It was a beautiful wintery spring morning, back then on the 12th of March 2011. One of those peaceful Saturdays where the sun peeks shyly through mildly misty clouds that slowly dissipate under the radiant touch of its invigorating warmth.
I was going through a phase of huge change, both within and around me. A phase where it was unavoidable to end some of the obsolete things in my life and start new ones of an entirely different nature. But I had no idea how. What.
One thing I knew for sure: the revolution going on in my core was not going to relent until I decided to say an unwavering YES to the invitation of my heart: allowing death for rebirth to ensue.
I decided to go for a walk that would delight me with the green rolling hills, to breathe in my own stillness, my own contemplative silence rocked by each sure step. I needed to embrace the grandness of the horizons, the open space of the air that dances freely, to fill my lungs with lightness and feel whole in this body, in my then “now moment”. To stay. To enjoy my own Essence, without any distractions.
“Fight against or cooperate with?”, was the question my Soul always voiced whenever I was questioning myself about my trajectory, about how to untie the knots I had been diligently creating, how?
“Cooperate with… of course!” Was my firm reply. Cooperate with my Essence, with the invitation for Freedom. Cooperate with harmony, with balance. Cooperate with a life that was full of challenges but also had the potential of becoming simple, flowing and graceful, void of effort. “Yes! Show me the path of cooperation. I don’t want to fight anymore!”
And so it was, one step at a time, one breath at a time, that I gradually would let go of what I knew no longer served me and would allow whatever came in the wake of my releasing…
This is how, without a specific thought in my head, just in sweet surrender to the rhythm of my walking, “Inspiring Passion - InPassion Coaching” presented itself. “This is the new creation.” My Essence told me. It was round about 11 am… And She then proceeded to show me what it would comprise… Whilst I just watched, as if I were being shown an epic movie, enraptured by the vastness, purpose and clarity that was being shown to me. In awe.
Coaching was something we negotiated - there seemed to not be a name that could truly fit the description of what we would be offering. At the time, Mentoring could also have been chosen. Anyhow, it is not entirely one thing or the other and still I do not have a defined way to categorize this project.
Without wanting to lose the thread, I immediately went back home to write it all down as it kept on rolling. It was all so new and beyond what I had ever imagined that if I did not take note of it, I would not know what to do next. I spent the rest of the weekend literally “downloading” the InPassion project. Everything came to my awareness without me having known anything about it before and without a drop of effort either. It was all there. Done. Ready. Clear. Tangible. Well explained and easy to conceive of. Just like that! Poof! From one moment to the next.
I must say that to this very day I cannot define “who” has created all of this. The same goes for how my website has been put together and keeps on growing. It has been and keeps on being gifted to me by the integral part that transcends personification. And I have received it and keep on doing so and implementing. Always without knowing the next steps. Always in discovery…
At that time my dear friend Luísa Amaro was the ideal partner to help me ignite everything, even creating InPassion’s first logo, and my dear friend Joana Ferreira was already in my life, curiously having been introduced by Luísa herself.
Joana was also going through huge inner turmoil at the time,,, and Luísa and I were her Safe Space as she peeled the onion layers of self-discovery. We were this for each other. Completely. Until Luísa started to get ill as a consequence of the colon cancer she had been diagnosed with.
Joana and I went on with our transmutation trajectory at the speed of light and when Luísa departed in 2012, Joana was already living in my house with her children and in regular ascent towards what would become a fulfilling life, rich and wise, filled with authentic love for herself and spreading incomparable magic around her. Both of us discovering this new way of life simultaneously.
Luísa was for both of us, Joana and I, a wise and compassionate master whom we were privileged to share many absolutely sublime moments, overflowing with everything that fills the heart and soul. I am so grateful for her footprint in my life - I still feel it like a golden hand that holds us with infinite and wise compassion. Her Essence keeps on dancing with us and rejoicing in the evolution of InPassion, playing through us, creating from the other side but with a fair amount of sparkle lighting up our path on this one.
Later on, in 2014, after an experience in 2013 which I can only qualify as mystically transcendental and which reunited me within myself forever after, I chose to give InPassion a new expression with a new logo created by Luís Campos and a new microsite created by UTD, as well as new partnerships.
In 2018 the third and current logo was created by Margarida Moreira, as well as the new website which had to be completely redone by me in 2020 and is the one you are now familiar with.
A lot of changes. Continuously. But the same Essence. Always.
Twelve years have passes and InPassion still inspires me totally with the passion of Being absolutely everything right here, in this little corner of the galaxy, in this body that mirrors the universe, available to listen to the melodies that my Essence rocks me with and the symphonies that we create together. You and I.
I playfully say that whomever has a Joana in their life, I mean an Iael in a Joana’s body, has everything, for our symbiosis allows us to experience a flow of manifestation that we can only qualify as magical for lack of another more earthly word. And we continuously marvel at each other’s Presence and discoveries. And we share this with gleeful abandon with everyone around us, this love that overflows from all of our pores, breathing it from the inside out, from the outside in.
Nevertheless, the most curious advent concerning the InPassion’s ascendant trajectory is still unfolding and will keep on doing so throughout the whole of 2023… and beyond. The advent of finally bringing to fruition the entire bouquet that was brought to me 12 years ago, much of which remained simply seeded but not bloomed, though what has manifested already so far is no less an extra-ordinary flourishing of magnificence.
This could be summarised in just a few words as an explosion of creative life which can only be described as the birthing of a new world in a very practical, real and achievable way.
And we smile, knowing that everything that is dreamt is possible… but only at the right time - the time that the heart itself determines.
But do you know what is most incredible for me? It is that absolutely simultaneously with the birthing of a new world in our realities, including yours, a total implosion of all we had known to be our reality is also occurring, even though it has already been fabulous for us so far - a constant surprise. It is totally the case where when we think that nothing else can surprise us - positively my dear friends, very positively - boom! More magic happens!
I have never been afraid of allowing the implosion of whatever wanted to dissolve so that whatever wanted to be born from its ashes could be coloured by life, and in my complete surrender to living in this way all I find is freedom and more freedom, love and more love, peace and more peace, silence and more silence, harmony and more harmony, balance and more balance, joy and more joy, creativity and more creativity… and more and more abundance of everything I keep on discovering myself to be, without definition.
So, dear friend, will you give me the honour of dancing with you?
One of those hugs that last forever, warm and deeply felt I offer you, in gratitude for the richness your glow into my life!
Let’s dance… throughout these landscapes of unexpected beauty, sensually brilliant and magnificently real.
Let’s celebrate all that we are in each moment, always with our hearts wide open, filled with clarity, wise awareness and serene love.
Thank you.