
segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2016

BOOK/COURSE The Flow of Abundance 3


One of the most interesting phrases in our modern daily vocabulary is “I don’t have time.” Time seems to run away, with us frantically running after it, without ever managing to catch up. This vain rush leaves us with a permanent sensation of incompleteness, as if we were permanently running the marathon and never arrived at the finish line, no matter how much effort we put into it, no matter how exhausted we are.
And though we know, deep within us, that there is something here which makes no sense, we continue, because we believe that there is no other way to live.
The interesting thing is that this phenomenon happens both in cosmopolitan environments, as well as in the countryside. In fact, the farmer, who supposedly leads a calm life in his/her idyllic whereabouts, generates as much stress in this rush, as the executive, stashed away somewhere in his/her office, in the midst of the big city.
This pattern probably serves as a drug. Besides being addictive, it serves as a shelter from death, which thus seems a far away prospect, and in the same elusive way as time, death is never right here.
The problem is that life is also staggering back and forth, exhausted, with no strength to bloom. Generally people live to die, one day after another, less and less time between now and death.

Similarly, and even for those who are privileged with abundant bank accounts, money never seems to be enough for all of the whims the mind manages to create. And when it is enough, there are normally other areas of great lack, even if they don’t pertain to the world of matter.
For a common European citizen, “I don’t have money” is a cliché sentence, completely embedded in the social fabric, like an impossible stain to remove. So many bills to pay all the time, and once again the marathon with no finish line in sight is the name of the game. Whenever it seems to be visible, it is like a mirage that vanishes into endless storms.
It seems like we are all drifting aimlessly in a stormy sea, shipwrecked and not knowing how to get to firm land, always trying, in that vain attempt which is Hope.
Yes, vain, that’s what I said. The thing is, Hope always puts the possibility of fulfillment somewhere in the future, in the field of endless possibilities, removing us from our sordid present, to dream of castles in the sand. True. It does keep us on track towards some possibility or other, but does it really lead us anywhere, or does it just keep us searching for something that is always yet to come?

Adding to this, we have the realization that Space seems to mingle with Time. How often do we say “I need Space”, in the same way we would say “I need Time”? Or “I don’t have Space to express myself”, in the same way we would say “I don’t have Time”? Time and Space are entwined in that inexorable continuum that confuses us.
The relationship, in other words, the likeness between lack of time, lack of space and lack of money is clear. Our lack of energy to live, which derives from all of this is also quite clear.

Is there any way to change this state, which seems real, therefore unchangeable? 

Coming up next:

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