
quarta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2013

the "too good to be true" syndrome

The “too good to be true” syndrome

Do you know that feeling when something you’ve been really dreaming of suddenly becomes true, but you have to reach out to get it, and you look at it and think to yourself “oh boy, this seems too good to be true! What do I do now?” ?

It’s like you’ve won the Lottery but don’t go and pick up the prize for fear of not knowing what to do with so much abundance ;)

It happened to me a few months ago.

One day in August, while I was writing my new book, Vice Versa – which is a compilation of texts from this blog  (so it is a book about the Magic in everyday life) a lady stopped her car outside. I had a To Sell sign on the wall. I intended to sell the house because it was way too big for my needs and also expensive to keep. She stopped “by chance”. She was driving by and felt drawn to stop and ask to see the house because she loved it. So I let her in and showed her around. She asked me if I would be willing to rent it. I looked at her and said “well, I could consider that, but you could only move in by the end of September because I need time to get all of my stuff out”.

In the meantime, my grandmother had moved to my mum’s because she is 90 years old and can no longer live alone, so there was an empty apartment completely available for me ;) All I had to do was empty it from her stuff and redecorate it with my stuff.

The lady went home and said she’d call me back, but she needed to move in by the end of August!!! It was 2 weeks from the end of the month and I thought that would be impossible. A few days later the lady went by with her daughter and son in law. Once again she said she’d call to confirm or not.

On a Thursday, the week before the last, I was getting ready to leave the house, bags packed, car keys in my hand. I was going to visit a few friends up north. The lady called me. She wanted to rent the house. She wanted to move in during the weekend! Two days later!!! I stopped, took a deep breath and told the lady I would call her back. I called my friends saying that I wouldn’t be going after all because someone was renting my house!

I needed help if I was to get it all done so fast. Meanwhile a friend of mine was calling! I asked for help. She came. We started. Boxes upon boxes upon boxes. My grandmother’s apartment is on the second floor with no lift. So it was up and down, up and down for days. I got calls from more friends and they came to help too. The lady didn’t move in during the weekend because the truck to bring her stuff didn’t come, so that gave me a few more days of non stop moving. There were times when my body ached all over and I couldn’t see how I could possibly achieve this task. I took a deep breath and knew my Essence would do it for me all the time. There was help. Not only human help. There were surely angels helping because so much was done in such a short time that it was nothing short of a miracle. And the most amazing thing is that each night when I went to bed after hours and hours of moving, my whole body ached but the following morning I was as good as new! No sore muscles! Nothing to stop me! And so, I was out of the house by the end of August and sleeping at my new place! The month of September was a month of painting, redecorating, really enjoying creating a new joyful safe space.

So now I receive the rent from the other house, don’t pay the rent or light or water for the new house, hardly ever use the car because I’m at walking distance from everywhere in town, get to go home for lunch or whatever, I have more spare time for all that I choose and so on and so on… I feel so blessed! So grateful <3

And all because I trusted my heart.

Ah, forgot to mention this challenge. A few days after the lady had moved in, I got a phone call from her last landlord, who had found out where she was now as well as my number. He had terrible things to say about her. Namely that she hadn’t paid for the rent since February and was owing money to everyone under the sun, that she had ruined his house and stolen his things… that she was not to be trusted.

I felt such a peace in my heart as I was listening to this, it was strange but wonderful. I went to the lady. I told her everything and told her I didn’t really feel like renting the house to her under those circumstances but I also listened to her. I decided that it is none of my business what her interactions with others were like. I don’t even care whether these allegations are true or false. I told her that I was going to give this a chance, that I chose to trust her and that all that mattered to me was how we related to each other. She was so grateful! She loves the house and really wanted to stay there.

Well it was the best thing I could have done. The house is very well taken care of, the garden is better than ever, she has never failed her rent and we have a very sincere and loving relationship.

It is all so simple!

All of this just to share that when it seems “too good to be true” there is nothing like jumping into it and swimming in this pool of GOOD with utter gratitude. It is true! It is your life! How much are you willing to receive? You can have it all if you just allow it to come to you and receive it with an open heart! Open your arms and enjoy!!!!!

In my new living room ;)

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