
quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2015

Free Will

Free Will

Free will is both our Demon and our Saviour, as all things in this world of duality.

Nevertheless it implies being free to choose Freedom or not to do so at all.

And lo and behold, the choice of Freedom is a mighty one. It implies so much change that our whole reality as we have known it is put into perspective, turned uspide down and inside out, shaken,brought under a magnifying glass and we are made to see so much that was not at first perceptible, that it requires being ready, being aware of its consequences and accepting them wholeheartedly, taking full responsibility for all that has been said and done so far and from now on, being absolutely compassionate and therefore capable of releasing all judgement, being stable and resilient, determined and fully committed to this choice of Freedom. It cannot, therefore, be imposed on anyone, which in itself is enough to demonstrate why not all will Remember Who they Are, not all will Awaken to their full potential, not all will Be. This will happen only when each one is ready for such boundless change, ready to release each programmed pattern, each personality compulsion, ready to become flexible, ready to change habits and redefine priorities, ready to let go, to release the grip on struggle and so much more.

The choice of Freedom is ultimately the release from the Persona and the surrender to the Essence of one’s BEing, which is the final consequence of Awakening. Now, as never before, it is possible for multitudes to walk this path. It is not and cannot be, however, a compulsory choice right here and right now. Each one’s Time and Space is not determined by anyone else’s though it is influenced by the amount of Awake Human Beings around us, for they set a new template, a new paradigm that opens new doorways for the acceleration of conscious evolution as a whole.  All in all it is inevitable to Remember sooner or later since this is a condition of us having allowed ourselves to Forget who we are. The rate at which this happens is undeterminable. All we can do is walk our talk, leading by example but never under the pretension of interfering with anyone’s free will. That is why it is free, even when influenced by those parts in each Human that are not free at all J

Alas, the time is and always has been NOW for each one that Awakens and this NOW is as vast as the infinite Universe.

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