to believe to be “normal” about the way I live my life?
4.       Choosing – Do I clearly choose  what I really want or do I let life happen to me at random? This choice is not only something mental, it is a choice of feeling that this is really what I want to experience - a choice from the heart.
5.       Trusting – do I trust myself, do I trust my capabilities, or does doubt constantly waver my choices?
6.       Receiving – Do I feel I deserve to receive what I really want, or do I feel that I’m not worthy of it?
7.       Rediscovering the Passion – Is my Life tedious, or an insane rush, which I pay little real attention to? Do I love to live? What makes me or would make me love to live?
8.       Loving oneself – The Flow of Abundance starts within each one of us, that is where we either flow or are blocked. How do I treat myself? Do I give myself time, tenderness? Do I listen to what I feel? Those who do not love themselves don’t really know what Love is and therefore do not know how to Love. “Love each other as you love thyself” – I think I’ve heard or read this somewhere before.
9.        Simplify – no words needed J

Simple things that change our perspective. I invite you to try… Now. You have an entire Manual right here which is dedicated to this theme. Make the most of it.

Ah and don’t forget Gratitude. Waking up each morning, taking a deep breath and thanking the magic in everything that involves existence, smiling… simple things that warm the soul and remind us of the true Flow of Abundance.

Introspection Exercises:

1         How am I living my life and is this what I really want?
2         Am I Present in the Now or absent, thinking about what I did (or what others did, said…) or about what I have to do, or constantly leaving my “centre” to go outside of myself to receive approval, recognition, acceptance, trying to be what I’m not, making an effort to be what others expect from me? What do I want for me?
3         Does everything I was told or heard serve me, is it my “Law”, or does my inner truth tell me that there is more beyond what I have come to believe to be “normal” about the way I live my life?
4          Do I clearly choose what I really want or do I let life happen to me at random?
5         Do I trust myself, do I trust my capabilities, or does doubt constantly waver my choices?
6         Do I feel I deserve to receive what I really want, or do I feel that I’m not worthy to of it? Do I allow myself to receive?
7         Is my Life tedious, or an insane rush, which I pay little real attention to? Do I love to live? What makes me or would make me love to live?
8         How do I treat myself? Do I give myself time, tenderness? Do I listen to what I feel?

Coming up next:

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