
sábado, 17 de maio de 2014

From Seductive Manipulation to BEING WHO YOU ARE

From Seductive Manipulation to BEING WHO YOU ARE

Since birth we learn to interact with the world through seductive manipulation in order to obtain the energy we need to survive in the physical world. It assumes the form of need. Need for acceptance, need for recognition, need for attention. These “need” mechanisms are in fact “feed” mechanisms. It is through them that we obtain precious energy from each other. This is the permanent cycle of energy abuse, in which the victim and the abuser are one and the same thing, either playing one role or the other in order to perpetuate the cycle. Nevertheless, whether we assume one role or the other doesn’t really matter. It all boils down to obtaining the energy we think we need in order to survive in this world.

What if, one day yo start awakening from this illusion of need? What if you realise you can generate your own energy? What if you decide to stop the cycle?

Then a whole new journey begins. It is a journey of awareness, the journey of BEcoming WHO YOU ARE.

This requires permanent PRESENCE, permanent AWARENESS of where you are at in each moment, with relation to yourself and with relation to the world around you. It requires complete DETERMINATION and above all, it requires TRUST in the process of BEcoming, no matter how long it takes, no matter what it takes in order to break the cycle.

The first step is respecting your own energy. The only reason you need acceptance is because you don’t accept yourself entirely. The only reason you need recognition is because you don’t recognise yourself entirely. The only reason you need attention is because you don’t give yourself enough of it. This builds up the illusion that you need to obtain these things somewhere outside of you. And it keeps you tied up into a never ending revolving circle of energy abuse – be it you removing energy from others, or them from you. And energy can be formless or have form (like money, houses, cars etc etc etc).

I will leave it to your own discerning wisdom to realise how you do it. How and when do you use seductive manipulation in your life? How do you do it at work? How do you do it with your friends and acquaintances? How do you do it with your lovers or romantic partner? How do you do it with people in general? How do you do it with yourself: with your body – your space, with your mind, with your time, with your things (money and everything else)? How far do you respect your energy? How do you let it be taken from you? Why do you let it be taken from you – what is there in it for you, what do you obtain in exchange?

Just so you can recognise it better, energy abuse makes you feel depleted, tired, it gives you a belly ache, it gives you stomach ache, it makes you feel uncomfortable in your body, it makes your heart feel heavy, it makes you feel confused, sometimes lost and depressed, sad and forlorn, apathic and sometimes even numb. These are just some of the consequences and you may feel one or some of them at any given moment of or after an imbalanced energy “transfusion”.

While you are living in this permanent self recycling “energy stealing” game you are not aware of it. It works through the psychological mind, convincing you of your weaknesses and needs. It makes you go round the bend and back again and you don’t usually even notice it. Why? Because everyone is doing it! It seems the normal way to be, the normal thing to do. You are not even aware that it is “energy stealing” that is going on.

And you (your needy and fearful, small parts) are your greatest energy “feeders”. These dark parts of yourself that tell you stories of lack take up a huge amount of your precious energy in order to play their fear games. They (you!!!) use yourself to keep on running around in a vicious cycle of “not enoughness”, be it whatever it may be.

So take a look at these voices in your head. What stories are they telling you about your smallness, your inadequacy, your imperfectness, your not enoughness (as I call it ;) ).

And then, what games do you play with others which bring you the recognition, acceptance and attention you deem to need when coming from your not enoughness?

Seductive manipulation occurs in many fields of interaction. And it occurs very strongly when it comes to sex. Sex is a fabulous interaction, when balanced. Unfortunately it is majorly used to obtain energy. This is where the seductive manipulation gains huge and creative proportions. It happens everywhere, every day. Sex is mainly used as a manipulation tool, rather than the creative energy exchange it is meant to be. Rather than the fusion of both person’s body, mind and soul in a balanced exchange of joy and love, in sheer celebration of being alive, it is usually a combination of a good workout with many calorie burning properties, paired with a way to obtain something (we aren’t even aware of exactly what) that we feel we need. And in the end it feels good. But only temporarily. It is like any other drug. Then you need to obtain more. A balanced sexual (I usually call it sensual) experience leaves you completely fulfilled, with no cravings whatsoever. It is also way more intense than any other form of sexual intercourse. Because it is done from the heart, which is wide open, with all of the feeling sensors wide open, with all of the senses wide open, with all of you PRESENT in the moment. And so its intensity surpasses anything else. That’s why it is scary. It makes you feel vulnerable and exposed, which isn’t a problem if you have nothing to hide from yourself, and therefore from anyone else. But, if you have many parts of yourself hidden from you, then it is a major challenge. Fear comes in and puts a lid on the heart and BAM! Game over. You are back in the seductive manipulation game all over again.

I chose to pore over the issue of sex a little bit more than anything else because it is one of the most effective energy “feeding” strategies, and probably one of the least acknowledged ones as such.

So here it is. Clear and simple J

Once you break the code and become really determined to end this cycle, life changes. Maybe some hopes and dreams you had in the past die. Maybe your friends change. Maybe your job changes. Maybe your intimate relationship (s) change (s). You certainly change. And therefore everything else changes… for the better. Better even than you could ever possibly dream of!!!!

You then have an infinite supply of energy directly from the Source of Isness within you and it is so infinitely abundant that you don’t need to keep it just for yourself. You can share it abundantly because it overflows. And you can share it just because. Not for recognition, not for acceptance, not for attention. Just for the joy of BEING. You will no longer need to seduce and manipulate. That will no longer exist in you since the parts of you who did that will no longer exist so you won’t even know how to do it anymore. You will have no needs because energy shall naturally serve your Isness and bring you everything and everyone to live a life of permanente fulfilment. You shall attract all not because you need to, just because you glow so much that it is a pleasure to be in your presence. And energy shall serve your Isness, your Grandness, not your lack.

As to sex, since you no longer need it, you can choose to play with it only when it is balanced and fulfilling. The same goes with relationships of any kind. You will no longer need others, though you will love to enjoy sharing life with others for the excitement of BEING LOVE, in LOVE… Freely reveling in it all. Then you ARE WHO YOU ARE and that suffices in itself.

And so it is J

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