
quarta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2022

The finality of Now

Before reading this short “story of us”, please close your eyes, take a few deep and gentle breaths and let yourself land in your inner sense, beyond the mind’s need to understand. Please simply allow yourself to feel what is shared here. Thank you for joining me in this feeling. 

The finality of Now

It had been a long journey, the one of being Human. Long. Challenging. Sometimes excruciating. Others incredibly pleasurable. Exquisite. Definitely. 

Myra looked at her reflexion on the placid lake’s surface and her features floated on the water’s ripples. She felt finally satisfied. Done. No more struggling for her. This experience was complete.

If she looked back, she could see a harmony she had never been able to perceive before. A harmony in the chaos of dark forgetfulness, as well as in the order of wisdom. Light had been the signpost indicating the way through the valleys and mountains, but darkness had been the purpose itself. Losing herself in it so fully that there seemed to be nothing else. Until there was. 

Separation had been everything. Tough. Exciting. Painful. Beautiful. Ruthless. Caring. Evil. Saintly. Bad. Good. Unbearable. Incredible. Lustful. Scarce. Bountiful. Seductive. Despicable. Enlightening. Amazing. Breathtaking. Fearful. Fearless. Hopeful. Hopeless. Powerful. Defeating… Everything. Every possibility. Played to exhaustion. Over and over again. With Love sometimes knocking at the door of consciousness. Always elusive. Until it became sure. Until reunion beckoned attention. Until merging was the cause and effect of what had been and was to be. 

Myra knew she was larger than she could even begin to imagine. And yet the connection point was right here. In this tiny physical body on this small planet called Earth. The one she had chosen to dive into for the pure joy of expansion beyond all that had been known. She had been a She and a He and a lot of other non-gender based identities.

It seemed as a long long time. This whole bundle of experiences. But on the other hand, time was but a fleeting moment, when all of the times collapsed into one Now. Timeless. Not confined by the boundaries of Space. Her consciousness was infinite. Infinite Love. Love? Yes, well, for lack of a better word. 

Pure consciousness.

And so Myra mused, sitting on the shore of the lake:

“As the endless rivers, streams and creeks of my existence converge into Now, a hush, a silence covers all that was, with compassionate bliss. Gratitude seeping through the spaces in-between. All becomes nothing and nothingness becomes all.

And I die. With a sigh of relief. Contentment filling me to the core and brimming over. Trickling into the unknown, until it becomes an ocean, its waves rolling onto the whole of me. From the peace of nowhere, the passion for somewhere wells up and I am birthed into a new Now.

In each breath a New Now. Dying in each moment. Living in each breath. All in One.

Existing in the multitude of dimensions and yet fully Present in One. Expansion and contraction no longer dual.

Oh and I discover… There is nothing on the other side that I am not already on this one. And it becomes so simple. So very simple. To just Be, to just Allow, to just Surrender and Flow through the landscapes of the unknown. Since the beginning of Time. Into the endless and back into the finality of Now.”


Text by T. C. Aeelah

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkewich - Pexels

2 comentários:

  1. Oh Tania that really speaks to me today...the beauty and perfection of all that we have chosen expressing itself in every precious moment.....nothing wasted, nothing inappropriate, nothing wrong - all a part of the wholeness which we truly embody when we surrender to all that is ...multi muito obrigada 😘

  2. Muito obrigada a ti também, querida Dee. All is well in all of creation and it is such a liberation to know this from deep within.
