31st July
Epilogue - Part II
Practical Examples of the Power of Conscious Choice
The first one did not happen to me.
Mahiema Anand, whom I’ve
mentioned before, has been in Paris for her son’s graduation for the past
month. She was actually going to come over to Portugal to visit. I was wondering
if she would. Then I saw a post on facebook where she shared that her wallet
had been pickpockted on the underground so she had been left with no cash,
identification or debit/credit cards at all. However dramatic this may seem,
she shared in this post that she had been blessed by finding a new family who
had taken her and her son in with all the love they had to give, making them
feel safe and abundant, anyway. In fact she had recently received me in her
house together with Iman Kamel who slept there for a night. She did this as
openheartedly as she was received in Paris and there was not a single touch of
drama in her recount of this incident – just loving gratitude J What goes around definitely
comes around – even our thoughts.
I used to believe that life was terribly difficult, I used
to question myself why it required so much effort and why things eventually
went wrong all the time, why good moments were so short and spells of hardship
were so long. I used to complain a lot and lived trapped in the illusion of
victimness. I did not take responsibility for my reality and always felt it was
someone else’s fault, or even the circumstances themselves were to blame. I did
not consider myself lucky at all and considered suicide quite often as a
possible escape from all of this ever since I was a child. So if something like
what happened to Mahiema had happened to me back then, when I was stuck in my
own Ego’s prison, I would have felt distraught, bitterly lost and broken.
Fortunately that was in my past life – not that I left my body but I did in
fact die and was reborn in this very same body, no longer knowing who I was but
feeling completely fulfilled in my joyful surrender to the Love of God within
That’s why I know that it is possible to completely reshape
reality. By making clear and conscious choices we can even avoid situations
like Mahiema’s, but sometimes we forget we have the power to choose the nature
of our experiences. We forget to choose our day, how we want to live our
journeys, how we want to communicate and be heard, how we want to listen and
see, taste and feel.
I have played with conscious choice in so many circumstances
that I cannot share the full expanse of what I’ve discovered here. All I can
share is that it is an ongoing process of discovery. Conscious Choice is so
flexible, the possibilities are infinite. I generally choose to live my day
with ease, trust and simplicity. I surrender daily to my Essence, I hand over
all of my thoughts, my words and deeds to my Divine, so that the Human living
this life, fully grounded on this beautiful planet is but a vehicle of Unity. I
learn every day, metamorphosing constantly, perceiveng, shifting and yet
staying in the vast Now where Time is like a breeze.
I often feel that life is
long, very very long – there is space for eveything and no lack of anything.
Let me give a few more examples.
Last week I was reading in my room which happens to be
adjacent to the neighbour’s verandah. He has two teenage girls who are usually
not around but now it is summer holiday season here in Portugal. Well they’ve
discovered they like to go and sit outside and talk – loud. It’s like having
them in my room. They were having dinner out there with some friends and after
a while they decided to go to the café but warned their dad they’d be coming
back on the verandah so “please leave the chairs there”. I heard that and my
first reaction was “oh no! I will have to go and ask them to please go inside because by the time they come back I'll want to be in silence, relax and go to sleep!”
Then I stopped and made my choice. “I choose to enjoy the peaceful silence of my room, so that I can read and sleep comfortably and serenely.” Notice that I
did not choose for them, I chose for me. Surely enough, they did not return.
One essential “rule of thumb” with conscious choices is
CHOOSE FOR YOU and you only. We cannot manipulate others by choosing for them.
For example I could have chosen for them not to come back on the verandah but
in that case I would be choosing for them. All I required was to choose the end
result of what I wanted to experience. The rest is up to life’s endless divine
creativity. That's how each reality shapes itself - through choosing how we want to experience it... or the lack of choice which leads to the manifestation of anything possible in the mega soup bowl of mass consciousness.
In the case of Mahiema for instance, she cannot choose for
people to not steal her belongings but she can choose that her belongings are
not touched without her consent, she can choose that she does not allow abusive
behaviours in her reality and that her belongings are safe and protected from
any kind of abuse. Then again, her experience was perfect for her so there is
no wrong or right outcome, no correct or incorrect situation. It all fulfills
something in our lives. My suggestion here is simply to illustrate how one can
avoid being mugged if one chooses this. It is not an essential choice, it is a
personal choice.
Another example: some months ago I had an issue with EDP –
one of the electricity companies here. They claimed that I owed them an amount
that I had never seen on my meter and they had never registered either. The
issue was that they had changed the meter to a more modern one and had not
informed me of this change and of a new number I needed to check and even when
they registered the monthly consumption their own workers did not check that
number. So I refused to pay this extra amount after so many months after a
change I had not been informed of. The situation went back and forth and I kept
on choosing balance, ease and simplicity.
One day, on new year’s eve, I went to
the ATM to withdraw money and noticed that they had taken the amount in
question from my account. My first reaction was fury – how dare they touch my
account without being authorised to do so? I was going to go to their office… Or
maybe just call… or send them an email. This all happened in a few long
seconds. Then I stopped, took a deep breath and observed. Would I give this
issue my energy for the next few hours or days? Would I allow this to ruin the rest of
my day? What was my choice? It was, of course, balance, a fair outcome for both
sides… ease, trust and simplicity. And I let go. Completely. I enjoyed my new
year’s eve, my family, my friends, my life and all that it bountifully
Two days later I told Pedro about this and he informed me that I
could cancel this debit because it was unauthorised. I phoned the bank and it
was done immediately. The issue, however, was still hanging. A lady I know who
does electricity contracts told me that there was no way I would win against them
because they always got the last say – it was David against Goliath. I did not
let her perception shape my reality.
Sure enough, 2 months later I received a refund bill,
acquitting me from paying the amount they had been requiring for so long. And
that was the end of that. No more phone calls, emails, long hours waiting in
the queue to be attended by an assistant. Just a breath and a choice. Patience
and Trust.
The same thing happened with a license we asked for at our
school – requesting the Ministry of Education to grant us an extension which
would include other languages, not only English. I wrote the letter and
included even languages we still don’t have but intend to sooner or later.
Everyone kept on telling me these things take ages and require piles and piles
of bureaucracy, phone calls and what not. Well I have news for them: we got the
license without having to send in any other paperwork and in record time! It
took only 5 months, which for Portuguese standards is a very speedy delivery.
Cristina - our secretary and right hand wizard who always knows what to do in
all situations - and I were so ecstatic when we opened the letter that we
couldn’t help ourselves, we had to jump around in glee, hugging each other and
laughing, celebrating as if we had won the lottery! We both read it and reread
it because we could hardly believe our eyes. That’s when I told Cristina it was
the result of a clear and conscious choice: when I had sent in the request I
had chosen it to be simple and effortless, fair and balanced. And so it was.
One thing conscious choice does is it saves huge amounts of
energy which would be otherwise wasted struggling for outcomes. I totally
respect my energy. That’s why I am aware that I have to choose how I want to
use it, how I want it to serve me. It is precious, sacred – it deserves my
respect and gratitude.
I will share more of these experiences in my next blog posts
– now no longer under the title Mother India’s Magic.
Thank you for reading, thank you for sharing your energy and
your consciousness with me. I acknowledge and appreciate your existence on
Earth, here and now.