
segunda-feira, 12 de julho de 2021

The Alchemical Elixir

 The Alchemical Elixir

He had been around for time immemorial and though he had no recollection of each particular story he had partaken in, he had a knowingness of being all of it.

None of these stories were now relevant, and yet they were one with him.

He smiled as he envisioned how he had come to be a reunion of what had once seemed separate. It had seemed so hard whilst amidst the tornadoes of recognition that had lifted the dust off all of his surfaces. But once what had seemed to be stuck had become fluid, thus merging into the nothingness of pure love, it had all become golden preciousness.

That’s when he realized he himself was an alchemy pot, continuously distilling illusion into bounty.

And the most amazing thing about this magic alchemy he not only performed but was, was that all became void in the gravity of impermanence, before remaining available in the permanent eternity that simply Is.

Just like a compost heap, his core was a thriving ecosystem where whatever was no longer of use would be patiently held in the loving arms of grace, until it was fully transmuted into clear Earth, where new seeds would inevitably find their way into the warmth of his inner sunshine and be watered by his relieved tears of surrender. The soft breeze of his breath would kiss the tender shoots springing forth from the ground of his knowingness and there was no knowing what each seedling would become this time, for the memory of what had been was no longer determining what was to be. 

Over and over death morphed into life and life into death and he sighed in blissful contentment for the relief of not having to be anything in particular. He was nothing becoming everything and everything collapsing into no-thing all at once, all now and no other Time and Space was more sacred or desirable than this exact wholeness he allowed in this very moment, in this very breath.

He had once thought that maybe it would be easier somewhere else. He had even wished to be another. He had so desired to somehow override his painful emptiness with dreams of betterness, but he had tried this so hard that somewhere along the way he had toppled with the weight of escape. And at long last he had given up.

He could do it no more. The enough within him had sounded a wake up call across the vastness of all of his experiences, old and new, and said “It is Time. Come, come back Home. We are One”.

The multitudes came in droves, so painful at times, that his body ached for solace. Ah but it was  oh so relieved as each pool of stagnant creation was bid farewell, now receiving a dignified funeral where gratitude and honour were the key to definite release.

The funerals were so many that he could not keep track… Yet he could sense and his feeling gave him a precious drop of the elixir of eternity each time true integration happened in his alchemy pot.

He became so skilled at embracing, receiving, loving, transmuting, transcending and creating anew, that no part was left unattended and continuously collapsed into One.

The One and the Many, the Many and the One. There was no difference. It was the magic of perception that shaped the facets of the transparent diamond and the colours it reflected were beyond magnificent, always and no matter what they were perceived to individually be.

“Own it. It is all you. Then liberate it and soar. You can be high. You can be low. But you cannot cease to exist. In form. Formless. All that Is is You Being”.

Enigmatic? He took a deep breath and smiled. 

“I Am That, I Am”.


Text by T. C. Aeelah

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