O meu lindo terreno (e casa)... que agora vendo a quem o souber apreciar
My beautiful land (and house)... which I now sell to whomever really appreciates it :)
Quando me passeio pelo terreno da casa que agora tenho à venda, é inevitável apaixonar-me uma e outra vez pela sua abundância permanente. A diversidade de plantas e flores silvestres, de árvores autóctones e de água, a amplitude de espaço, a pureza do ar e o silêncio... ahh o silêncio deste lugar.
When I stroll through the land of the house I now have for sale, I inevitably fall in love with is permanent abundance each and every time. The diversity of plants and wild flowers, of native trees and water, the ample space, the purity of the air and the silence... ahhh the silence of this place.
When I stroll through the land of the house I now have for sale, I inevitably fall in love with is permanent abundance each and every time. The diversity of plants and wild flowers, of native trees and water, the ample space, the purity of the air and the silence... ahhh the silence of this place.
O ribeiro que corre ao fundo, o lago que enche de inverno e que sonhei transformar em piscina biológica, o pequeno pinhal onde sonhei alguns bancos de madeira e uma ou outra mesa para quedar por ali, os salgueiros, em particular aquele maior junto ao lago onde tantas vezes fiquei quieta a ler ou simplesmente a apreciar as tardes mornas de primavera, onde se partilharam tantos piqueniques e jogos de bola, onde serena meditei, envolta na pureza daquele lugar...
The stream that lies down the hill, the large pond that fills in winter and which I have dreamt of transforming into an organic pool, the small pine, oak and cork tree wood where I have imagined a few wooden benches and tables to sit and enjoy, the willows, particularly the large one near the pond where I have sat so often reading a book or simply reveling in the warm spring afternoons, where so many picnics and ball games have been played, where I have serenely meditated, enveloped in the fresh purity of it all...
The stream that lies down the hill, the large pond that fills in winter and which I have dreamt of transforming into an organic pool, the small pine, oak and cork tree wood where I have imagined a few wooden benches and tables to sit and enjoy, the willows, particularly the large one near the pond where I have sat so often reading a book or simply reveling in the warm spring afternoons, where so many picnics and ball games have been played, where I have serenely meditated, enveloped in the fresh purity of it all...
Imaginava um caminho que desse a volta aos cerca de 2 hectares de terreno, onde se pudesse fazer uma passeio meditativo ou até dar uma volta de bicicleta.
I imagined a path that would go right round the 2 hectares of land, where one could go on a meditative journey or even ride a bike.
I imagined a path that would go right round the 2 hectares of land, where one could go on a meditative journey or even ride a bike.
Os dois poços de nascente, com água livre de calcário e a terra isenta de químicos há mais de 20 anos são tesouros a acrescer às mais valias deste lugar, ideal para um bosque e algum cultivo de permacultura. Espaço perfeito para criar ovelhas, cabras ou cavalos e quem sabe outros animais domésticos.
The two wells, both with spring water, free from lime and the land void of chemicals for over 20 years are sure treasures to add to the advantages of this land, ideal for a country wood and some permaculture vegetable gardening. The perfect space to create sheep, goats and horses and who knows even other domestic animals.
The two wells, both with spring water, free from lime and the land void of chemicals for over 20 years are sure treasures to add to the advantages of this land, ideal for a country wood and some permaculture vegetable gardening. The perfect space to create sheep, goats and horses and who knows even other domestic animals.
E a casa, que precisa agora de mimo e cuidado, mas que tantos momentos especiais proporcionou. Uma casa que assistiu a muitos processos de transformação pessoal, em grupo e individuais, onde muito se celebrou em alegria e partilha. Onde se cresceu, educou, amou, mudou... Esta casa é tão sui generis que são infinitos os potenciais que ali se podem desenvolver, desde uma simples habitação com muitissimo espaço e luz, até as mais diversas possibilidades de negócio ou partilha em grupo. Só para dar alguns exemplos: ginásio, turismo de habitação, hostel, restaurante, livraria com biblioteca e casa de chá, SPA, centro terapêutico, centro de retiros, quinta pedagógica, escola alternativa para ensino doméstico, sede de associação ou cooperativa, projeto comunitário sustentável... e tanto tanto mais.
And the house, that now needs some care and nurturing, this house has been indeed very special in all of the moments it has been part of my life. It has witnessed many personal transformation processes, either in groups or individually, and it has been a berth of celebration and joy. So much growing up, education, love and change has gone by these walls... This house is so unique that its potentials are infinite, from a simples living space with much room and light, to the most diverse possibilities of business or group ventures. Just a few examples here: gym or holistic space, SPA, Bed and Breakfast, Hostel, restaurant, book shop with library and tea house, therapy centre, retreat centre, pedagogical farm, alternative home schooling premises, association of cooperative headquarters, communitary sustainable project... and so much more.
And the house, that now needs some care and nurturing, this house has been indeed very special in all of the moments it has been part of my life. It has witnessed many personal transformation processes, either in groups or individually, and it has been a berth of celebration and joy. So much growing up, education, love and change has gone by these walls... This house is so unique that its potentials are infinite, from a simples living space with much room and light, to the most diverse possibilities of business or group ventures. Just a few examples here: gym or holistic space, SPA, Bed and Breakfast, Hostel, restaurant, book shop with library and tea house, therapy centre, retreat centre, pedagogical farm, alternative home schooling premises, association of cooperative headquarters, communitary sustainable project... and so much more.
E tudo isto a uns meros 7 quilómetros da lindissima cidade de Tomar e os mesmos sete quilómetros no sentido oposto, até à Barragem do Castelo de Bode.
And all of this just 7 kilometres away from the beautiful town of Tomar and the same seven kilometres the opposite way, to Castelo de Bode dam.
And all of this just 7 kilometres away from the beautiful town of Tomar and the same seven kilometres the opposite way, to Castelo de Bode dam.
Aqui ficam algumas fotos...
Here are some photos...
Here are some photos...
A Barragem de Castelo de Bode - a que chamamos de praia por estas bandas :)
The Castelo de Bode Dam, which we call beach around here :)
A lindissima cidade Templária de Tomar
The very beautiful Templar town of Tomar